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Python Testing with Pytest (Brian Okken)
2 个回复 - 328 次查看 Python Testing with Pytest (Brian Okken) 下载如附档2024-5-8 02:17 - shihinvader - python论坛
Selenium3+Pytest+Allure 全流程实战自动化测试
0 个回复 - 293 次查看 参考资料:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lKtXih4fZsTe__BUA3wwnw 提取码: x8mw Allure介绍 Allure是一款测试报告框架,不仅报告美观,而且方便CI集成。 allure是一款开源的,专门用来展示测试结果的一个工具,al ...2023-7-14 13:16 - kaixin202212 - Scala及其他JVM语言
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Selenium3+Pytest+Allure落地Python Web自动化测试
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Selenium3+Pytest+Allure 全流程实战自动化测试
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Selenium3+Pytest+Allure 全流程实战自动化测试
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Python Testing with pytest (PDF)
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Python Testing with pytest: Simple, Rapid, Effective, and Scalable
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pytest Quick Start Guide, September 2018
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[2018年新书] pytest快速入门指南(2018年10月1日版)
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pytest Documentation Release 3.0.1
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pytest documentation2.7.3
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