elements offorecasting_Francis X. Diebold 65 个回复 - 16079 次查看
elements offorecasting_Francis X. Diebold课后习题答案,不是课本。
Written by a leading expert on forecasting, this concise and modern text focuses on the core techniques of wi ...2010-2-1 20:19 - zhangmin317 - 计量经济学与统计软件
经济预测方面比较经典的书 elements offorecasting diebold著张涛译 中英文版本全 37 个回复 - 13955 次查看
Editorial ReviewsReview"The text is excellent from instructor's perspective. It is focused and comprehensive. The text is empirically oriented. It covers major issues of time-series econometrics at ...2011-3-9 00:18 - lightingstar - 计量经济学与统计软件