国际贸易学经典 Feenstra:AdvancedInternationalTrade, 包含全部习题答案及数据 19 个回复 - 13265 次查看
The AuthorROBERT C FEENSTRA is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Davis, USA. He also directs the International Trade and Investment program at the National ...2013-12-12 17:14 - sanoyuan - 世界经济与国际贸易
Advanced InternationalTrade, Robert C. Feenstra 6 个回复 - 4520 次查看
Advanced International Trade is the first major graduate textbook in international trade in a generation. Trade is a cornerstone concept in economics, taught in all departments both in the United ...2013-12-16 17:59 - yyc0714 - 世界经济与国际贸易
Feenstra经典力作:Advanced International Trade -Theory and Evidence 13 个回复 - 6450 次查看
Advanced International Trade:Theory and Evidence(c) Robert C. FeenstraUniversity of California, Davis, andNational Bureau of Economic ResearchAugust 2002Contents:Forward1. Preliminaries: Two-Sector Mo ...2009-6-1 00:28 - xysy - 世界经济与国际贸易
[求助]Feenstra, Advanced International Trade中的一句话…… 6 个回复 - 3972 次查看
[求助]Feenstra, Advanced International Trade中的一句话,估计gdp函数的时候:
In order to ensure that the translog GDP function is homogeneous of degree one in prices, we impose the requirements
请问是 ...2005-4-8 00:18 - cdh104 - 世界经济与国际贸易