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程序出错object 'NMSE' not found
3 个回复 - 13048 次查看
setwd("E:/R/Feedback Prediction for Blogs")
w=read.csv("E:/R/Feedback Prediction for Blogs/数据/blogData_test-2012.02.01.00_00.csv",header = F)
nn=c(263:276);for(i in nn)w[,i]=factor(w[,i])
(n= ...
2015-6-25 09:44 - Crazy_AD - R语言论坛
object 'trait' not found
3 个回复 - 8261 次查看
> #### INPUTS
> # trait: the name of the trait under study, has to be the name of the column in df)
> # df: a matrix or data frame with species as rows, and traits as columns, must have spe ...
2015-6-13 14:46 - 风se幻想 - R语言论坛
object 'creditspreads' not found
1 个回复 - 2666 次查看
执行下面语句 时,报错
> matplot(x = Time, y = creditspreads, type = 'l', xlab = 'Maturity', ylab = 'Credit spreads', main = 'Term structure of credit spreads in the Merton model')Error in as.matrix(y ...
2014-6-12 20:52 - kelsey66 - R语言论坛