全国+各省ESA10 米土地利用镶嵌数据分享
0 个回复 - 1051 次查看 全国+各省ESA10 米土地利用镶嵌数据分享裁剪代码如下: #裁剪函数 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from geopandas import * import rasterio as rio import rasterio.mask import rasterio import os from tqdm i ...2021-12-21 14:57 - 小小数据王 - 现金交易版
Emotion-induced loss aversion and striatal-amygdala coupling求助
3 个回复 - 632 次查看 【作者(必填)】http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26589451 【文题(必填)】Emotion-induced loss aversion and striatal-amygdala coupling in low-anxious individuals. 【年份(必填)】2015 【全文链接或数 ...2016-1-6 10:12 - 4067560 - 求助成功区
Alterations in Amygdala-Prefrontal Functional Connectivity 求助
1 个回复 - 108 次查看 【作者(必填)】Makovac E1, Meeten F2, Watson DR3, Herman A3, Garfinkel SN4, D Critchley H5, Ottaviani C6. 【文题(必填)】Alterations in Amygdala-Prefrontal Functional Connectivity Account for Excessi ...2016-1-6 09:58 - 4067560 - 求助成功区
Beyond acute social stress: increased functional connectivity between amygdala
2 个回复 - 1330 次查看 【作者(必填)】Veer IM, Oei NY, Spinhoven P, van Buchem MA, Elzinga BM, Rombouts SA. 【文题(必填)】Beyond acute social stress: increased functional connectivity between amygdala and cortical midline ...2013-4-16 21:28 - 4067560 - 求助成功区
Facial Emotion Recognition after Bilateral Amygdala Damage
2 个回复 - 890 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Andrew J. Calder 【文题(必填)】Facial Emotion Recognition after Bilateral Amygdala Damage: Differentially Severe Impairment of Fear 【年份(必填)】Volume 13, Issue 5, 1996 【全文链接 ...2012-7-31 16:22 - gf688 - 求助成功区
5 个回复 - 2617 次查看 我在做R的空间计量时遇到了下面的问题:> NY82016-2-3 14:36 - 无治明界 - 爱问频道
3 个回复 - 5353 次查看 如题,在加载rgdal包时,总显示:不存在叫‘rgdal’这个名字的程辑包。 请问有没有遇到这个问题的朋友?2016-9-24 21:52 - Rocky_xin - R语言论坛
The amygdala: is it an essential component of the neural network for social..
0 个回复 - 399 次查看 摘要:Observations from human subjects with focal brain lesions and animal subjects with experimental lesions have implicated a variety of brain regions in the m...原文链接:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ...2018-1-16 05:00 - DL-er - 人工智能论文版
Erratum to “The Amygdala: is it an essential component of the neural netwo..
0 个回复 - 410 次查看 摘要:ABSTRACT Observations from human subjects with focal brain lesions and animal subjects with experimental lesions have implicated a variety of brain regions in the mediation of social behavior. ...2017-12-28 08:00 - 论文库 - 人工智能论文版
6 个回复 - 5487 次查看 中科院的底图多为GCS_Krasovsky_1940投影,现在想加载一个shapefile的line文件,不知为何无法打开,请高手帮忙。 报错信息: Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, use_iconv = use_i ...2014-1-22 09:27 - wfldragon - R语言论坛