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function[y]=seir(t,x)a=1/14;b=0.03;c=1/14;r=10;DS=-r*b*x(1)*x(3);DE=r*b*x(1)*x(3)-a*x(2);DI=a*x(2)-c*x(3);DR=c*x(3);y=[DS;DE;DI;DR];end [t,x]=ode45('seir',[0:2:150],[0.95 0.01 0.03 0.03]);figure(1)plo ...
2020-7-15 11:04 - 好好加油zz - 新手入门区
10gold time seires
0 个回复 - 1024 次查看
hello girls and boys
i am learning the time series analysis, it has confused me for several weeks. so i need some videos of our home.
can you give me a favor, how i can find the correlated v ...
2010-3-26 14:35 - windrococoyu - SAS专版