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Handbook of Metaheuristics Third Edition
2 个回复 - 858 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Gendreau 【文题(必填)】 Handbook of Metaheuristics Third Edition 【年份(必填)】 2019 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.springer.com/us/book/97833199108572019-1-8 09:04 - peterxu1969 - 求助成功区
An Introduction to Metaheuristics for Optimization
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英文书籍 Adults in the Room: My Battle with Europe's Deep Establishment
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投稿European Journal of Marketing 的经历
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Europe EU,nes中的nes是啥意思?这是指的欧盟吗?
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European Journal of Operational Research审稿与发表时间
8 个回复 - 4104 次查看 供应链管理方面的论文 2020.5.12 投稿到EJOR,2020.8.3 收到审稿意见, 大修。3个审稿人的意见,都很专业。其中一个意见非常positive,一个比较中性提了一些较为常规的问题,一个比较尖锐,觉得model有错误。 2020. ...2021-5-18 12:33 - frankliuuk - 学术道德监督
Euromonitor欧睿 Passport数据库查询 / 报告下载
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Euromonitor欧睿Passport数据库查询 / 报告下载/市场报告
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European Journal of Operational Research投稿经验分享
13 个回复 - 18010 次查看 European Journal of Operational Research是SCI的Q1区,中科院JCR二区Top期刊。 本人2017年11月投稿;2018年4月第一次返修,10月修回;2019年1月第二次返修,2月修回;3月录用。 历时1年4个月,EJOR要求较高, ...2019-3-5 19:31 - shzhy86 - 学术道德监督
启发式优化算法理论与应用Heuristic Optimization Algorithm Theory Application
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The European Business Review - November December 2022
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AP European History,欧洲历史考试描述,欧洲历史简答题及答案
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European Journal of Marketing一审awaiting decision两个月无果
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有投过European Management Journal的小伙伴吗?投过去25天了还没消息是不是没戏了?
5 个回复 - 602 次查看 网上查的说是European Management Journal这个期刊审稿四周录用,我的投过去25天还没消息正常吗?不知道是不是没戏了呢?麻烦了解情况的小伙伴解答下疑惑,万分感谢谢2022-10-9 14:27 - 豌豆zmf - Forum
[Matlab-Based Book]Computer Neural Networks on MATLAB
7 个回复 - 820 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2018-7-21 02:01 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
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Entrepreneurial Finance 6th Edition Chris Leach 习题解答
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The Moral Conflict of Law and Neuroscience (2018)
3 个回复 - 298 次查看 Author(s): Peter A AlcesPublisher: University of Chicago Press, Year: 2018ISBN: 9780226513362 Description: Law relies on a conception of human agency, the idea that humans are capable of mak ...2018-11-30 07:43 - kukenghuqian - 经管书评
Neural Networks in Unity C# Programming for Windows 10
11 个回复 - 627 次查看 Apress (September 3, 2018) | ISBN: 1484236726 | 158 pages | PDF Learn the core concepts of neural networks and discover the different types of neural network, using Unity as your platform. In t ...2018-7-16 11:07 - igs816 - 经管书评
Measuring entrepreneurial self-efficacy
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Principles of marketing 8th European edition
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Recettes de vendangeurs (ROUERGUE LITTER)
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2022年Mckesson Europe企业数据分析
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求Introduction to State Space Time Series Analysis , by J.J.F. Commandeur and S.
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The WealthTech Book: The FinTech Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and F
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美赛数学建模 启发式算法.课件 程序Heuristic Algorithm:课件+代码TSP(GA),TSP(SA)
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求Introduction to State Space Time Series Analysis , by J.J.F. Commandeur and S.
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Entrepreneurship and the initial size of firms
1 个回复 - 573 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Author links open overlay panelArnold C.Cooper[/backcolor] [/backcolor]Carolyn Y.Woo[/backcolor]William C.Dunkelberg[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Entrepreneurship and the initial size of ...2022-11-16 15:10 - chenxiaoliang22 - 文献求助专区
英美主流大学硕士教材 Financial_Market_and_Corporate_Strategy_European_Version
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0 个回复 - 627 次查看 距离9月22日美联储利率决议已经过去一个多月时间,下一次利率决议时间在11月3日(北京时间凌晨2:00)。美元指数上涨的根本动力来自于美联储加息,在11月份没有决议的空档期,市场的买入热情显著衰退。9月份美元指数最 ...2022-10-26 17:40 - ATFX_外汇资讯 - 投资人(实务版)
Learn Keras for Deep Neural Networks
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The entrepreneur's book of checklists
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Graphical models Foundations of Neural Computation-Jordan, Sejnowski-2001
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Entrepreneur’s Startups – Fall/Winter 2022 企业家创业
5 个回复 - 752 次查看 下不下载,无所谓,喜欢的话。随手点个赞。 Entrepreneur magazine is an excellent source of information for entrepreneurs and business owners. It offers advice from leading experts on the latest tre ...2022-10-30 09:08 - gaowq - 行业分析报告
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FORTUNE-Europe-Oct---Nov-2022财富杂志 欧版
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Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide
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Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide
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Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook
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Neural Network Modeling and Identification of Dynamical Systems
3 个回复 - 337 次查看 Academic Press | 2019 | ISBN 978-0-12-815254-6 | 324 pages | PDF2019-6-24 23:27 - igs816 - 经管书评
试发:The European Business Review - September/October 2022
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Deep Neural Networks for Multicomponent Molecular Systems
4 个回复 - 302 次查看 【作者(必填)】Kyohei Hanaoka* 【文题(必填)】Deep Neural Networks for Multicomponent Molecular Systems 【年份(必填)】ACS Omega 2020, 5, 33, 21042–21053 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://p ...2022-10-24 23:38 - bbslover - 求助成功区
Essentials Of Management - a global and Entrepreneurial perspective, 13rd
4 个回复 - 533 次查看 经济科学出版社 英文影印版2018-10-20 00:28 - victorbian - 经管书评
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Why Is Europe More Equal than the United States?
3 个回复 - 325 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Thomas Blanchet [*]Lucas Chancel [*]Amory Gethin [*]【文题(必填)】 [*]Why Is Europe More Equal than the United States? 【年份(必填)】2022 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 h ...2022-10-17 08:34 - kukenghuqian - 求助成功区
China, a model for Europe
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Portfolio Entrepreneurs’ Behavior and Performance: A Resource Redeployment
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0 个回复 - 707 次查看 汇率是两国物价和货币政策的反映。随着美国CPI逐渐失控,美联储开启激进加息政策,美元指数强势崛起,今日最高触及110关口,迈上了一个新台阶。与此同时,以欧元为代表的非美货币正经历大贬值。EURUSD汇率最新值0.99 ...2022-9-5 17:45 - ATFX_外汇资讯 - 投资人(实务版)
Principles of Marketing European Edition, 7th Edition
27 个回复 - 1454 次查看 English | 2017 | ISBN: 1292092890 | 700 Pages | PDF The goal of every marketer is to create more value for customers. The authors of this new European Edition have aimed to create more value for ...2018-6-30 23:09 - igs816 - 经管书评
Why Is Europe More Equal than the United States?
8 个回复 - 569 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Thomas Blanchet [*]Lucas Chancel [*]Amory Gethin 【文题(必填)】 Why Is Europe More Equal than the United States?【年份(必填)】 [*]AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: APPLIED ECONO ...2022-9-30 15:07 - hartliu - 求助成功区
【2018新书】Crisis in the European Monetary Union: A Core-Periphery Perspective
25 个回复 - 4927 次查看 Crisis in the European Monetary Union: A Core-Periphery Perspective by Giuseppe Celi (Author), Andrea Ginzburg (Author), Dario Guarascio (Author), Annamaria Simonazzi (Author) About the Author Gi ...2019-2-7 13:14 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
企业家精神、地理和美国经济增长:Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Econom
6 个回复 - 1455 次查看 英文著作:Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth,即《企业家精神、地理和美国经济增长》,对于研究企业家精神与经济增长的童鞋有很好的参考价值哦。高清,带目录,可复制。2019-8-12 16:13 - zhengbieguang - 宏观经济学
Financing new entrepreneurship Credit or microcredit
2 个回复 - 2823 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Financing new entrepreneurship: Credit or microcredit? 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.sciencedirect.com/sc ... i/S01651765220020142022-9-23 15:32 - 日新少年 - 求助成功区
EURIBOR:隔夜EURIBOR:1周EURIBOR:2周 1个月 2个月 3个月 6个月12个月更新到2022-9-15
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Insurance companies in Mozambique: a two-stage DEA and neural networks on effici
1 个回复 - 268 次查看 【作者(必填)】Carlos Pestana Barros &Peter Wanke 【文题(必填)】Insurance companies in Mozambique: a two-stage DEA and neural networks on efficiency and capacity slacks 【年份(必填)】Applied Ec ...2022-9-15 11:35 - wlou64 - 求助成功区
Multi-task convolutional neural networks for predicting in vitro clearance endpo
3 个回复 - 302 次查看 【作者(必填)】Andrés Martínez Mora[/backcolor], Vigneshwari Subramanian[/backcolor] & Filip Miljković[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Multi-task convolutional neural networks for predicting in vitro ...2022-9-15 01:52 - bbslover - 求助成功区
0 个回复 - 573 次查看 ​今年7月份,EURUSD汇率20年来首次跌破1.0000平价线,最低触及0.9952 。本月,EURUSD汇率再次跌破平价线,最低触及0.9902,超出第一次突破50标准点。 一年之内,EURUSD两次击穿平价线,意味着市场正押注欧元区 ...2022-8-24 17:25 - ATFX_外汇资讯 - 投资人(实务版)
Portuguese foreign policy toward Turkish accession to the European Union
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Compradorial entrepreneurship in British Colonial Hong Kong: Ho Tung and the ban
3 个回复 - 430 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Lee P T. 【文题(必填)】 Compradorial entrepreneurship in British Colonial Hong Kong: Ho Tung and the bankruptcy case of Ho Sai Leung in 1934[C]//International Conference on Entrepre ...2022-8-11 15:41 - 拂去尘缘 - 求助成功区
【2021新书】Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling w/
17 个回复 - 4720 次查看 Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling with Applications in Finance by Tom Rutkowski (Author) About this Book The book proposes techniques, with an emphasis on the fin ...2021-8-7 17:57 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
European Agri-environmental Policy: Evolution, Effectiveness, and Challenges
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A compact unified methodology via a recurrent neural network
1 个回复 - 333 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 A compact unified methodology via a recurrent neural network for accurate modeling of lithium-ion battery voltage and state-of-charge 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数 ...2022-7-25 11:32 - ticket1988 - 求助成功区
0 个回复 - 841 次查看 周四20:15,欧央行公布利率决议结果,涉及存款便利利率和边际贷款利率的调整,预期两者各提高25基点,分别达到-0.25%和0.5%。半小时后的20:45,欧洲央行行长拉加德召开货币政策新闻发布会,关注焦点在于其对下半年宏 ...2022-7-20 16:59 - ATFX_外汇资讯 - 投资人(实务版)
Nurturing entrepreneurs How do technology transfer
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Entrepreneurship in Singapore
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The Happy Few: The internationalisation of European firms
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A Neural Network Based Method for Thermal Fault Detection
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