《深入理解计算机系统》【美】Randal E. Bryant等 中文版 原书第三版+英文版第三版
6 个回复 - 2005 次查看 广受好评的基础教材,需要的同学自取~ 注:中文版文件略大。2020-3-22 16:52 - 一竿秋雨 - IT基础
英文版Head First Servlets and JSP_ Passing the - Bryan Basham
1 个回复 - 860 次查看 英文版Head First Servlets and JSP_ Passing the - Bryan Basham 高清;文字可拷2021-3-5 17:45 - 齐那尔儿 - JAVA语言开发技术
【学习笔记】Jennifer Hudson sings a tribute to Kobe Bryant and his daugh ...
0 个回复 - 272 次查看 Jennifer Hudson sings a tribute to Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna before the NBA All-Star game on Sunday in Chicago. 周日在芝加哥举行的NBA全明星赛之前,詹尼弗·赫德森为科比·布莱恩特和他的女儿吉安 ...2020-2-18 23:44 - 5218_1580978959 - Forum
【学习笔记】NBA legend Kobe Bryant was one of five people killed in a he ...
0 个回复 - 517 次查看 NBA legend Kobe Bryant was one of five people killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, sources tell CNN. He was 41.2020-1-27 12:15 - Richardsunhw - Forum
【学习笔记】 视频课程:商业分析技能实训营,麦肯锡前咨询顾问Bryan,Willia ...
3 个回复 - 1327 次查看 视频课程:商业分析技能实训营,麦肯锡前咨询顾问Bryan,William2019-10-5 21:58 - Bella9575 - Forum
求Data Driven Marketing by Roger Bryan
0 个回复 - 538 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Roger Bryan 【文题(必填)】 Data Driven Marketing: Leverage Data to Increase Sales, Grow Profits, and Land More Customers【年份(必填)】 2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Inside thi ...2018-6-27 06:25 - babibobi2000 - 文献求助专区
【湖人队退役篮球巨星科比的传记】 Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant (2016)
16 个回复 - 2392 次查看 Showboat: The Life of Kobe Bryant by Roland Lazenby (Author) Eighteen-time all-star; scorer of 81 points in a game; MVP and a shooting guard second only to Jordan in league history: Kobe Br ...2016-11-8 12:08 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water and Power by Bryan Til
1 个回复 - 1461 次查看 Dams and Development in China: The Moral Economy of Water and Power by Bryan Tilt (PDF) China is home to half of the world's large dams and adds dozens more each year. The benefits are considerab ...2015-8-10 12:32 - -Nathan - 宏观经济学
【国外资源】[12-6] bryantstratton.edu
59 个回复 - 1471 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2012-12-6 14:34 - jinbo79 - 国内外文献账号区
【国外资源】[11-23] Bryant&Stratton College ez
2 个回复 - 315 次查看 http://vl.bryantstratton.edu/ parma///student2012-11-30 02:26 - adanae - 国内外文献账号区
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5个币 跪求 Programming in RPG IV by Bryan Meyers
6 个回复 - 1513 次查看 任意版本的啊2010-10-24 07:04 - robin_zheng - 求助成功区
【国外文献】[11-13]bryant & stratton(重复)
1 个回复 - 163 次查看 http://vl.bryantstratton.edu ID: parma Pass: student2009-11-13 17:28 - yzhongb - 国内外文献账号区
1 个回复 - 452 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****xcch2008  金币 +7  金钱 +10  魅力 +10  经验 +10  奖励 2009-5-28 14:12:252009-5-28 09:24 - paxwkj - 国内外文献账号区
0 个回复 - 1123 次查看 http://vl.bryantstratton.edu/Default.aspx?tabid=275 ID: parma PW: student[/UserCP] [此贴子已经被xcch2008于2009-2-11 12:17:04编辑过]xcch2008  金币 +3  惩罚 2009-2- ...2009-2-11 10:37 - yzhongb - 国内外文献账号区
0 个回复 - 1718 次查看 【网址】: http://vl.bryantstratton.edu/Default.aspx?tabid=275  【账号】:parma  【密码】:student [/UserCP] [此贴子已经被xcch2008于2008-11-11 21:59:59编辑过]我是谁2005  金币 ...2008-11-3 21:48 - greenzhu - 国内外文献账号区