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The Power of Inaction: Bank Bailouts in Comparison
8 个回复 - 1279 次查看
Bank bailouts in the afte
rmath of the collapse of Lehman B
rs and the onset of the G
reat Recession b
rought into sha
relief the powe
r that the global financial secto
r holds ove
r national politics ...
2015-7-10 06:57 - 大家开心 - 制度经济学
The Economics of Inaction
3 个回复 - 3019 次查看
The Economics of Inaction:
Stochastic Cont
rol Models with Fixed Costs
Nancy L. Stokey
标题格式:The Economics of Inaction,Nancy L. Stokey,2009
【资料名称】:The Economics of Inaction
2009-12-17 00:39 - charlie19872011 - 微观经济学