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在做空间计量xsmle回归时提示Warning: All regressors will be spatially lagged
18 个回复 - 14751 次查看 本人空间计量初学者,在贴吧逛了几天了,感觉问题一直都没解决。在构建空间权重矩阵时,首先手动敲出了103个id的数据,用geoda095i做出来.shp文件。 之后使用了连享会的做法构建反距离矩阵,如下: https://blog.c ...2020-4-24 12:22 - 陈默一号 - Stata专版
High-Frequency Lead-Lag Effects and Cross-Asset Linkages: a Multi-Asset Lagged A
1 个回复 - 745 次查看 【作者(必填)】 ahgoer 【文题(必填)】 High-Frequency Lead-Lag Effects and Cross-Asset Linkages: a Multi-Asset Lagged Adjustment Model* 【年份(必填)】 2019 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://am ...2019-12-9 14:43 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Enhanced Lagged Cell-Transmission Model for Dynamic Traffic Assignment
1 个回复 - 503 次查看 【作者(必填)】 W. Szeto 【文题(必填)】 Enhanced Lagged Cell-Transmission Model for Dynamic Traffic Assignment 【年份(必填)】 2008 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://trrjournalonline.trb.org/d ...2018-7-22 20:55 - peterxu1969 - 求助成功区
求助The Effect of Lagged Regulation in an Averch-Johnson Model
2 个回复 - 619 次查看 【作者(必填)】Elizabeth E. Bailey and Roger D. Coleman 【文题(必填)】The Effect of Lagged Regulation in an Averch-Johnson Model 【年份(必填)】1971 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.js ...2017-7-8 21:18 - cau2015 - 求助成功区
Compare Cross-Lagged Associations in a Multilevel Autoregressive Model
3 个回复 - 2236 次查看 By modeling variables over time it is possible to investigate the Granger-causal cross-lagged associations between variables. By comparing the standardized cross-lagged coefficients, the relative stre ...2016-7-5 12:42 - bfzldh - HLM专版
An Illustration of a Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Design for Larger Structural Equa
2 个回复 - 982 次查看 【作者(必填)】Gary J. Burkholder & Lisa L. Harlow 【文题(必填)】An Illustration of a Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Design for Larger Structural Equation Models 【年份(必填)】2003 【全文链接或数据库 ...2015-2-9 15:30 - Tonyhk - 求助成功区
求文章A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivatio
1 个回复 - 713 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Neal, Andrew; Griffin, Mark A. 【文题(必填)】 A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivation, safety behavior, and accidents at the individual and group ...2013-11-1 16:28 - 317792209 - 求助成功区
1、Intertemporal consumer surplus in lagged-adjustment demand models: An applica
1 个回复 - 644 次查看 【作者(必填)】Michael G. Baumann∗ 【文题(必填)】Intertemporal consumer surplus in lagged-adjustment demand models: An application to natural gas pricing 【年份(必填)】Energy EconomicsVolume ...2013-10-9 16:42 - 真龙121 - 求助成功区
杜宾模型在检验当中出现了Warning: All regressors will be spatially lagged
6 个回复 - 3240 次查看 请问杜宾模型在(效应检验)(Hausman检验)等检验结果当中出现了Warning: All regressors will be spatially lagged, initial values not feasible是什么原因导致的?该怎么解决呢? 以下是我的Hausman检验部分 ...2021-11-29 21:38 - 雨+晓 - Stata专版
时间序列中滞后变量(lagged variables) 在系统动力软件中的模拟
1 个回复 - 2520 次查看 刚刚接触系统动力学软件。之前用eviews模拟宏观模型,希望通过系统动力学软件进行下更直观的模拟。但很多时间序列的公式都包含之后变量, 是一个大的联立方程组,如以下几个公式:1. 当前资本存量 k(t) = k(t-1) * ( ...2018-6-5 18:43 - lst33527 - 系统动力学
新年好!请问lagged assets 是什么意思?
20 个回复 - 14753 次查看 新年好!请问lagged assets 是什么意思?2011-2-8 13:53 - 龙悦 - 会计与财务管理
[Q&A]Problems with lagged response models?
0 个回复 - 1674 次查看 I am thinking about a problem that I hope someone can help me with: I just read in "Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling using Stata" by Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal about problems with lagged response m ...2014-6-13 03:37 - Nicolle - HLM专版
Multilevel cross-lagged with changing clusters?
2 个回复 - 2253 次查看 Dear List, I am running a cross-lagged panel model across three time points, with three variables all predicting each other. The data are multilevel with school children nested within classes. How ...2014-1-7 10:23 - ReneeBK - HLM专版
eviews6.0操作单位根ADF检验,lagged difference与lags to include
5 个回复 - 10198 次查看 这两天再做自相关和单位根检验,不过在查找网上关于确定单位根检验的最大滞后期的确定方法上,碰到了疑问,虽然我已经知道根据两大原则尝试确定最大滞后期数,但是别人操作出来的图片和我的不一样,如下面的三个图; ...2015-9-19 14:03 - 跨越南墙 - EViews专版
求助:corss-lagged panel correlations是怎么样一个回归模型?!
1 个回复 - 2481 次查看 麻烦能详细介绍下么? 还有如何在SPSS中实现呢?2007-5-17 10:45 - air2005 - 计量经济学与统计软件
悬赏100论坛币,求教序列的单位根检验中Lagged differences的选择标准
4 个回复 - 5077 次查看 悬赏100论坛币,求教序列的单位根检验中Lagged differences的选择标准.2009-8-22 16:24 - nlm0402 - 爱问频道
求英文文献Work gets unfair for the depressed: Cross-lagged relations between org
3 个回复 - 1195 次查看 【题 名】: Work gets unfair for the depressed: Cross-lagged relations between organizational justice perceptions and depressive symptoms 【作 者】: Lang, J., Bliese, P.D., Lang, J.W.B. & Adler, A ...2011-9-6 18:18 - piello - 文献求助专区
Cycle = the depreciation expenses divided by lagged assets;
2 个回复 - 2166 次查看 请问:Cycle = the depreciation expenses divided by lagged assets是什么意思? 请哪位同学帮翻译一下。谢谢啦!2011-2-9 21:03 - 龙悦 - 会计与财务管理
[求助]the sum of lagged term?
1 个回复 - 2584 次查看  the significance of the sum of lagged term of each explanatory variable by joint F test 请问在这句话中,the sum of lagged term  怎么翻译?谢谢2008-6-29 22:11 - ansinc - EViews专版