50论坛币!求帮忙做一套stata题 直接写do文件
8 个回复 - 1810 次查看 上传do文件附件或word文件就可以 请先放一部分截图让我能看出来是会做的,求教各位大神 一、该练习利用womenwk数据。通过webuse womenwk命令下载。该数据集包含2000名妇女的信息,其中657名未工作者没有工资记录。 ...2018-6-17 16:56 - 飞飞飞飞飞er - Stata专版
新手求助stata题! 谢谢大家
1 个回复 - 1014 次查看 In this question, we are going to study on how education and other factors affect wages.The dataset CARD.dta contains hourly wages, years of schooling, IQ test scores, age,father and mother education ...2017-4-20 20:06 - dondon - Stata专版
0 个回复 - 280 次查看 1.以1995-2020年沪深两市全部A股公司为例,检验年报披露的信息含量2022-10-17 23:22 - Gul- - Stata专版
0 个回复 - 428 次查看 2021-1-13 17:03 - xyxhck1219 - Stata专版
7 个回复 - 2875 次查看 use the http://www.stata-press.com/data/imeus/cigconsump dataset, 1. The cigconsump dataset contains 48 states’ annual data for 1985-1995. Fit an FE model of demand for cigarettes, packpc, as a fu ...2011-3-2 16:50 - fengyuan78 - Stata专版
4 个回复 - 2846 次查看 有人会做下面的2个题目吗,能发下命令吗,悬赏500论坛币求答案啊,谢谢了: 1. use the http://www.stata-press.com/data/imeus/cigconsump dataset, retaining only years 1985 and 1995. Regress lpackpc on la ...2011-3-1 15:58 - fengyuan78 - Stata专版
0 个回复 - 1599 次查看 Problem 2:Using the dataset driving.dta, which is a random sample of high school students in 2001, answer the following questions.:1.Use the desc command to take a look at what the variables are. Note ...2010-3-2 14:01 - hxy9028 - Stata专版