48 个回复 - 17839 次查看 常用控制变量 基础版本:https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-11043247-1-1.html [hr]变量说明[hr] [hr]数据说明[hr] [*]数据区间:2000-2021年(注:股权性质从2004年开始,第一大股东持股比例从2003年开始) ...2022-11-15 18:33 - momingqimiao7 - 现金交易版
12 个回复 - 6252 次查看 1.计算说明 公司规模(Size1)=ln(年末总资产) 公司规模(Size2)=ln(营业收入) 资产负债率(Lev)=年末总负债/年末总资产 总资产收益率(Roa)=净利润/总资产平均余额 净资产收益率(Roe)=净利润/股东权益平均 ...2022-7-1 08:35 - zq1069321348 - 现金交易版
100 个回复 - 42954 次查看 常用控制变量 [hr]变量说明[hr] [hr]数据说明[hr] [*]数据区间:2000-2021年(注:股权性质从2004年开始,第一大股东持股比例从2003年开始) [*]数据对象:全部A股,不包含已退市的上市公司,不包含上市 ...2022-5-17 15:24 - momingqimiao7 - 现金交易版
20120918 Follow Me 496 Occupy Wall Street, One Year Later
5 个回复 - 1646 次查看 Task: A year ago, a group of people angry about economic inequality, corporate greed and financial injustice staged a protest in Lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park, pledging to “Occupy Wall Street.” ...2012-9-18 11:41 - 桶桶nancy - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Occupy Wall Street
3 个回复 - 916 次查看 正在美国发生的“Occupy Wall Street”运动逐渐波及全美多个城市...美国老百姓联合起来保护自己的权益,反对大企业对纳税人的贪婪剥削,对ZF的幕后游说控制,让更多的美国人血液沸腾起来,不论结果如何,这种来自民间 ...2012-9-16 12:00 - primmxz - 休闲灌水
20111015 Follow Me 158 Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street
15 个回复 - 2397 次查看 A Few Thoughts On The Occupy Wall Street Movement "The machinery by which Wall Street separates the opportunity to speculate from the unwanted returns and burdens of ownership is ingenious, precise a ...2011-10-15 04:39 - ritchiezy - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Occupy Wall Street’s ‘Political Disobedience’
1 个回复 - 1170 次查看 (Bernard E. Harcourt is chair of the political science department and professor of law at The University of Chicago) Our language has not yet caught up with the political phenomenon that is emerging ...2011-10-14 10:37 - Minor_Blue - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Occupy Wall Street ----The inkblot protests
2 个回复 - 2929 次查看 The inkblot protests A new generation takes to the barricades. They should pay more attention to the ballot boxIN TAHRIR SQUARE and Homs, Egyptians and Syrians have risked their lives to demand ba ...2011-10-7 09:42 - ycxff - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)