5 个回复 - 3504 次查看 请问哪位有2000-2020年的分析师研报?我愿意奉上1000大洋,另加我自己爬下来的2021-2022分析师研报PDF(57000份)作为回馈2022-7-19 18:05 - BrainXX - 现金交易版
0 个回复 - 796 次查看 作者精心整理285个地级市绿色全要素生产率(2003-2018年),使用maXDEA软件测算,内含原始数据和测算结果,有多个模型,CRS、VRS、SE可供选择。亲测好用先分享给大家,欢迎购买!2022-2-11 19:04 - why789 - 现金交易版
2 个回复 - 2503 次查看 循证医学数据提取Excel万能换算模板2.0 包括如下子模块: 合并亚组数据 SE换算SD 组内CI换算SD 组间CI换算SD P值和MD换算SD 四分位换算SD Rangef换算SD 基线终点算差值 基线差值算终点 WMD+seWMD+S ...2022-1-31 10:46 - Lotus_ss - 现金交易版
SEEM计算金融学,计算机金融computational finance+投资科学:香港中文大学学习资料
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The Conservative Formula: Quantitative Investing Made Easy
9 个回复 - 21079 次查看 We propose a conservative investment formula which selects 100 stocks based on three criteria: low return volatility, high net payout yield, and strong price momentum. We show that this simple formula ...2022-6-29 14:10 - yunnandlg - python论坛
Bruce Hansen Econometrics+ Econometric Modeling with Time Series Martin: 北大
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基于Joseph P. Daniels David D. VanHoose国际金融学 第3版:中央财大的学习资料
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基于曼昆(N. Gregory Mankiw)经济学基础 第6版 教学讲义 - Essentials of Economics
3 个回复 - 1215 次查看 基于曼昆(N. Gregory Mankiw)经济学基础 第6版 教学讲义 - Essentials of Economics,香港科大学习资料 = Essentials of Economics Chapter1 Ten Principles of Economics.pdf Chapter2 Thinking Like an ...2022-6-7 05:30 - Lala-20200 - 现金交易版
Sedra, Smith 微电子电路 第8版 习题答案 (最新版,英文)Microelectronic Circuits
7 个回复 - 3918 次查看 Sedra, Smith 微电子电路 第8版 习题答案 (最新版,英文) Sedra, Smith, Carusone, Gaudet Microelectronic Circuits, 8th Edition习题答案 =Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Tonny Chan Carusone, Vincent ...2022-5-30 17:53 - Mama-2022 - 现金交易版
物流管理SEEM5800ECLT5730 logistics management, Green Logistics:香港中文大学学习
0 个回复 - 674 次查看 物流管理SEEM5800ECLT5730 logistics management, Green Logistics:香港中文大学学习资料 更详细的内容,请参考下面的截图说明和内容说明为准! 物流管理SEEM5800ECLT5730 logistics management, Green ...2022-6-28 09:53 - Lala-20200 - 现金交易版
基于哈维·S·罗森(Harvey S.Rosen)特德·盖亚(Ted Gayer)财政学 10th 讲义
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元宇宙市场规模调研-Metaverse Market Research Report Forecast Till 2030-137页
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Fastdata极数-元宇宙报告2022:Hello Metaverse-104页
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人口预测软件 PADIS-INT v1.2.2.5版本+User guide
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时序系列:基于Eviews Johansent协整检验,ARDL,ARDL-ECM案例实操数据
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R in Action, Third Edition Data analysis and graphics with R and Tidyverse
14 个回复 - 6056 次查看 Built specifically for statistical computing and graphics, the R language, along with its amazing collection of libraries and tools, is one of the most powerful tools you can use to tackle data analys ...2022-3-19 13:22 - wangjianfqy - R语言论坛
求Knowledge Management Research & Practice投稿经验分享
14 个回复 - 3114 次查看 最近写了一篇文章,知识管理方向的,想了解下《Knowledge Management Research & Practice》这个期刊,但是不知道审稿的流程与周期,有没有小伙伴投过这个期刊,求经验分享!2022-3-28 18:21 - 道阻且长~~ - 论文版
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投稿Empirical Econ遇到The file cannot be processed
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1 个回复 - 537 次查看 简介 当我们知道有Hadoop生态系统集成HDFS分布式存储数据、 YARN分配资源、 MapReduce管理任务之后, 我们还需要知道的是:海量数据如何导入到HDFS中去? HBase实际上是一个在HDFS上开发的面向列的分布式的开源非 ...2022-3-28 11:00 - AIU人工智能学院 - 数据分析师(CDA)专版
固定收益证券Fixed Income Securities:课件 西南财经大学金融学院杨韧老师主讲
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统计分析入门与应用 SPSS中文版+PLS-SEM
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中国上市公司股吧评论数据库(Stocks Comments of Chinese Listed Companies, GUBA)
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research 投稿经验分享
190 个回复 - 51325 次查看 《[/backcolor]Environmental Science and Pollution Research》SCI JCR二区,中科院环境研究大类 三区。写了一篇关于产业结构与碳排放的科学知识图谱类综述,看其他论坛都说这个期刊普遍慢,基本都要8-10个月,抱着 ...2022-3-25 10:18 - wlf1988 - 学术道德监督
Environmental Science and Pollution Research经验分享
45 个回复 - 23706 次查看 Environmental Science and Pollution Research是JCR Q2,中科院3区的刊物。第一次投,有幸录用,现分享一下投稿后的流程:2021.11.01 submitted to journal;2021.11.02 加行号后重新提交(投稿的时候一定要加上,不 ...2022-3-15 10:12 - xiaorenrui - 学术道德监督
图说几何(第2版){俄罗斯}阿尔谢尼. 阿科皮扬(Arseniy Akopyan)著; 姜子麟 译,20
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董秘信息数据库(Secretary of the Board Database, CSBD)
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基于Harvey S. Rosen Public Finance 10th,:学习课件,财政学,公共经济学
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ECLT 5940/SEEM 5880 Supply Chain Management供应链管理:香港中文大学学习资料
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ECLT 5930/SEEM 5740 Sullivan,Wicks Engineering Economy 16e,香港中文大学学习资料
1 个回复 - 722 次查看 工程经济学ECLT 5930/SEEM 5740 Sullivan,Wicks Engineering Economy 16e,香港中文大学学习资料 ECLT 5930/SEEM 5740:Engineering Economics 2017-18 First Term Master of Science in ECLT SEEM Departme ...2022-6-28 09:37 - Lala-20200 - 现金交易版
Bruce Hansen Econometrics2022教材和部分答案
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MATLAB 中函数setvar无法识别是什么原因
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求救大神stata运行事件研究法出现variable date does not uniquely identify observat
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中国政治精英数据库(Chinese Political Elite Database(CPED))
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基于Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith 微电子电路 第6版 习题答案Microelectronic Ci
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商法课件+小组作业+Essentials of Business Law 4e byBeatty testbank
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Financial Modeling:Uses Excel and R 第5版 金融建模:使用Excel和R 2021
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SEEM5770 /ECLT5840Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach:香港中文大学学习资料
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哈佛案例讲义Lecture of HBS Case Interview Guide
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Grimmett和Stirzaker的Probability and Random Processes和习题集,高清最新版
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Manning.Time Series Forecasting in Python.2022
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Ending at the Wrong Time: The Financial Reporting Consequences of a Uniform Fisc
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基于蔡瑞胸Analysis of Financial Time Series讲义
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金融时间序列分析Analysis of Financial Time Series 3th答案
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系统gmmAR2和hansen yest检验都通过,但是不显
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咨询入门书籍集合 case in point 11 + case interview secrets
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ACCA,SBL-Sean,Strategic Professional,Strategic Business leader学习讲义笔记
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财务分析报告学习课件PPTAnalyzing Financial Reports Course Manual
1 个回复 - 1414 次查看 财务分析报告学习课件PPTAnalyzing Financial Reports Course Manual Introduction The goal of this course is to expose students and finance professionals to the structure and typical contents of so ...2022-4-26 15:19 - Lamarr-202110 - 现金交易版
stata set seed问题
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商务方法研究,基于Research Methods for Business:A Skill Building Approach
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SEEM5710 Principles of Engineering Management :香港中文大学学习资料
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Research Methodology in Applied Economics
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a first look at stochastic processes 下载
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rose 公司理财 11版 题库
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On Writing Well 30th【William Zinsser】【PDF】分享
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intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB (solution manual)
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SEEM5820/ECLT5920 Models Decision with Financial Applications :香港中文大学学习
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SEEM8520 Models and Decision with Financial applications :香港中文大学学习资料
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金融数据库与数据分析,SAS Base: 南京大学学习资料
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Note:65 failures and 0 successes completely determine
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Yasmina Bestaoui Sebbane - A First Course in Aerial Robots and Drones
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SAS 初级习题答案+sas易错题整理,sasbase sas base
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经典交易书籍,Market Structure And Powerful Setups
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Analysis for Product and Service Innovation: JHU 学习课件
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openfoam学习资料how to use Linux,OpenFOAM,paraFoam,and some Gnuplot and Python
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Biobase in R培训资料
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A First Course In Statistical Inference-Springer
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