[Case Study]Plotting Tick Data with ggplot2 1 个回复 - 748 次查看
Here are some examples of using ggplot2 and kdb+ together to produce some simple graphs of data stored in kdb+. I am using the qserver extension for R (http://code.kx.com/wsvn/code/cookbook_code/r/) t ...2015-3-20 08:15 - ReneeBK - winbugs及其他软件专版
Tick by tickdata of Standard & Poor 500 Index Future 0 个回复 - 2137 次查看
Tick by tickdata od S&P500 index future. The data range covers 1 month from 9/2/2010 to 30/9/2010.
Hopefully, it is helpful for your research! If you have strong interesting in Stock index futures ...2011-1-19 22:35 - xhschneider - 数据交流中心