0 个回复 - 808 次查看 分市场股价崩盘风险、周收益率的均值与标准差计算数据和Stata代码(2000-2021年) 股价崩盘风险数据 2000-2021年 NCSKEW方法 DUVOL方法 CRASH方法 原始数据 代码 dta格式 参考文献 还有必须得控制 ...2022-11-4 21:07 - yusb - 现金交易版
4 个回复 - 1590 次查看 非金融行业上市公司产融结合 数据区间:2007-2021年 数据字段: 数据截图: 2022-3-12 20:50:41 上传 下载附件 (134.05 KB)2022-10-26 14:33 - 十七里香 - 现金交易版
4 个回复 - 2723 次查看 月度股价崩盘风险 • 更新至最新2021年 • 代码注释增加 • 优化代码 1、计算说明 [hr] 首先, 每年对股票i的日收益率数据进行如下回归: 其中,Ri,t指的是股票i在第t日考虑现金 ...2022-10-25 20:40 - momingqimiao7 - 现金交易版
Case in Point中英文两版&<Victor Cheng_Case interview secrets>
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【推荐】1991-2021年市场调整收益率/周特质收益率的均值Ret和标准差 Sigma指标
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有最近投稿Discrete Dynamics nature and society的吗?
17 个回复 - 5145 次查看 请问一下under review要持续多久啊。2021-6-9 11:10 - 原力男孩 - 学术道德监督
自己整理的 Richard Durrett 随机过程基础 第二版:第1-3章课后练习题中难点题详解
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董秘信息数据库(Secretary of the Board Database, CSBD)
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【咨询面试】案例面试的秘密 Case Interview Secrets PDF分享
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3 个回复 - 3149 次查看 周收益率的均值和标准差 对当年考虑现金红利再投资的周个股回报率求均值和标准差 数据中包含的信息为证券代码、年度、周收益率均值、周收益率标准差2022-1-30 11:22 - Nochoal - 现金交易版
A User's Guide to Measure Theoretic Probability
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Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds
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优化固定效应回归模型:案例数据和代码,Improving the Interpretation of Fixed Eff
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STATA 求前6个月累计收益(prior 6-month-return)!
8 个回复 - 2220 次查看 stkcd代表股票编号 month2代表月份 monthly_return代表特定股票特定时间的月收益率。我想计算每个股票的 六个月累计收益率,生成一个新变量。 比如拿下面的数据具体来说,计算第一支股票2000-1到2000-6的累计月收益率 ...2020-5-14 14:31 - maohu2212 - Stata专版
基于“Risk,Return,and Equilibrium:Empirical Tests” 的Fama-macbeth:PPT讲解,代
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【学习笔记】想问下谁有 Case Interview Secrets: A Former McKinsey Intervi ...
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新人首帖,顺带分享case interview secrets和case in point
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求PPT:intermediate public economics by Jean Hindriks and Gareth D. Myles
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Interpretable Machine Learning with Python
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Solutions to Probability Theory and Examples Durrett
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咨询入门书籍集合 case in point 11 + case interview secrets
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Victor Cheng的Case Interview secret的电子版
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【最新】2000-2020股价崩盘(NCSKEW DUVOL CRASH Sigma Ret Dturnover数据及代码
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easySHARE欧洲健康老龄化和退休调查数据US Health and Retirement Study HRS
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邵军数理统计与Durrett 概率论 答案
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在用stata做事件研究法 reg ret market
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STATA 求前6个月累计收益(prior 6-month-return)!
1 个回复 - 1358 次查看 stkcd代表股票编号 month2代表月份 monthly_return代表特定股票特定时间的月收益率。我想计算每个股票的 六个月累计收益率,生成一个新变量。 比如拿下面的数据具体来说,计算第一支股票2000-1到2000-6的累计月收益率 ...2020-5-14 14:20 - maohu2212 - Stata专版
金融离散时间序列分析 in Python( discrete time finance)案例数据+代码,离散时间金融
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求The Secrets of the Masters Trading Game 3.0.19 Full Version
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求 The Secrets of the Masters Trading Game 3.0.19 Full Version ?
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stata做门限效应模型的时候出现function returned error是为什么啊
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Returns to investment in education a decennial review of the global literature
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全球各国收入 — 帕累托-洛伦兹系数表:1810-2016,WWI_Pareto Lorenz
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基于Brett Lantz Machine Learning with R 代码+数据
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stata的return list 问题
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单选题可以搞定的问题为什么要用离散选择实验Discrete choice experiment?
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Manager sentiment and stock returns
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有人会 离散时间金融 discrete time finance么?
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Durret 概率论教材
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Dynamic return and volatility connectedness for dominant agricultural commodity
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英文扫描版 Corporate Finance and Capital Structure: A Theoretical Introduction
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Essentials of Stochastic Process--Rick Durrett, 2nd version
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Rick Durrett 的 Probability : Theory and Examples 第5版
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Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8th Edition
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The Return of Marco Polo’s World,2018
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Volatility Bursts: A Discrete-Time Option Model with Multiple Volatility Compone
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Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stata 2021
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【AER】Human Capital Depreciation and Returns to Experience
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The Returns to Publicly Funded R&D: A Study of U.S.
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Bootstrap prediction for returns and volatilities in GARCH models
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Mutual fund flows and seasonalities in stock returns
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Firm-level investor sentiment and corporate announcement returns
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Innovation in a Context of Declining Returns to R&D: A Critical Review
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Introduction To Algo Trading: How Retail Traders Can Successfully Compete With P
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求书: The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front
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合作博弈Essays on Pareto Optimality in Cooperative Games
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Secrets of Sand Hill Road - Scott Kupor
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2020frm secret sauce frm考试秘籍
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Retail power in distribution channels: Adouble-edged sword for upstream supplier
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Retail power in distribution channels: Adouble-edged sword for upstream supplier
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Channel Structures of Online Retail Platforms
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Association of Electronic Cigarette Use with Respiratory Symptom
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Oil prices & stock returns
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Rational Macro A Manifesto for Discretionary Global Macro and Tactical Asset All
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COVID-19最新书籍(6) America in Retreat
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RetroGNN: Fast Estimation of Synthesizability for Virtual Screening and De Novo
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The Impact of Sentiment on Commodity Return and Volatility
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Consumer buying behavior and retailer strategy through a crisis: A futures stud
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Functional Linear Regression for Discretely Observed Data: From Ideal to Reality
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十币求一文The Effect of Trade Secrets Law on Stock Price Synchronicity
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