结果:找到“learn to earn”相关内容1000个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
8 个回复 - 2262 次查看 内容非常丰富,共有接近1000份资料,无法一一列举,欢迎下载学习 趋势跟踪 趋势戒律 解缠论2 管盘看市 股票投资策略与实战 股票大作手 股市长线法宝 股市极客 盘口技术 操盘论道 投资正途 股市理论30种 ...2022-3-30 16:11 - wz151400 - 现金交易版
传奇基金经理人彼得林奇投资三部曲 Learn to earn 英文原版
4 个回复 - 2094 次查看 得·林奇是美国,乃至全球首屈一指的投资专家。他对共同基金的贡献,就像乔丹对篮球的贡献,其共同之处在于把投资变成了一种艺术,提升到一个新的境界。彼得·林奇出生于1944年,15岁开始小试投资,赚取学费,1968年 ...2020-6-21 16:01 - arnold6688 - 金融学(理论版)
Guide to Competitive Programming: Learning and Improving Algorithms Through Con
16 个回复 - 1193 次查看 English | PDF | 2017 | 286 Pages | ISBN : 3319725467 | 10 MB This invaluable textbook presents a comprehensive introduction to modern competitive programming. The text highlights ...2018-1-4 16:42 - igs816 - 经管书评
[免费]An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
77 个回复 - 25555 次查看 Hastie和Tibshirani以及他们学生的新作。作者的主页上有这本书的相关信息和免费版, book homepage。由于发现论坛上有其他坛友发放高收费的电子版,所以免费搬运过来。既然连作者都不指望用它赚钱,我们这些无关人士也 ...2014-1-11 04:00 - ltx5151 - R语言论坛
The Art of Doing Science and Engineering- Learning to Learn
16 个回复 - 1387 次查看 这本书是图灵奖获得者,德高望重的Richard W. Hamming写的 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,况且现在科学、技术、工程知识日新月异,我们所有人需要不断学习,主动学习,而不是被动学习 非常好的一本启发性书籍,尽管背景是 ...2019-6-20 18:31 - atwoodcloyd - 经管书评
【2007年第3版】Learning From Data: An Introduction To Statistical Reasoning
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【程序软件系列】Introduction to Machine Learning with P
199 个回复 - 28215 次查看 2016年最新教材,降价出售期已过,如果喜欢,就请“加关注”我吧(点击头像下方,http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=452766)。关注成功后,查看这里即可:三步走,把千本好书“一网打尽”!。 ...2016-6-18 06:53 - wwqqer - python论坛
Machine Learning in Non-Stationary Environments: Introduction to Covariate Shift
6 个回复 - 3637 次查看 Machine Learning in Non-Stationary Environments: Introduction to Covariate Shift Adaptation2013-10-10 14:24 - tigerwolf - 数据分析与数据挖掘
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R Second Edition
11 个回复 - 2703 次查看 An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R 2nd ed. [*]Publisher ‏ : ‎ Springer; 2nd ed. 2021 edition (2021) [*] Language ‏ : ‎ English [*]Number of ...2021-8-13 22:22 - chicu - R语言论坛
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R Fourth Printing
6 个回复 - 3257 次查看 An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani pdf: Data Sets and Figures :2014-6-25 15:42 - ipod4g - R语言论坛
Deep-learning with PyTorch学习课件代码等资料,CNN,GAN
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【经典教材系列】From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning (第二版)
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【2011】Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching
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Machine Learning by Tom M. Mitchell - classic must have
7 个回复 - 3022 次查看 Machine Learning - classic must have !!! by Tom M. Mitchell He has been the Chair of the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) since the birth of this department. Carnegie ...2017-5-4 14:40 - sonysony - Forum
Practical Machine Learning for Computer Vision: End-to-End Machine Learning for
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Deep Learning Tutorial Release 0.1
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Introduction to Machine Learning 3rd edition 2014 by Ethem Alpaydin
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Machine-learning Techniques in Economics: New Tools for Predicting Economic Grow
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Multi-Class Text Classification with Scikit-Learn – Towards Data Science
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Applied Deep Learning with Pytorch
8 个回复 - 2231 次查看 Machine learning is fast becoming the preferred way to solve data problems, thanks tothe huge variety of mathematical algorithms that find patterns otherwise invisible to us.Applied Deep Learning with ...2019-8-14 11:16 - nkight_07 - python论坛
Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner's Guide
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solution manual of Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction,2e,Richard S.Sutton
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【PyTorch】Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch
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[Auto-Keras]open source software library for automated machine learning (AutoML)
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统计学习导论笔记答案 Intro to stat learning notes&manual
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【独家发布】Deep Learning with Pytorch
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Statistical Regression and Classification From Linear Models to Machine Learnin
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First-order and Stochastic Optimization Methods for Machine Learning
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Statistical Learning Theory and Stochastic Optimization
4 个回复 - 1646 次查看 Statistical learning theory is aimed at analyzing complex data with necessarily approximate models. This book is intended for an audience with a graduate background in probability theory and statistic ...2015-7-3 15:09 - nelsoncwlee - 金融学(理论版)
Deep Learning Illustrated: A Visual, Interactive Guide to Artificial Intelligenc
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Learn to Use Microsoft Visio 2016 - 2017.pdf
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Artificial Intelligence for Business: What You Need to Know about Machine Learni
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Deep Learning Cookbook Practical Recipes to Get Started Quickly
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周礼键:AI learned to use tools after nearly 500 million games of hide and seek
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Advances in self-organizing maps and learning vector quantization :proceedings o
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Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers
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Automated Machine Learning Methods, Systems, Challenges
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Motor learning affects car-to-driver handover in automated vehicle
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首发Deep Learning大牛之作:Automatic Speech Recognition: A Deep Learning Approac
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Introduction to Deep Learning
15 个回复 - 1214 次查看 This concise, project-driven guide to deep learning takes readers through a series of program-writing tasks that introduce them to the use of deep learning in such areas of artificial intelligence as ...2019-6-9 21:54 - nivastuli - 经管书评
Introduction to Machine Learning (Ethem Alpaydın)
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Deep Learning Advanced Guide to Learn Deep Learning with Python 3rd Edition
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Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques 4th Edition
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Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Deep Learning explained to your granny
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Understanding Machine Learning From Theory to Algorithm
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5 个回复 - 3249 次查看 强化学习是人工智能基本的子领域之一,在强化学习的框架中,智能体通过与环境互动,来学习采取何种动作能使其在给定环境中的长期奖励最大化,就像在上述的棋盘游戏寓言中,你通过与棋盘的互动来学习。 书籍:《RE ...2019-8-4 13:19 - larrymh - Forum
Automated Building of Deep-Learning Models: an Expand-and-ReduceMethod
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Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning-Academic Press
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Learning Using Python_ How to Build Applied Machine Learning Solutions
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The Deep Learning Toolset — An Overview
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Eight Things an R user Will Find Frustrating When Trying to Learn Python
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Prediction of p Ka Using Machine Learning Methods with Rooted Topological Torsio
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OpenChem: A Deep Learning Toolkit for Computational Chemistry and Drug Design
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Predicting the reproductive toxicity of chemicals using ensemble learning method
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Exploiting machine learning for end-to-end drug discovery and development
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Learning to Manage Breadth: Experience as Repetition and Adaptation
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An introduction to statistical learning with applications in R.pdf
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[珍藏最新版]An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
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【经典教材系列】Objective C Tutorial: Simply Easy Learning
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【经典教材系列】机器学习入门 An Introduction to Machine Learning
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Competition law and digital ecosystems: learning to walk before we run
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ISL-Introduction to Statistical Learning with Rv2
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【经典教材系列】Machine Learning Approaches to Bioinformatics
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Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow_ Concepts, Tools, an
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Deep Learning with Python and PyTopch ,PyTorch深度学习代码及数据
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基于PyTorch深度学习教学讲义,Deep Learning with PyTorch ,Eli Stevens
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First-Order and Stochastic Optimization Methods for Machine Learning
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【深度学习书籍】Introduction to Deep Learning Using R pdf _下载
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Tom Mitchell:Machine Learning,Carnegie Mellon University
14 个回复 - 2494 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2016-5-30 09:41 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
[Lectue Notes]Tom Mitchell: Machine Learning,Carnegie Mellon University
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You'll find the love you need,when you learn to love yourself.
0 个回复 - 2871 次查看 You'll find the love you need,when you learn to love yourself. 要找到真爱,先学会爱自己2022-4-12 08:28 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
You learn to take life as it comes at you.
0 个回复 - 2908 次查看 You learn to take life as it comes at you. 世事难料,随遇而安。2022-4-10 06:41 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习