Sharp Error Estimate for Maximum Likelihood Estimator 0 个回复 - 2741 次查看
Abstract We consider the maximumlikelihoodestimator of the unknown parameter in a class ofnonstationary diffusion processes. We give further a precise estimate for the error of the estimator.Keyword ...2007-2-11 10:52 - hazhizhi - 计量经济学与统计软件
(高手请进)VAR Maximum Likelihood Estimator and OLS Estimator 13 个回复 - 6464 次查看
I am trying to estimate a VAR system.
I used both Maximum Likelihood and OLS to estimate the coefficients but the results are different. Are they supposed to be the same? 请 高手指教! Thanks!2010-3-20 02:08 - meihao2008 - Gauss专版