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Nonlinear contagion between stock and real estate markets: International evidenc
1 个回复 - 297 次查看 【作者(必填)】 233 【文题(必填)】 Nonlinear contagion between stock and real estate markets: International evidence from a local Gaussian correlation approach【年份(必填)】 2323 【全文链接或数据库 ...2022-9-23 12:26 - internet.hzx - 文献求助专区
Digital effects on Real-estate Marketing
4 个回复 - 1047 次查看 在房地产方面Dissertation或者project的一个营销管理学的参考哦,希望帮助到大家~2021-1-13 14:32 - jojoxyh123 - 商学院
Marketing to Mindstates: The Practical Guide to Applying Behavior Design to ...
20 个回复 - 2929 次查看 Marketing to Mindstates: The Practical Guide to Applying Behavior Design to Research and Marketing by Will Leach (Author) About the author Will Leach is the founder of TriggerPoint Design, a lea ...2018-11-16 19:43 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
Modeling Intrastate and Interstate Markets for Colorado River Water Resources
1 个回复 - 321 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Booker, J. F. & Young, R. A 【文题(必填)】 Modeling Intrastate and Interstate Markets for Colorado River Water Resources 【年份(必填)】 1994 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https:/ ...2020-5-24 16:55 - 落寞无果 - 求助成功区
Public Real Estate Markets and Investments
3 个回复 - 536 次查看 【作者(必填)】H. Kent Baker 【文题(必填)】Public Real Estate Markets and Investments (Financial Markets and Investments) 【年份(必填)】2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.amazon.c ...2020-3-3 10:26 - darkforever - 文献求助专区
Gender and Political Marketing in the United States and the 2016 Presidential ..
11 个回复 - 2261 次查看 Gender and Political Marketing in the United States and the 2016 Presidential Election: An Analysis of Why She Lost by Minita Sanghvi (Author) About the Author Minita Sanghvi is Assistant Profes ...2018-9-3 18:54 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
Government Versus Markets: The Changing Economic Role of the State – By Vito Ta
1 个回复 - 322 次查看 【作者(必填)】Vito Tanzi[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Government Versus Markets: The Changing Economic Role of the State[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2019-7-16 16:28 - 张智博 - 求助成功区
Morals and Markets: The Development of Life Insurance in the United States
4 个回复 - 456 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Viviana Zelizer[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Morals and Markets: The Development of Life Insurance in the United States 【年份(必填)】Columbia University Press 2017 【全文链接或数 ...2019-7-9 09:38 - oxfordyy - 求助成功区
The State of Influencer Marketing in Fashion, Luxury and Cosmetics 2018 Report
0 个回复 - 393 次查看 The State of Influencer Marketing in Fashion, Luxury and Cosmetics 2018 Report2019-2-27 16:20 - everbright2012 - 行业分析报告
Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy: Markets, Speculation and the State
3 个回复 - 2105 次查看 Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy: Markets, Speculation and the State The innovation economy begins with discovery and culminates in speculation. Over some 250 years, economic gr ...2014-6-6 11:46 - samolddog - 世界经济与国际贸易
求助一篇博士论文Essays on state-firm interaction and firms' non-market
4 个回复 - 1121 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Wang, Danqing 【文题(必填)】 Essays on state-firm interaction and firms' non-market strategies【年份(必填)】 2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://librarycatalogue.insead.edu/ ...2018-11-23 15:02 - 宁静的城np - 文献求助专区
Real Estate Investing_ Market Analysis, Valuation Techniques, and Risk Managemen
0 个回复 - 806 次查看 Real Estate Investing_ Market Analysis, Valuation Techniques, and Risk Management2018-11-20 18:20 - 泰木 - 金融学(理论版)
law, economics and finance of the real estate market
1 个回复 - 596 次查看 law, economics and finance of the real estate market - a perspective of hong kong and singapore (2014)2018-10-15 10:14 - loneshark - 投资人(实务版)
Understanding Systematic Risk in Real Estate Markets
1 个回复 - 514 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Cristian Voicu1, Michael Seiler 【文题(必填)】 Understanding Systematic Risk in Real Estate Markets 【年份(必填)】 2013 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://aresjournals.org/doi/a ...2018-7-28 21:40 - waterup - 求助成功区
Where states and markets meet: the financialisation of sovereign debt management
1 个回复 - 567 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Where states and markets meet: the financialisation of sovereign debt management 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full ...2018-7-1 16:55 - seekfirst - 求助成功区
The Nature That Capital Can See: Science, State, and Market in the Commodificati
1 个回复 - 525 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Morgan M Robertson 【文题(必填)】 The Nature That Capital Can See: Science, State, and Market in the Commodification of Ecosystem Services【年份(必填)】 2006 【全文链接或数据库名称 ...2017-11-1 15:37 - wfldragon - 求助成功区
Product Market Competition and Corporate Real Estate Investment under Demand Unc
1 个回复 - 443 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 Product Market Competition and Corporate Real Estate Investment under Demand Uncertainty 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://onlinelibrary.wiley.c ...2017-9-22 07:46 - liugp1982 - 求助成功区
【金融市场】China Life Buys Sprawling Portfolio of Small-Market U.S. Real Estate
9 个回复 - 1713 次查看 source from:wsj MARKETS PROPERTY REPORT China Life Buys Sprawling Portfolio of Small-Market U.S. Real Estate Deal for 95% stake vales portfolio of 48 properties at $950 million By Peter Grant ...2017-5-23 13:35 - william9225 - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Spatial Correlation in Expected Returns in Commercial Real Estate Markets and t
1 个回复 - 648 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 Spatial Correlation in Expected Returns in Commercial Real Estate Markets and the Role of Core Markets【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://link.sp ...2017-5-9 05:59 - liugp1982 - 求助成功区
Labour Market Insecurity and Generalized Trust in Welfare State Context
1 个回复 - 606 次查看 【作者(必填)】Christoph Nguyen 【文题(必填)】Labour Market Insecurity and Generalized Trust in Welfare State Context 【年份(必填)】2017 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://academic.oup.com/ ...2017-4-21 10:32 - dx20111341 - 求助成功区
United States foreign economic policy and the international capital markets : th
1 个回复 - 560 次查看 【作者(必填)】 John A C Conybeare 【文题(必填)】 United States foreign economic policy and the international capital markets : the case of capital export controls, 1963-1974【年份(必填)】 1977 【 ...2016-2-1 10:42 - peter - 文献求助专区
bubbleses in real estate markets
1 个回复 - 616 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Herring, Richard J. and Wachter, Susan 【文题(必填)】 bubbleses in real estate markets 【年份(必填)】 2002 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2016-11-22 21:34 - ycbm132 - 求助成功区
【在多变的市场累计房地产财富】Building Real Estate Wealth in a Changing Market
16 个回复 - 2163 次查看 Building Real Estate Wealth in a Changing Market: Reap Large Profits from Bargain Purchases in Any Economy by John Schaub (Author) Markets change-smart investors adapt. No matter what th ...2016-10-17 08:26 - cmwei333 - 金融学(理论版)
The Role of the State in Financial Markets
1 个回复 - 816 次查看 【作者(必填)】Joseph E. Stiglitz 【文题(必填)】The Role of the State in Financial Markets 【年份(必填)】1993 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://wber.oxfordjournals.org/content/7/suppl_1/ ...2016-9-28 16:46 - blueskyy - 求助成功区
Where will China's real estate market go under the economy's new normal?
3 个回复 - 668 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Hong Zhanga, Linjun Lia, , , Tiantian Chena, Vera Lib 【文题(必填)】 Where will China's real estate market go under the economy's new normal?【年份(必填)】Cities Volume 55, June 20 ...2016-9-22 16:58 - brigittaree - 求助成功区
【独家发布】Toronto and Vancouver real estate markets headed in different directions
2 个回复 - 1607 次查看 TORONTO -- A new study suggests the two hottest real estate markets in Canada appear to be headed in different directions, as Vancouver softens and Toronto looks to maintain its momentum. In a repo ...2016-8-31 03:18 - 吕涛 - 房地产专版
【金融市场】China’s State Council approves Shenzhen-HK market linkup
3 个回复 - 1212 次查看 source from:FT http://www.ft.com/fastft/2016/08/16/chinas-state-council-approves-shenzhen-hk-market-linkup/ MARKETS China’s State Council approves Shenzhen-HK market linkup 2 hours ago ...2016-8-16 18:56 - william9225 - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
【独家发布】Is the Metro Vancouver real estate market in free fall?
0 个回复 - 762 次查看 Evidence from realtors and MLS data is showing the Vancouver real estate market is in the midst of a major slow down, with prices dropping and sales plummeting, but some experts say it’s too soon t ...2016-8-19 03:31 - Multivariate - winbugs及其他软件专版
Investor sentiment and risk appetite of real estate security market EC Hui, X Zh
3 个回复 - 655 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Investor sentiment and risk appetite of real estate security marketEC Hui, X Zheng, H Wang - Applied Economics, 2013 ...2016-6-11 18:14 - 马甲甲 - 求助成功区
发展经济学经典 Markets and States in Tropical Africa
2 个回复 - 1309 次查看 Following independence, most countries in Africa sought to develop, but their governments pursued policies that actually undermined their rural economies. Examining the origins of Africa’s “gr ...2016-1-1 00:53 - oxfordyy - 马克思主义经济学
Assessing the impacts of urban rail transit on local real estate markets using q
1 个回复 - 774 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Robert Cervero, John Landis 【文题(必填)】 Assessing theimpacts of urban rail transit onlocal real estate markets using quasi-experimental comparisons 【年份(必填)】1993 【全文链接 ...2016-3-2 12:51 - cr7or9 - 求助成功区
The China Development Model: Between the State and the Market
1 个回复 - 865 次查看 Over the last thirty years, China has been reforming its economy at breakneck speed. In this crucial time of reformation, China's growth model is likely to be very effective in coping with today's eco ...2015-10-12 13:16 - exuan1991 - 经管书评
Private Real Estate Markets and Investments
21 个回复 - 4304 次查看 This book provides an overview of private real estate markets and investments. The 14 chapters are divided into three sections for conventional and alternative real estate investments and regulatory i ...2015-8-4 23:26 - 大家开心 - 房地产专版
Chinese Central Bank Open Market Operation and State Council Decree Tenbaggar In
0 个回复 - 685 次查看 Chinese Central Bank Open Market Operation and State Council Decree Tenbaggar In Surge:Skyrocketing Formation - Premier Li Keqiang Requests To Increase Internet Stock Price Advance Speed - Hostile Ta ...2015-6-5 23:16 - yuwenjun720731 - 投资人(实务版)
Redefining the Market-State Relationship: Responses to the Financial Crisis and
8 个回复 - 1206 次查看 This book offers an interdisciplinary overview of the role of law in modern capitalism in the context of financial crisis. In this work, the reader will find a discussion of key issues relevant to the ...2015-4-30 06:14 - 大家开心 - 制度经济学
Real Estate Markets and Macroprudential Policy in Europe
1 个回复 - 766 次查看 【作者(必填)】PHILIPP HARTMANN[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Real Estate Markets and Macroprudential Policy in Europe 【年份(必填)】March/April 2015 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://onlinelib ...2015-4-26 11:22 - 我是笛子 - 求助成功区
Price discovery in the Hong Kong real estate market
1 个回复 - 483 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Price discovery in the Hong Kong real estate market 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09599910110060064#.VTH ...2015-4-18 14:26 - 不再后悔 - 求助成功区
the, Market as a Factor in the Localization of Industry in the United States
1 个回复 - 776 次查看 【作者(必填)】 见链接 【文题(必填)】 见链接 【年份(必填)】 见链接 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/000456054093521402015-3-7 13:41 - lambert0205 - 求助成功区
The, Market as a Factor in the Localization of Industry in the United States
1 个回复 - 1101 次查看 【作者(必填)】DOI:10.1080/00045605409352140Chauncy D. Harrisa pages 315-348 【文题(必填)】The, Market as a Factor in the Localization of Industry in the United States 【年份(必填)】1954 【全文 ...2015-2-10 09:36 - ~畅畅~ - 求助成功区
The market as a factor on the localization of industry in the United States.
1 个回复 - 1082 次查看 【作者(必填)】Harris, C. 【文题(必填)】The market as a factor on the localization of industry in the UnitedStates. 【年份(必填)】(1954). 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Annals of the Associati ...2014-10-24 23:29 - 三世相思2013 - 求助成功区
Law, Economics and Finance of the Real Estate Market: A Perspective of Hong Kong
60 个回复 - 7029 次查看 The symbiosis between the law, economics and finance is evidenced in our daily lives. This book elucidates the relationship between these factors in Singapore and Hong Kong in direct and indirect real ...2014-7-29 23:52 - 大家开心 - 金融学(理论版)
Structural change in housing submarkets in burgeoning real estate market
1 个回复 - 948 次查看 【作者(必填)】Zhang Ling, Eddie C.M. Hui 【文题(必填)】Structural change in housing submarkets in burgeoning real estate market: A case of Hangzhou, China 【年份(必填)】Habitat International[/ba ...2014-8-3 10:44 - nash - 求助成功区
(Wiley Finance 302)Real Estate Market Valuation Analysis
1 个回复 - 1798 次查看 2014-7-13 00:18 - 514050209 - 量化投资
Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy: Markets, Speculation and the State
4 个回复 - 1302 次查看 William H. Janeway (作者) [*]出版社: Cambridge University Press (2012年10月8日) [*]精装: 340页 [*]语种: 英语 [*]ISBN: 1107031257 [*]条形码: 97811070312582014-2-18 09:50 - 唐宋元清 - 悬赏大厅
Antibubble and prediction of China's stock market and real-estate
1 个回复 - 1441 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Wei-Xing Zhoua, [*]Didier Sornette 【文题(必填)】Antibubble and prediction of China's stock market and real-estate 【年份(必填)】2004 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://ww ...2014-4-10 10:21 - 迷途mitu - 求助成功区
Does “hot money” drive China's real estate and stock markets
1 个回复 - 759 次查看 【作者(必填)】 风 gao 【文题(必填)】 Does “hot money” drive China's real estate and stock markets【年份(必填)】 2010 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/p ...2014-3-29 23:31 - qijiongli - 求助成功区
Antibubble and prediction of China's stock market and real-estate
1 个回复 - 523 次查看 【作者(必填)】 wx zhou 【文题(必填)】 Antibubble and prediction of China's stock market and real-estate 【年份(必填)】 2004 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art ...2014-3-29 22:50 - qijiongli - 求助成功区
Predicting trend reversals using market instantaneous state
1 个回复 - 810 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Thomas Bury, 【文题(必填)】 Predicting trend reversals using market instantaneous state【年份(必填)】 2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art ...2014-3-8 19:11 - qijiongli - 求助成功区
2、Integrated natural gas and electricity market: A survey of the state of the a
1 个回复 - 630 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Rubio, R. ; Inst. de Energia Electr., Univ. Nac. de San Juan, San Juan ; ...2013-10-10 12:15 - 真龙121 - 求助成功区
tandfonline: The relationship between the real estate and stock markets of China
1 个回复 - 1076 次查看 【作者(必填)】 CW SU 【文题(必填)】 The relationship[/backcolor] between the real estate and stock[/backcolor]markets[/backcolor] of China: evidence from a nonlinear model【年份(必填)】 2010 【全 ...2013-7-2 20:37 - qijiongli - 求助成功区
急求一篇外文文献Determinants of market reactions to restatement announcements
2 个回复 - 1821 次查看 【作者(必填)】Palmrose, Z.-V., V. Richardson, and S. Scholz. 【文题(必填)】Determinants of market reactions to restatement announcements 【年份(必填)】 2004 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http ...2013-3-13 19:22 - wang198928 - 求助成功区
Bank Time Deposit Rates and Market Discipline in Poland: The Impact of State Own
3 个回复 - 895 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Thomas S. Mondschean, [*]Timothy P. Opiela 【文题(必填)】Bank Time Deposit Rates and Market Discipline in Poland: The Impact of State Ownership and Deposit Insurance Reform 【 ...2013-2-4 11:10 - sfy1990 - 求助成功区
2 个回复 - 698 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]George W. Gau 【文题(必填)】 WEAK FORM TESTS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MARKETS[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】 1984 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Financial Rev ...2012-11-23 11:05 - Feliciadu - 文献求助专区
China's real estate market
1 个回复 - 1161 次查看 Executive Summary China’s Tier I cities are fast tracking to real estate market maturity. Over the past decade Shanghai and Beijing have gone through a remarkable transformation. Our analysis of 2 ...2012-4-11 21:21 - toron - 房地产专版
Econometric Analysis of the Real Estate Market and Investment
7 个回复 - 1026 次查看 Author: Peijie Wang Publisher: Routledge Keywords: studies, business, organizations, networks, routledge, investment, analysis, real, estate, market, econometric Number of Pages: 192 Published: 20 ...2012-4-4 07:41 - 毒谷123 - 悬赏大厅
the 10year pattern in the united states stock market.pdf
2 个回复 - 728 次查看 很有意义,值得一看哦~2012-4-3 06:23 - fanjia1002 - 经管书评
Testing futures market efficiency—A restatement
1 个回复 - 778 次查看 【作者(必填)】ED Maberly 【文题(必填)】Testing futures market efficiency—A restatement 【年份(必填)】1985 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fut.399005 ...2012-3-24 16:13 - leihengzhishang - 求助成功区
UBS China real estate market report
2 个回复 - 1428 次查看 UBS China real estate market report2012-1-8 20:59 - lizhidongteng - 行业分析报告
All About...the Foreign Exchange Market in the United States
0 个回复 - 1917 次查看 <P><BR></P> <P><FONT color=#800080>All About...the Foreign Exchange Market in the United States </FONT></P> <P><IMG src="http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/4 ...2007-7-23 18:55 - zhushiyou - 宏观经济学
The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States
0 个回复 - 2179 次查看 The Foreign Exchange Market in the United States by Sam Y Cross (FRBNY) Each of these publications presents a lucid and informed picture of the foreign exchange market and how it operates, fille ...2006-4-30 11:25 - tadanari - 计量经济学与统计软件
A theory of market transition: from redistribution to markets in state socialism
3 个回复 - 1697 次查看 【题 名】:A theory of market transition: from redistribution to markets in state socialism 【作 者】:Victor Nee 【期刊、会议、单位名称】:American Sociological Review ...2011-4-22 10:45 - tfkl - 求助成功区
testing bubble of real estate market
0 个回复 - 1302 次查看 检验房地产泡沫的经典论文2010-11-17 14:04 - andio - 宏观经济学
寻书Real Estate Investment: A Capital Market Approach
3 个回复 - 2185 次查看 Real Estate Investment: A Capital Market Approach   Gerald R. Brown, University of Salford G. Matysiak, University of Salford Publisher: Financial Times Press Copyright: 2000 Format: Pa ...2010-4-26 02:59 - lesiliesun - 文献求助专区
[论坛首发] 原版高清版 Trading_Stategies_for_Capital_Markets
3 个回复 - 1501 次查看 Davidoff6出品,必属精品!2010-4-8 19:32 - davidoff6 - 投资人(实务版)
Trading Stategies for Capital Markets
0 个回复 - 1178 次查看 To compete in today's complex and fast-changing capital market, you need a broad range of information and skills in order to develop and implement favorable trading strategies. Trading Strategies for ...2010-3-23 10:54 - terrytong - 经济金融数学专区
[分享]Markets Red Light States Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment
0 个回复 - 1391 次查看 PDF格式,12页Journal of Economic Perspectives\2009\Volume 23  Issue 1,209-2202009-4-29 11:13 - ccsxghcwb - 微观经济学
Enhancing Market Openness through Regulatory Reform in the United States
0 个回复 - 2043 次查看 Regulatory reform has emerged as an important policy area in OECD and non-OECD countries.For regulatory reforms to be beneficial, the regulatory regimes need to be transparent, coherent, andcomprehens ...2008-4-15 23:33 - 价格理论 - 微观经济学
Real Estate Market and National Development in Ghana
0 个回复 - 242 次查看 2005-7-6 14:23 - 中国大历史492 - Forum