[感谢sheepmiemie, award &cjhong111]英文文献5篇(有偿)
9 个回复 - 1938 次查看 1、Leong, G.K., Snyder, D.L. and Ward, P.T. 1990. Research in the process and content of manufacturing strategy. Omega, 18(2): 109-122. 2、Ward, P.T., Leong, G.K. and Snyder, D.L., “Manufacturing Str ...2008-10-16 15:36 - penguin0606 - 求助成功区
19 个回复 - 4827 次查看 1.题名: Transformational Supervision: When Supervisors Mentor作者: W. Brad Johnson期刊:Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Volume 38, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 259-267 2.题名:A Qua ...2008-9-6 21:40 - zlibinct - 求助成功区
7 个回复 - 1306 次查看 1 文献名:Production, Consumption, and Externalities 作者:Robert U. Ayres and Allen V. Kneese 期刊:Am. Econ.Rev., 59: 282-97. 卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.jstor.org/pss/1808958 &nbs ...2008-9-9 09:43 - 0310040004 - 求助成功区
6 个回复 - 1693 次查看 大家好,小妹正在做关于期望寿命的影响因素的课题,在google中搜到篇极好的文献,但学校的数据库中没有经济学期刊,这两篇文献无法得到全文,希望哪位可以帮助。作者Kabir, Mahfuz  论文标题"DETERMINANTS OF L ...2008-11-7 14:28 - yaya3991 - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1551 次查看 1文献名: the transfer problem and transport costs, II: Analysis of effects of trade impediments, 作者: Samuelson,P.A,期刊: Economic Journal,1954,64:264-289.电子链接:2文献名: Spatial Price Equilib ...2008-11-17 20:20 - puertea - 求助成功区
2 个回复 - 1382 次查看 题目:Bootstrapping the data envelopment analysis Malmquist productivity index 期刊:http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713684000~db=all" target="_top">Applied Economics 作者:Mickael L ...2008-10-16 15:22 - lswgdhy - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1417 次查看 1 Garry Gelade. Work Climate and Organizational Effectiveness: The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Organizational Research. Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 6, No. 4, 482-501 (2003) ...2008-9-24 00:51 - buqiusheng - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1430 次查看 <p>第一篇<br/>题目:Value Versus Growth : The International Evidence<br/>作者:Fama , E. and K. French<br/>期刊:1998,Journal of Finance 53 ,1975.</p><p>第二篇<br/>题目:Re ...2008-11-15 12:14 - rayzhangfy - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1244 次查看 <p>急求一篇文献:</p><p>Luukkonen, R., P. Saikkonen, and T. Terasvirta(1988),</p><p>Testing linearity against smooth transition autoregressive models , Biometrika, 75, 491-499. ...2008-11-3 17:12 - xshmyt - 文献求助专区
[感谢Sheepmiemie, bingobingo]英文文献5篇
6 个回复 - 1479 次查看 Sheepmiemie, bingobingo1 文献名:Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation 作者:Wesley Cohen and Daniel Levinthal 期刊:Administrative Science Quarterly 卷号及页码:Vol. 35, N ...2008-9-2 10:58 - sadr - 文献求助专区
10 个回复 - 4072 次查看  人力资本水平再估算:1995--2005 钱雪亚 王秋实 刘辉出处:《统计研究》2008 25 (12): 3-10    http://tjyj.stats.gov.cn/qikan/Cpaper/zhaiyao.asp?bsid=15691感谢sheepmiemie,我以为这 ...2009-1-13 03:29 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
4 个回复 - 1337 次查看 The business cycle with nominal contracts 期刊Economic Theory出版社Springer Berlin / HeidelbergISSN0938-2259 (Print) 1432-0479 (Online)期Volume 6, Number 1 / 1995年2月文章类型SymposiumDOI10.1007/BF012 ...2008-12-4 19:14 - 猪人 - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1363 次查看 【篇    号】1【题    名】Modelling Scale-Consistent VaR with the Truncated Levy Flight 【作    者】Thorsten Lehnert ,Christian C. P. Wolff 【全文链接】http://papers.ssrn ...2008-8-5 16:32 - ruiborui - 文献求助专区
7 个回复 - 1490 次查看 摩托罗拉手机在中国的市场营销战略研究   许洪明  北京交通大学  2008-05-27  硕士 韩国在华企业的跨文化管理研究——韩国三星公司案例分析   李昇妍  对外经济贸易大 ...2008-10-27 21:55 - pinggu1820 - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 1294 次查看 篇名:浙江省中小企业融资渠道研究 作者:钟幼茶期刊全称或缩写:工业技术经济年份,卷(期),起止页码: 2008年27卷第7期电子链接:http://www.cqvip.com/qk/93623X/200807/28447397.html篇名:解决中小企业融 ...2009-2-1 10:22 - elsa1986 - 文献求助专区
9 个回复 - 1551 次查看 1文献名:Can Downstream Waste Disposal Policies Encourage Upstream “Design for Environment”? 作者:Paul Calcott and Margaret Walls 期刊:American Economic Review 卷号及页码:2000电子链接:http://www ...2008-9-10 10:18 - tjfentone - 文献求助专区
8 个回复 - 1372 次查看  1文献名: he Effect of Health Risk on Housing Values: Evidence from a Cancer Cluster 作者:Davis, Lucas, “T期刊:,” American Economics Review, XCIV (Dec. 2004), 1693-1704.卷号及页码: 电子链接 ...2008-10-31 10:01 - tjtyw - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1653 次查看 书名:Multinational firms in the world economy作者:Giorgio Barbara Navaretti, Anthony J Venables出版社:Princeton University Press (October 2004) [此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-13 11:34:18编辑过]2008-9-13 11:11 - yyc0714 - 文献求助专区
7 个回复 - 1920 次查看 第一篇题目:Liquidity and Market Structure作者:Grossman, S., Miller, M.期刊:1988,Journal of Finance 43,617-633.第二篇题目:Common factors in prices, order flows and liquidity作者:Hasbrouck, J., Se ...2008-9-9 15:50 - rayzhangfy - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 2128 次查看 1、Bailey  A.D.,A.A.Granmling, S.Ramamoorti  Research Opportunities in Internal Auditing Altamonte Springs, FL:THE  IIA Research Foundation 2003 2、Hermanson,D.R. and L.E.Rittenbe ...2008-9-2 18:02 - wang110 - 文献求助专区
[感谢]sheepmiemie, congbaobao
7 个回复 - 1786 次查看 篇名:On the term structure of interest rates作者:Dothan杂志:Journal of financial economics 6,1978, 59-69链接:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VBX-45KNKS237/2/eba536d89cc15ad632632f417b6b ...2008-11-26 15:22 - 垃圾树 - 文献求助专区
[感谢sheepmiemie] 求Contemporary Accounting Research英文审计文献一篇
5 个回复 - 2929 次查看 1、标题:The joint effect of investor protection and big 4 audits on earnings quality around the world作者:Jere R. Francis and Dechun Wang期刊:Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol. 25 (1), 2008 Spr ...2008-8-29 21:11 - liuaisong2005 - 文献求助专区
[感谢]sheepmiemie 应助3篇 英文文献4篇
4 个回复 - 1469 次查看 标题1:The Restoration of Pure Monopoly and the Concept of the Industry作 者:Mancur Olson, Jr. and David McFarland期 刊:Quarterly Journal of Economics, LⅩⅩⅥ(Novermber 1962) 613-631链 接:http://w ...2008-10-16 16:26 - bettapisces - 文献求助专区
[感谢 sheepmiemie 和 rayzhangfy ]帮助找到英文文献4篇
5 个回复 - 1466 次查看 1.A Competency-Based Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Toward a Conceptual Integration  作者:Augustine A. Lado ,Nancy G. Boyd ,Peter Wright  期刊:Journal of Managemen ...2008-12-15 12:00 - nelly12 - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 1510 次查看 文献名:Endogenous Growth and Natural Resource Scarcity 作者:Edward B. Barbier1 期刊:Environmental and Resource Economics卷号及页码:Volume 14, Number 1 / 1999年7月电子链接: http://w ...2008-9-4 13:07 - fentone - 文献求助专区
10 个回复 - 2490 次查看 1文献名:Optimal harvesting of stochastic spatial resources 作者:Christopher Costelloa, , and Stephen Polaskyb 期刊:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 卷号及页码:Volume 56, Issue 1, ...2008-9-16 09:26 - quyushi - 文献求助专区
[感谢Sheepmiemie, zylion86]英文文献4篇
5 个回复 - 1387 次查看 1文献名:The Property Right Paradigm, by Armen A. Alchian and Harold Demsetz作者: 期刊: 卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.jstor.org/pss/21171382文献名:Property Rights, Incentives, and Economic Deve ...2008-10-17 23:11 - hanjia - 文献求助专区
[感谢zylion86, sheepmiemie]英文文献6篇
5 个回复 - 1872 次查看 1文献名: History Versus Expectations 作者: by Paul Krugman期刊: 卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.jstor.org/pss/29379502文献名: A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distributi ...2008-10-17 22:44 - fentone - 文献求助专区
6 个回复 - 2500 次查看 1、Optimal Tariffs on Exhaustible Resources Karp, Larry S., and David M. Newbery Journal of International Economics, 1991 30: 285-299.   2、The "Dutch" disease in a developing country: oil r ...2008-8-11 23:55 - philipss - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 3214 次查看 ie1文献名:On Convexity, Efficiency, and Markets 作者:Francis M. Bator 期刊: 电子链接:http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/2585402文献名:On Convexity, Efficiency, and Markets: A Reply ...2008-11-19 05:11 - hanjia - 文献求助专区
9 个回复 - 1873 次查看  下列文献都是ScienceDirect数据库中,所以没提供链接。1、题名:Mentors' Perceptions of Negative Mentoring Experiences: Scale Development and Nomological Validation作者:Lillian T. Eby, Jaime R. Dur ...2008-8-30 20:30 - 苍冥之鹰 - 文献求助专区
7 个回复 - 1229 次查看 1、丁华军   上海市房地产业投机分析  华东经济管理  2007年第2期2、王三兴   房地产市场中两种需求的经济效应分析  云南财经大学学报 2007年第1期3、李明松、王勇 我国房地产市 ...2009-5-23 05:39 - zhiwei0501 - 文献求助专区
10 个回复 - 2369 次查看 第一篇Title:An operational measure of liquidityAuthor:Lippman, S.A., McCall, J.JFrom: American Economic Review 76, 43–55,1986第二篇Title:Measuring treasury market liquidityAuthor:LFleming, M.JFro ...2008-8-26 11:51 - rayzhangfy - 文献求助专区
11 个回复 - 2513 次查看 第一篇:Title:Illiquidity and stock returns : cross2section and time series effectsAuther:Amihud Y.From:Journal of Financial Markets , 2002 ,5 : 31-56.第二篇:Title:Liquidity and market structureAuthe ...2008-8-30 10:56 - rayzhangfy - 文献求助专区
0 个回复 - 1091 次查看 非常感谢sheepmemie的帮助2009-2-27 07:22 - yao4172_cn - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1050 次查看 标题:[感谢]十分感谢sheepmiemie的帮助题名:Simulation program for estimating statistical power of Cox's proportional hazards model assuming no specific distribution for the survival time 作者:Kouhei ...2009-2-25 19:02 - errorerror00 - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1141 次查看 作者:Stephen P. Ferris and Kwangwoo Park 文献名:Foreign Ownership and Firm Value in Japan出处:Advances in Financial Economics, Volume 11, 2005, 29:1-29望各位大侠慷慨出手! [此贴子已经被作者于2009- ...2009-2-25 19:30 - rayzhangfy - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1251 次查看 1文献名:Distribution of environmental costs and benefits, additional distortions, and the Porter hypothesis 作者:Robert D. Mohr and Shrawantee Saha 期刊:Land Economics, 84(4): 689-700, November 200 ...2009-2-25 11:07 - xuanguoliang - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 882 次查看 题目:IT 领域舞弊的特点——基于中国审计实践的初步研究作者:董大胜 期刊:中国审计 >> 2006年12期 >> 链接:http://www.cqvip.com/QK/97314X/2006012/22151114.html [此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-22 ...2009-2-21 16:32 - bbsflyingsnow - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1042 次查看 标题:非公有制经济兼并重组国有企业过程中的若干法律问题及对策作者:王建国出处:经济师链接:http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/detail.aspx?filename=JJSS200501044&dbname=CJFQ2005 [此贴子已经被作者于2009-2- ...2009-2-19 19:10 - celeryqinmzh - 文献求助专区
[感谢sheepmiemie的帮助] 《经济学动态》上1篇文献
1 个回复 - 1120 次查看 求助:作者:汪忠、孙耀吾、龚红题目:机构投资者参与公司治理研究综述期刊:《经济学动态》,2005年第10期,109-114。谢谢各位大虾! [此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-20 9:14:54编辑过]2009-2-19 13:41 - shihua9872 - 文献求助专区
8 个回复 - 1527 次查看 1   论文名: System dynamics as a structural theory in operations management 作者: Grossler, A; Thun, JH; Milling, PM期刊:Production and Operations Management卷期:卷: 17期: 3 页: 373-384&nb ...2009-2-15 18:49 - wudengsheng - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 978 次查看 标题:论现代集团企业内的产权规制作者:芮明杰出处:复旦学报电子链接:http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/detail.aspx?filename=FDDX503.010&dbname=CJFQ1995 [此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-17 9:21:55编辑过]2009-2-16 19:04 - celeryqinmzh - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1343 次查看 题目:Spreading the Word: Investigating Antecedents of Consumers’ Positive Word-of-Mouth Intentions and Behaviors in a Retailing Context 作者:Tom J. Brown  ,Thomas E. Barry  ,  ...2008-11-11 22:54 - yxw888 - 文献求助专区
9 个回复 - 1672 次查看 文献名:Development of the Executive Personal Finance Scale 作者: Spinella,M ; Yang,B; Lester,D期刊: International Journal of Neuroscience,2007(11)帮帮忙,我实在找不到了,谢谢.(如果可以的话,连带中 ...2009-2-10 15:50 - kkmyyx - 文献求助专区
[感谢sheepmiemie教授]Optimum product variety in urban areas(100)
2 个回复 - 1740 次查看 作者:Hobson, P., 标题:Optimum product variety in urban areas, 期刊:Journal of Urban Economics 年卷、页:1987, 22,190-197链接:http://econpapers.repec.org/article/eeejuecon/v_3A22_3Ay_3A1987_3Ai_3A2 ...2009-2-9 13:30 - 耕耘使者 - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 1458 次查看 Stealth trading and volatility : Which trades move prices? Michael J. Barclay* and Jerold B. WarnerUniversity of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USAJournal of Financial EconomicsVolume 34, Issue 3, De ...2009-2-9 09:43 - shawfee - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1475 次查看 文献名:Optimal Coordination Mechanisms in Generalized Principal-Agent Problems作者:Roger B. Myerson期刊:Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1982, 10(1): 67-81链接:http://www.sciencedirect.com/scien ...2009-2-8 01:04 - xzguan - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1677 次查看 题目:The World City Hypothesis 作者:Friedman , J.期刊:Development and change, 1986,17(1)。请设置为购买贴,谢谢! [此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-6 19:48:14编辑过]2009-2-6 14:49 - cloundsky - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 1610 次查看 题目:On Zhongyong Rationality: The Confucian Doctrine of the Mean as a Missing Link between Instrumental Rationality and Communicative Rationality期刊:Asian Journal of Social Science作者:Tak-Sing C ...2009-2-4 19:57 - lswgdhy - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1530 次查看 题目:Financial development and dynamic investment behavior: Evidence from panel VAR作者:Inessa Love  and Lea Zicchino期刊:The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,Volume 46, Issue 2, May ...2009-2-4 15:48 - cquyangjun - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1401 次查看 1.标题:信息不对称与政府规制经济   文献出处:经济管理 2005年第3期作者:邱爽 电子链接:http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/detail.aspx?filename=JJGL200503003&dbname=CJFD2005 2.标题:信息 ...2009-1-31 13:31 - celeryqinmzh - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 2168 次查看 题号:1题目: Structural change and sustainable development期刊: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2007, vol. 53, issue 3, pages 307-322作者: Ramon Lopez链接:http://www.sciencedirect.c ...2009-1-31 11:39 - fentone - 文献求助专区
感谢 sheepmiemie 一英文文献 谢谢
2 个回复 - 1561 次查看 作者 :Alexandra Guerreroa, 1, and Leonard A. Smitha, b, , 题目: A maximum likelihood estimator for long-range persistence出处:Volume 355, Issues 2-4, 15 September 2005,Pages 619-632出处: [此贴子 ...2009-1-31 00:10 - weilinhy - 文献求助专区
[感谢]英文文献5篇 感谢sheepmiemie对我的帮助
6 个回复 - 1690 次查看 1题目Examing the human resource architecture: The relationships among human capital ,employment, and human     resource configurations.   期刊Journal of Management, ...2009-1-30 09:32 - vencent81 - 文献求助专区
8 个回复 - 1760 次查看 题号:1题目:Religion and Entrepreneurship期刊:Jena Economic Research Papers作者:Audretsch, David B.  Boente, Werner 年月:Di, 30. Okt. 2007链接:http://zs.thulb.uni-jena.de/receive/jportal_jparti ...2009-1-29 20:13 - lswgdhy - 文献求助专区
『感谢 sheepmiemie』 英文文献一篇
2 个回复 - 1402 次查看 英文文献1篇 文献名:Residents' Perceptions towards the Impacts of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games 作者:(Joe) Yong Zhou, and John Ap 期刊:Journal of Travel Research, OnlineFirst version 电子链接: ...2009-1-28 18:03 - niike - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 1610 次查看 题目:The rationality-of-ends/market-structure grid: positioning and contrasting different approaches to business ethics期刊:Business Ethics: A European Review作者:Sigmund   Wagner-Ts ...2009-1-27 10:03 - lswgdhy - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1827 次查看 真的谢谢sheepmiemie哦^^ 很惭愧,是在写论文的时候搜索到这里来的,现在发现这里,以后一定经常来。最近在写毕业论文阿股利政策方面的,学校的外文数据很少的,而且现在也回家了T...T 拜托大家帮忙了阿1文献名:Div ...2009-1-24 21:04 - 暖暖呢 - 文献求助专区
谢谢sheepmiemie 祝大家新年好 ask for a English paper
1 个回复 - 3293 次查看 title: Long-memory volatility in derivative hedging This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreemen ...2009-1-23 23:19 - weilinhy - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1387 次查看 需要两篇文献在ELSEVER里有但没有账号,前一篇上次下了但是看不清楚,想找一篇清楚的,请大伙帮忙,谢谢1题目:A theory of anticipated utility  作者:John Quiggin刊物:Journal of Economic Behavior & O ...2009-1-22 11:37 - ljf2007 - 文献求助专区
6 个回复 - 1513 次查看 不在学校上不去数据库了,求一下文献。谢谢1         Spatial Transformation of Chinese Manufacturing Industries in the era of Globalization He, Canfei an ...2009-1-19 13:55 - pok85323 - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1315 次查看 写毕业论文需要,请大家帮忙找找这两篇文章,我们这里资源实在有限,谢谢1、题目:large-time behavior of solutions to hyperbolic-parabolic systems of conservation laws and applications   &nb ...2009-1-18 21:18 - ljf2007 - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 2418 次查看 1文献名:Cooperative bargaining foundations of the Shapley–Shubik index 作者:Annick Laruellea, and Federico Valencianob 期刊:Games and Economic Behavior,Volume 65, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 242 ...2009-1-19 10:18 - fentone - 文献求助专区
求英文教材一本已经应助 感谢sheepmiemie
4 个回复 - 2149 次查看 author:Strauss, Walter, title: Partial Differential Equations: an introduction, John Wiley & Sons, 1992 or 2007  [此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-18 13:26:54编辑过]2009-1-17 04:30 - weilinhy - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1465 次查看 1文献名: “Recycling and Market Power: A More General Model and Re-evaluation of the Evidence,”作者: Grant,D.,期刊:International Journal of Industrial Organization 17 (1999):59–80.电子链接: http:/ ...2009-1-16 22:17 - zhanghao025 - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1175 次查看 1.题目:Principles of analytic monitoring for continuous assurance作者:Vasarhelyi MA, Alles MA, Kogan A. . 期刊和日期:J Emerg Technol Account 2004;1 (1):1–21.链接:http://www.atypon-link.com/AAA/do ...2009-1-14 10:15 - bbsflyingsnow - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 924 次查看 文献名: “On a Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth: Comments and a Generalization.” 作者:Inada, Ken-Ichi (1963) 期刊:Review of Economic Studies, 30, pp. 119-127.    电子链接找不到,请 ...2009-1-13 09:49 - zengbing - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1256 次查看 共1篇标题:Foreign direct investment, public expenditure and economic growth: the empirical evidence for the period 1970-2001作者:Le, Manh Vu, Suruga, Terukazu出处:Applied Economics Letters期次:200 ...2009-1-13 01:54 - sealcwx111 - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1599 次查看 求助英语文献4篇,望好心人帮助:作者:Schappe, S. P. . 文献名称:The influence of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and fairness perceptions on organizational citizenship behavior. 期刊:The ...2009-1-12 21:13 - guanshiping - 文献求助专区
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2 个回复 - 1368 次查看 感谢Master Wu Gui, sheepmiemie…… [此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-1 20:00:47编辑过]2009-1-1 17:08 - kkwei - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1205 次查看 题目:Time-Varying Liquidity Risk and the Cross Section of Stock Returns作者:Akiko Watanabe . Masahiro Watanabe期刊:2008,The Review of Financial Studies 21, 2449-2486 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-29 ...2008-12-29 21:39 - rayzhangfy - 文献求助专区
15 个回复 - 2815 次查看 1.文献名: Real and ideal water rights: The prospects for water-rights reform in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank作者: Peter Berck, Jonathan Lipow期刊: Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 16, Issue ...2008-12-28 15:26 - mjfle - 文献求助专区
[求助] 感谢:sheepmiemie的应助!!求助中、英文文献四篇 谢谢!
8 个回复 - 1324 次查看 1、Return autocorrelation and institutional investors作者:Sias, Richard W. Starks, Laura T 杂志:Journal of Financial Economics, 1997 Vol. 46 pp.103-31.链接:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti ...2008-12-27 21:25 - zhutx - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1960 次查看 1题名:Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain at different levels of analysis: a typology of composition models作者:Chan  D期刊:Journal of Applied Psychology, 1998, 83 ...2008-12-25 16:48 - buqiusheng - 文献求助专区
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1 个回复 - 1244 次查看 题目:Reengineering effectiveness and the redesign of organizational control: a case study of the Inland 作者:SK Sia, BS Neo期刊:- Journal of Management Information Systems, 1997链接:http://portal. ...2008-12-27 10:47 - bbsflyingsnow - 文献求助专区
2 个回复 - 1928 次查看 祝各位新老朋友平安快乐,如意年年!2008-12-24 21:22 - nelly12 - 文献求助专区
8 个回复 - 1339 次查看 【篇    号】1【题    名】Funding and research performance 【作    者】H. F. Moed1, M. Luwel2, J. A. Houben3 & E. Spruyt4【期刊名全称】Nature【年, 卷(期), ...2008-12-25 15:59 - yuehongjiang - 求助成功区