最新电子书—数据科学Doing DataScience: Straight Talk from the Frontline 8 个回复 - 5594 次查看
书籍简介Now that people are aware that data can make the difference in an election or a business model, data science as an occupation is gaining ground. But how can you get started working in a wide-r ...2014-7-27 21:50 - fjac9713 - 数据分析与数据挖掘
Doing DataScience Straight Talk From The Frontline 2014 1 个回复 - 1459 次查看
1.Doing DataScience Straight Talk From The Frontline 2014
Data science is an emerging field inindustry, and as yet, it is not welldefined as an academic subject. This book ...2017-3-29 08:56 - GarlicBoy - 数据可视化
Doing DataScience: A Kaggle Walkthrough – Cleaning Data 7 个回复 - 2520 次查看
Gaininsight into the process of cleaning data for a specific Kaggle competition, including a step by step overview.By Brett Romero, Open Data Kosovo.This article on cleaning data is Part III in a ser ...2016-7-3 07:49 - oliyiyi - LATEX论坛