Social inequality, population health, and housing 1 个回复 - 861 次查看
【作者(必填)】James R.Dunn, Michael V. Hayes
【文题(必填)】Social inequality, population health, and housing: a study of two Vancouver neighborhoods
【全文链接或数据库名称 ...2018-2-5 20:06 - np84 - 求助成功区
[JSTOR] Health Inequality: Morality and Measurement 0 个回复 - 1125 次查看
Title: Health Inequality: Morality and Measurement
Auhtor: Yukiko ASADA
Published by: University of Toronto Press
Pages: 310 URL:
...2015-12-3 04:19 - suzzon - 文献求助专区
ncome inequality, the psychosocial environment, and health 1 个回复 - 695 次查看
【作者(必填)】Lynch J, Smith GD, Hillemeier M, Shaw M, Raghunathan T, Kaplan G
【文题(必填)】Income inequality, the psychosocial environment, and health: comparisons of wealthy nations
【年份(必 ...2013-4-7 00:52 - tfkl - 求助成功区
Is income inequality a determinant of population health? Part 1 1 个回复 - 903 次查看
【作者(必填)】Lynch J, Smith GD, Harper S, Hillemeier M, Ross N, Kaplan GA, Wolfson M
【文题(必填)】Is income inequality a determinant of population health? Part 1. A systematic review
【年份(必 ...2013-4-7 00:51 - tfkl - 求助成功区