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微观经济学英文题库Modern Principles: Microeconomics test bank
11 个回复 - 10159 次查看 这个只是题库,不是书。坛子里好像还没有人分享这本书。是一本国外经常用做教科书的教材,感觉学微经很需要这种题目来练练手 不一定教授这么出题,但是这些题很锻炼思维。 Modern Principles: Microecon ...2014-5-27 16:45 - Michealmiracle - 微观经济学
微观经济学 英文题
3 个回复 - 1516 次查看 微观经济学 英文题2018-3-12 23:40 - wuxh37 - 微观经济学
4 个回复 - 1146 次查看 题目 Consider the following table of long-run total costs for three different firms. Explain whether or not each of these firms experience economies of scale or diseconomies of scale. Graph the ATC f ...2016-8-20 21:03 - mao6612166 - 微观经济学
10 个回复 - 1875 次查看 you are willing to work up to 80 hours a week.you get $100 an hour. 1.define and graph your budget set in terms of leisure (Good 1) and "every other Good"(Good 2) 2.assum that above 4o hours per ...2014-2-1 21:41 - dguizi - 微观经济学
0 个回复 - 1091 次查看 看看你会做哪一道? 1. Prove that if the consumer is risk averse, her acceptance set, as illustrated in Figure 11.2, must be a convex set. 4. A consumer has an expected utility function of t ...2013-11-11 21:06 - zoey1192 - 爱问频道
0 个回复 - 1722 次查看 <p>急需答案,大家帮帮忙超级紧急</p><p>&nbsp;1,explain, with the aid of a diagram, the distinction between compensating and equivalent variation.</p><p><span style="FONT-SIZE: ...2007-11-14 03:53 - curry - 微观经济学