0 个回复 - 640 次查看 区县与地级市和省会的距离 指标数据:与所属地级市距离、与所属省会城市距离、与所属直辖市距离 计算公式:计算方式:R=6371KM,pi=3.14Distance=RArccos(C)C=sin(LatAPi180)sin(LatBPi180)+cos(LatAPi180)c ...2022-10-12 08:44 - 皮卡好皮 - 现金交易版
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0 个回复 - 664 次查看 计算方式:R=6371KM,pi=3.14Distance=RArccos(C)C=sin(LatAPi180)sin(LatBPi180)+cos(LatAPi180)cos(LatBPi180)cos(LonAPi180-LonBPi180) 区县省会距离,各地经纬度区县省会距离,各地经纬度区县省会距离,各地 ...2022-3-29 16:49 - linlinkaka - 现金交易版
用STATA学微观计量经济学Microeconometrics Using Stata:讲义+数据+代码do文件
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Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business 14th Edition
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Business Vocabulary in Use Elementary
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Accounting Business Reporting for Decision Making 6th Birt:课后习题答案+测试题
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【Business Statistics】
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xtivreg2回归结果为什么会出现Warning -singleton groups&collinearities
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进行空间杜宾模型回归时出现estimates post:matrix has missing values
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请问我用xthenreg做门槛回归时提示estimates post: matrix has missing values怎么办
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【Business in Action】4e
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Business Analysis and Valuation IFRS edition 5th Edition
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求Journal of business & Industrial marketing期刊投稿经验分享
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Statistics for Business & Economics, By Anderson,14th TEST BANK + 答案
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Statistics for Business & Economics 14th Edition Anderson
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分位数回归异常Error in rq.fit.br(x, y, tau = tau, ...) : Singular design matrix
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【5000论坛币求】Using Shiny to Teach Econometric Models一书
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商务智能,Business Intelligence for Information Management,BI:学习课件
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《Journal of Business Research》这个期刊怎么样
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stata产生的滞后项所有都是missing values
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商务智能概论:课件+数据,Applied Analytics Using SAS EM
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Journal of Business Research发表经验分享
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基于statistics for business and economics-11e:中山大学学习资料,问卷设计与问卷
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求journal of business & industrial marketing期刊投稿经验
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Financial Managerial Accounting:The Basis for Business Decisions:北大光华学习
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求Environmental Econometrics Using Stata
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20 个回复 - 22255 次查看 那使得描述性统计样本量和回归的样本量不一致,该怎么办呢? 1.在回归表下写清楚drop的原因,以及依据 2.想尽各种办法删除singletons,以使描述性统计和回归样本量保持一致 3.在回归的时候直接保留singletons 要选哪 ...2021-12-7 15:44 - boundlessly - Stata专版
Business_Analysis_and_Valuation (952页,英文)
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用Mplus做多层次建模Multilevel Model Using Mplus:讲义+代码,HLM
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Using R for Introductory Econometrics第2版
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A. Colin Cameron, Pravin K. Trivedi - Microeconometrics Using Stata, Second Edit
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商法课件+小组作业+Essentials of Business Law 4e byBeatty testbank
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分享电子书 Option Trading, 作者Euan Sinclair
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求伙伴们下载附件Statistics for Business and Economics 13th,急需通用积分
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Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics-5e
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Business Analytics by James R. Evans分享给各位需要的朋友
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Implementing CDISC Using SAS An End-to-End Guide
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使用append using“文件路径”代码时报错显示using required r(100),请问如何解决
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Student Answer Key for Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business
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ACCA,SBL-Sean,Strategic Professional,Strategic Business leader学习讲义笔记
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商务方法研究,基于Research Methods for Business:A Skill Building Approach
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经典书籍分享:Understanding Statistics Using R
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gen time = (year >= 77) & !missing(year)
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数字信号处理 第3版 课后习题答案,Digital Signal Processing
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intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB (solution manual)
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Natural Language Processing with Transformers
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Business Analytics:The Art of Modeling With Spreadsheets,5th edition分享给各位
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Using Excel with Python and Pandas
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R语言报错missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
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[DSGE] using Julia
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在进行空间杜宾模型时出现了estimates post:matrix has missing values
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Hands-On Financial Trading with Python: A practical guide to using Zipline
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pvar2模型出现matrix has missing values
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Business.Weekly商周.1791-中國苦日子來了 2022-03-14
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Frontier of Management Research PhD+international Business:北大光华武常岐老师主
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Business Analysis and Valuation IFRS Edition 下载
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