20 个回复 - 1865 次查看 Contents Demand trends 3 IATA forecasts net loss of $4.7bn in 2009 3 Economic trends 6 Supply trends 8 Capacity will need to be cut 8 Share price and capacity behaviour 9 Capacity analysis in E ...2009-7-20 18:39 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
20 个回复 - 1938 次查看 Contents 3 Sector anatomy – presentation of the sector 4 Sector anatomy – performance and valuation 5 Investment summary 7 Valuation 7 Flag carriers: P/BV cycle 9 Low-cost carriers: P/E-driven ...2009-8-10 22:53 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
12 个回复 - 4399 次查看 Domestic re-acceleration going into LNY Domestic Chinese air traffic growth has staged a healthy rebound from a low of 6% yoy in May to 10% in November 2012, despite significant headwinds from a n ...2013-1-23 12:22 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 1608 次查看 如题,本来想免费提供,但由于小弟现在论坛币捉襟见肘,所以低价出售,只售两元!!2013-3-25 16:00 - qq639459 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 1238 次查看 最近航空业的热点之一,低空域改革2013-3-26 11:52 - qq639459 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1502 次查看 2007-10-6 07:34 - 12楼 - 行业分析报告
(稀缺报告)2011德意志银行 全球航空业研究报告
35 个回复 - 4262 次查看 2011德意志银行 全球航空业研究报告 直接由500降价为20.。便宜了2011-4-15 01:04 - hhxiazai - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1572 次查看 分享一个关于航空业的报告,时间可能不太新,供大家参考,请热心赞助一下。 罗兰贝格中国航空业研究报告.pdf2011-9-6 16:30 - falltree - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 1527 次查看 <p>Network airlines<br/>Long-term winners, but is there<br/>further value destruction ahead?<br/><a href="http://www.davy.ie/">www.davy.ie</a><br/>Bloomberg: DAVY&lt; ...2009-1-31 13:49 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 1837 次查看 这是最近研究中国航空业时发现的两个报告,都不错,英文的~2011-6-29 05:19 - violettie - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 2163 次查看 <p>Sharp reductions to estimates<br/>We make reductions to our FY09F EPS estimates of between approximately 20% and<br/>65%, as we switch our oil assumption from $90/bbl oil to $120/bbl. W ...2008-7-23 09:05 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
德意志银行:97页 全球航空业研究 英文 20110113
1 个回复 - 1327 次查看 Size: 2.35MB Page: 97 Table of Contents Summary 3 Global Valuation Matrix 4 Executive Summary 12 Industry Factors/Drivers 21 Laying the Foundation for Global M&A 25 Global Consolidation Tren ...2011-1-16 23:06 - cosmicor - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 2426 次查看 Buy ahead of a year end demand floor vv dsvdvsdy 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 May 08 Jun 08 Jul 08 Aug 08 Sep 08 Oct 08 Nov 08 Dec 08 Jan 09 Feb 09 Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 ...2009-7-21 13:10 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 2064 次查看 Airlines Fundamentals On The Mend, Profits In The Distance; Equity And Credit Ratings Revised Airline Equity Jamie BakerAC (1-212) 622-6713 Scott Tan, CFA (1-212) 622-5541 Joseph Abboud ( ...2009-9-21 21:30 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
10 个回复 - 2479 次查看 February 23, 2009Chinese AirlinesBad News Priced In; RaiseIndustry View to In-LineInvestment conclusion: We are upgrading our industryview to In-Line from Cautious as we believe the worstperiod for Ch ...2009-5-8 14:42 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 1355 次查看 Table of Contents Investment Thesis......................................................................................... 4 Credit Overview and Recommendations ................................... ...2009-7-21 12:40 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 2289 次查看 We think the markets have got it rightShare prices of network carriers have declined as the market prices in $90 oil andanticipates a slowdown in premium traffic. We believe premium traffic growth wil ...2008-5-17 07:17 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告