小白请教AMOS问题:Themodelisprobablyunidentified. 10 个回复 - 17485 次查看
Result (Default model)
Themodelisprobablyunidentified. In order to achieve identifiability, it will probably be necessary to impose 1 additional constraint.
总是提示出现这个,实在不知道怎么解决 ...2015-5-25 09:03 - moeloli - LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件
新手请教Amos问题,一直提示Themodelisprobablyunidentified 8 个回复 - 3207 次查看
模型中我路径系数已经固定为1,内生潜变量都已经设置了误差项,为什么我模型一直显示不出结果,Interation为1。在Notes for Model一栏提示:Themodelisprobablyunidentified. In order to achieve identifiabili ...2019-3-22 21:09 - Miroklose11 - 灌水吧
AMOS问题:Themodelisprobablyunidentified. 1 个回复 - 1238 次查看
Notes for Model (Default model)
Computation of degrees of freedom (Default model)
Result (Default model)
Themodelisprobablyunidentified. In order to achieve identifiability, it will probably ...2020-4-7 19:39 - CJcheong1 - LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件
AMOS分析总是出现“Themodelisprobablyunidentified” 4 个回复 - 5201 次查看
Notes for Model (Default model)
Computation of degrees of freedom (Default model)
Result (Default model)
Themodelisprobablyunidentified. In order to achieve identifiability, it will probabl ...2017-12-28 14:52 - yzwicky - LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件
amos一直Themodelisprobablyunidentified 19 个回复 - 22823 次查看
Result (Default model)
Minimum was achieved
Themodelisprobablyunidentified. In order to achieve identifiability, it will pr ...2013-3-23 16:04 - sfy87 - LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件