A summated score for the medication appropriateness index: development and asses
1 个回复 - 371 次查看 【作者(必填)】Gregory P.Samsa,Joseph T.Hanlon,Kenneth E.Schmader,Morris Weinberger,et al. 【文题(必填)】A summated score for the medication appropriateness index: development and assessment of cl ...2020-10-12 12:28 - ihc7788c - 求助成功区
用psmatch2做propensity score match为什么不能成功匹配
0 个回复 - 1996 次查看 现在想根据TotalMktCap TradeVolume PB Turnover Leverage 这五个指标来匹配treated和untreated的股票,用psmatch2来做PSM gen tmp = runiform() sort tmp (以上两步对所有观测值进行随机排序) psmatch2 psmatch ...2016-12-28 12:53 - 燕脂泪迸红线条6 - Stata专版
A Smoothed Maximum Score Estimatorfor the Binary Choice Pane
1 个回复 - 679 次查看 【作者(必填)】E. Charlier, B. Melenberg andA. H. O. van Soest 【文题(必填)】A Smoothed Maximum Score Estimatorfor the Binary Choice Panel Data Model with an Application to Labor Force Participati ...2014-10-24 22:14 - magicsun - 求助成功区
the maximum score estimator
3 个回复 - 941 次查看 【作者(必填)】Charles F. Manski∗ 【文题(必填)】Semiparametric analysis of discrete response: Asymptotic properties of the maximum score estimator 【年份(必填)】Journal of Econometrics Volume ...2014-4-24 11:06 - 2008feier - 求助成功区
进行倾向得分匹配match_pscore(): 3200 conformability error <i
10 个回复 - 3033 次查看 进行倾向得分匹配出现: match_pscore(): 3200 conformability error : - function returned error 有人遇到过吗,怎么解决?2020-5-26 18:21 - 鸿鹄阿 - Stata专版
Matchit 配对过程中能否对score做限制
1 个回复 - 645 次查看 如题,在用matchit 配对两个sample的中文名称时,因为两个sample都比较大, 用时较长,有没有option能够在配对过程中只保留similarscore>0.9的配对结果? help matchit里显示score() option只有jaccard,simple,和 ...2021-10-22 12:59 - beanyao - Stata专版
11 个回复 - 5885 次查看 wind数据库如何下载Altman的Z-score值?面板数据的多元回归分析只能用stata分析吗?spss做不了?2018-11-3 09:24 - Alicexolo - Stata专版
初上手stata进行psmatch分析,做pscore出现outcome does not vary,什么意思呀
4 个回复 - 5631 次查看 因为要做PS match接触STATA,捣鼓了半天尝试pscore指令,结果出现了这个结果,请问问题出在哪里呀 划红线的是我的指令,这是没法生成pscore的意思么?为什么啊2016-12-11 14:17 - lucyylx - Stata专版
倾向得分匹配法(propensity score matching)的模块: psmatch2、pscore、nnmatch
25 个回复 - 31492 次查看 大家可以参阅印地安那大学的这个网页关于【倾向得分匹配】方法的介绍: In Stata, how do I perform propensity score matching? 里面推荐了以下三个用户编写的程序: psmatch2.ado pscore.ado nnmatch.a ...2013-11-5 09:09 - hiderm - Stata专版
Estimating marbling score in live cattle from ultrasound images using patte..
0 个回复 - 388 次查看 摘要:Abstract Neural network processing of texture statistics (which parameterized longissimus muscle echograms of live cattle) resulted in marbling estimates t...原文链接:http://europepmc.org/abstra ...2017-12-31 05:00 - 论文库 - 人工智能论文版
we1986-Journal of Econometrics-Operational Characteristics of the Maximum Score
0 个回复 - 852 次查看 1986-Journal of Econometrics-Operational Characteristics of the Maximum Score Estimator2016-9-21 16:48 - 2行者8805 - 爱问频道
Why can’t R factor analyze MaxDiff scores?
0 个回复 - 3187 次查看 Answer: The variance-covariance matrix containing all the MaxDiff scores is not invertible. R tells you that, either with an error message or a warning. SPSS, at least earlier versions still in use ...2014-5-23 00:52 - Lisrelchen - R语言论坛
Obamacare scores breakthrough on exchanges
1 个回复 - 156 次查看 Obamacare scores breakthrough on exchanges written by Dan Mangan | CNBC – 13 hours ago Cited from Yahoo! Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/news/obamacare-scores-breakthrough-exchanges-123533302 ...2013-8-1 10:24 - reduce_fat - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
求助prosensity matching score
0 个回复 - 1539 次查看 使用psmatch2进行配对,结果显示有common support的,接着想predict propensity, 结果发现都是0。是predict需要加什么option吗,默认是xb2011-5-29 13:19 - 555555 - Stata专版