世界城市化展望(worldurbanizationprospects) 17 个回复 - 12182 次查看
“世界城市化展望”报告自1988年开始发布,由联合国秘书处经济与社会事业部(The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UnitedNations Secretariat)编制,每两年更新一次,主要评估和预测世界各国的城 ...2016-2-3 10:29 - Captain-CUI - 宏观经济学
World Urbanization Prospects :The 2009 Revision 1 个回复 - 2164 次查看
《World Urbanization Prospects :The 2009 Revision 》是Department of Economic and Social Affairs 发布的。
DESA简介:The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat is ...2011-7-11 09:02 - greatxiaoyun - 区域经济学