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SCM物流与供应链管理导论Introduction to Logistic and Supply Chain Management
1 个回复 - 1507 次查看 物流与供应链管理导论Introduction to Logistic and Supply Chain Management,国外留学时的学习资料(课件+讲义)整理 供应链管理标准流程-美国供应链管理协会CSCMP制定,更详细的内容,请参考下面的截图说明为准! ...2022-4-15 21:00 - lotus_sss - 现金交易版
求成晔 production and operation cd rom
6 个回复 - 1110 次查看 我有这本书的解答 换CD ROM 的资料2017-2-26 19:31 - kevinmit8 - 武汉大学经济与管理学院
[下载随书光盘]Econometric Foundations Pack with CD-ROM 包括 GUASS Light
16 个回复 - 11121 次查看 Econometric Foundations Pack with CD-ROM (Hardcover) by Ron C. Mittelhammer (Author), George G. Judge (Author), Douglas J. Miller (Author) "MOST econometric problems begin with several fundamental que ...2009-5-13 06:48 - pertain - Gauss专版
【学习笔记】https://www.cda.cn/hd/230.html?from=groupmessage&isappinstal ...
1 个回复 - 468 次查看 https://www.cda.cn/hd/230.html?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=02019-10-25 11:37 - 85691082 - Forum
CO2 emissions from fuel combustion-OECD 2018
3 个回复 - 1210 次查看 2018-11-13 01:23 - lily20121231 - 环境经济学
Market Risk Analysis Volumes IV Value At Risk的CD-ROM文件
17 个回复 - 3454 次查看 关于这本书,论坛里有个汇总贴 http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-1154148-1-1.html 但是只有第三卷的CD-ROM, 缺了1,2,4卷的CD-ROM,其中第四卷讲var模型部分的光盘非常重要,因此我上传了上来。 ...2014-12-28 04:14 - cufezhusy - 金融学(理论版)
The effects of financial and real wealth on consumption: evidence from OECD
2 个回复 - 619 次查看 【作者(必填)】 R De Bonis[/backcolor],A Silvestrini[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】The effects of financial and real wealth on consumption: new evidence from OECD countries[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】20 ...2021-1-14 21:18 - zhutx - 求助成功区
OECD: CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 1971-2007
3 个回复 - 1933 次查看 2010-10-14 09:03 - tyn - 数据交流中心
【学习笔记】托福考试官方指南第5版 CDROM安装文件
1 个回复 - 808 次查看 托福考试官方指南第5版 CDROM安装文件2020-6-27 10:47 - gemxplore - Forum
Practical Management Science一书的CD-ROM数据
25 个回复 - 9484 次查看 Practical Management Science一书,肯定算是学习运筹学的一本好书,遗憾的是找不到该书的电子版,这里提供数据,同时,望有好心人分享该书电子书 象征性收1个论坛币吧 目录 CHAPTER1 Introduction to Mode ...2009-12-18 14:17 - dylanmt - Excel
【学习笔记】[下载随书光盘]Econometric Foundations Pack with CD-ROM 包括 ...
0 个回复 - 268 次查看 [下载随书光盘]Econometric Foundations Pack with CD-ROM 包括 GUASS Light [Ron_C._Mittelhammer,_George_G._Judge,_Douglas_J._(BookZZ.org).pdf https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-456427-1-1.html2019-11-30 11:20 - W160913110321OM - Forum
Time-Varying Systemic Risk: Evidence From a Dynamic Copula Model of CDS Spreads
2 个回复 - 1225 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Patton 【文题(必填)】 Time-Varying Systemic Risk: Evidence From a Dynamic Copula Model of CDS Spreads【年份(必填)】 2018 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.tandfonline.com/d ...2018-7-30 21:39 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Oxford_AdvancedLearner's_Dictionary_9th CD ROM
3 个回复 - 5224 次查看 英语学习经典词典推荐:牛津高阶英语词典,最新:第9版! 电驴源 ed2k://|file|Oxford_AdvancedLearner's_Dictionary_9th%20Ed._with_iWriter&iSpeaker.rar|3086448406|00F3F976BA8DFBC022E405275E5B7869|h=YDVYZS ...2015-8-16 16:43 - xdxkm99 - 外语学习
卓越网买了《金融学》 博迪莫顿,可是没附光盘啊prentice hall finance center cd rom
2 个回复 - 1789 次查看 如题,我想要那个CD 的ISO,希望各位好友有的话能够发到我邮箱。 或者是加QQ 393749251 传给我谢谢啦 我很穷,论坛币就那么一点了2010-3-3 17:04 - xiutingrong - 悬赏大厅
CD-ROM Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisati
10 个回复 - 2481 次查看CD-ROM for Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation by Moorad Choudhry https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Structured+Credit+Products%3A+Credit+Derivatives+and+ ...2018-4-17 13:14 - defaultrisk - 悬赏大厅
FX Options and Smile Risk pdf + CDROM
5 个回复 - 3639 次查看 pdf : CDROM (with Excel Worksheet) : FX Options and Smile Risk DescriptionThe FX options market represents one of the most liquid and strongly competitive markets in the world, and featur ...2014-8-27 11:31 - ipod4g - Excel
Kalman Filtering Theory and Practice Using MATLAB CD ROM files and books
9 个回复 - 4418 次查看 含書與cd檔 kalman filter matlab 3rd \CD 1. General Information. 2. Linear Dynamic Systems. 3. Random Processes and Stochastic Systems. 4. Linear Optimal Filters and Predictors. 5. Optimal Smoo ...2010-12-17 14:22 - jochang76 - MATLAB等数学软件专版
【08金融危机必读系列】OECD官方出品 From Crisis to Recovery
23 个回复 - 3769 次查看 本书为经济合作与发展组织(OECD)对于2008年金融危机的官方看法,值得一读。降价出售期已过,如果喜欢,就请“加关注”我吧(点击头像下方,http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=452766)。关注 ...2015-3-7 07:00 - wwqqer - 宏观经济学
Time-Varying Systemic Risk: Evidence from a Dynamic Copula Model of CDS Spreads
10 个回复 - 935 次查看 【作者(必填)】Oh and Patton 【文题(必填)】Time-Varying Systemic Risk: Evidence from a Dynamic Copula Model of CDS Spreads 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】JBES正式版2017-11-6 20:35 - byliu - 求助成功区
0 个回复 - 1329 次查看 Introduction_to_Management_Science_5th_Edition_CD-ROM的资料,方便下载。2017-10-13 11:45 - jkttno1 - 学术资源/课程/会议/讲座
Time-varying systemic risk: Evidence from a dynamic copula model of cds spreads
1 个回复 - 431 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Patton 【文题(必填)】 Time-varying systemic risk: Evidence from a dynamic copula model of cds spreads【年份(必填)】 2017 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.tandfonline.com/do ...2017-8-25 09:06 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
FX options and Structured Products pdf + CDROM
6 个回复 - 2657 次查看 FX Options and Structured Products pdf : CDROM (Excel worksheets) : Uwe Wystup ISBN: 978-0-470-01145-4 340 pages November 2006 Description There has been an explosive growth ...2014-8-29 19:17 - ipod4g - Excel
求文献Has Tax Competition Emerged in OECD Countries? Evidence from Panel Data
2 个回复 - 611 次查看 【作者(必填)】Hannes Winner[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Has Tax Competition Emerged in OECDCountries? Evidence from Panel Data 【年份(必填)】2005 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://link.spring ...2017-3-16 22:18 - rbcwi - 求助成功区
Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA pdf + CDROM
2 个回复 - 1863 次查看 Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA pdf + CDROM One of the best learning book about Excel 2010 programming with VBA. The Author John Walkenbach's name is synonymous with excellence in compu ...2017-1-17 18:11 - ipod4g - Excel
求助:Carol Alexander - Market Risk Analysis CD-ROM 随书光盘
30 个回复 - 8304 次查看 求助: Market Risk Analysis CD-ROM 随书光盘 作者: Carol Alexander 书在本站上有, 先只求书的 CDROM/CD-ROM 光盘内容, 第1, 2, 4 册的随书光盘 注明: Market Risk Analysis, Four Volume Boxset 书已 ...2012-9-6 00:20 - 99rabbit - 会计与财务管理
Financial Modeling Using C++ CDROM
0 个回复 - 625 次查看 45楼 http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4998601&page=5#pid407285692017-1-17 19:23 - ipod4g - 金融学(理论版)
Regulation, Institutions, and Productivity: New Macroeconomic Evidence from OECD
3 个回复 - 737 次查看 【作者(必填)】Balázs égert 【文题(必填)】Regulation, Institutions, and Productivity: New Macroeconomic Evidence from OECD Countries 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https:// ...2017-1-11 21:28 - runman - 求助成功区
Simon Benninga: Financial Modeling 3rd CD-ROM
2 个回复 - 740 次查看 Simon Benninga: Financial Modeling 3rd CD-ROM2015-8-26 21:09 - zdpeggy - 灌水吧
求助图书Introductory Applied Biostatistics. (CD-ROM included)
3 个回复 - 1072 次查看 【作者(必填)】D'Agostino, Ralph B./ Sullivan, Lisa M./ Beiser, Alexa S. 【文题(必填)】Introductory Applied Biostatistics 【年份(必填)】2005 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 我刚刚接触biostati ...2015-9-9 03:31 - mandyzxm - 文献求助专区
Philip McDonnell Optimal Portfolio Modeling, CD-ROM
5 个回复 - 1294 次查看 CD contents Optimal Portfolio Modeling, CD-ROM includes Models Using Excel and R: Models to Maximize Returns and Control Risk in Excel and R 20082015-2-21 16:08 - showhsu - 金融学(理论版)
求Modeling derivatives in C++ CD-ROM 随书光盘
4 个回复 - 2210 次查看 求justin london Modeling derivatives in C++一书的随书光盘,坛子上原来有,是一个110M左右的iso文件,但是链接已经不能用了。多谢。2015-1-4 23:43 - crazy8book - 金融学(理论版)
Financial Modeling By Simon Benninga 3rd Edition + CDROM
8 个回复 - 4047 次查看 Financial Modeling By Simon Benninga 3rd Edition 3rd Edition pdf: Financial Modeling By Simon Benninga, 4th edition 3rd Edition CDROM : Corporate finance models Chapter 1 ...2014-6-27 19:26 - ipod4g - Excel
Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft Excel + CDROM
5 个回复 - 2310 次查看 Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft Excel A Practical Guide for Business Calculations (2nd Edition) + CDROM Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft © Excel provides a compreh ...2014-6-26 14:56 - ipod4g - Excel
Implementing Models of Financial Derivatives + companion CDROM
2 个回复 - 1949 次查看 Implementing Models of Financial Derivatives is a comprehensive treatment of advanced implementation techniques in VBA for models of financial derivatives. Aimed at readers who are already fam ...2014-6-26 03:06 - ipod4g - Excel
求:Effective Project Management: With Microsoft Project CD-Rom
0 个回复 - 713 次查看 ~ Jack Gido (作者), James Clements (作者) [*]出版社: South-Western, Division of Thomson Learning; 4th International edition (2008年10月15日) [*]外文书名: 成功的项目管理 [*]平装: 504页 [*]语种 ...2014-4-2 16:41 - 唐宋元清 - 悬赏大厅
求The Official Guide for GMAT Review (With CD ROM) 13th Edition Author:
3 个回复 - 917 次查看 The Official Guide for GMAT Review (With CD ROM) 13th Edition Author: Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)2014-2-14 15:40 - kingvern - 求助成功区
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Confl
1 个回复 - 1267 次查看 OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas2011-8-10 08:51 - wangbisong - 宏观经济学
next generation excel 的CDROM
5 个回复 - 2156 次查看 同题,哪位同仁有《next generation excel :[/backcolor] Modeling in Excel for Analysts and MBAs >> 这本书的CDROM光盘里面的内容,注意不是书,而是[/backcolor]CDROM光盘里面的内容。[/backcolor] [/backcol ...2013-6-26 23:04 - sareta - Excel
Volatility Trading CD-ROM
5 个回复 - 2129 次查看 Volatility Trading, + CD-ROM (Wiley Trading)[Hardcover]Euan Sinclair (Author) [*]Hardcover: 224 pages[*]Publisher: Wiley (June 23, 2008)[*]Language: English[*]ISBN-10: 9780470181997[*]ISBN-13: ...2011-6-6 20:47 - jerry780 - 金融学(理论版)
求:CD-ROM (Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS)
0 个回复 - 980 次查看 没有 Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS 这本书的CD-ROM,很痛苦啊。 哪位大侠好心上传一下,我愿意出100币购买,真心感谢啊!!!2013-11-9 20:07 - sareta - 数据分析与数据挖掘
model derivatives in c++ codes (CDROM)
3 个回复 - 944 次查看 model derivatives in c++ codes (CDROM)2013-9-21 21:44 - kautz - 金融学(理论版)
求 Kleinbaum DG. ActivEpi 2.0, Version 3.0 (CD-ROM). 电子版
0 个回复 - 881 次查看 求 Activepi 2.0: Version 3.0 [CD-ROM] 电子版 ~ David G. Kleinbaum (作者) 基本信息 [*]出版社: Springer-Verlag New York Inc.; 3rd Revised edition (2008年3月4日) [*]CD-ROM ...2013-8-21 10:49 - emilysky7 - 悬赏大厅
Next generation excel 的CDROM
4 个回复 - 1687 次查看 同题,哪位同仁有《next generation excel : Modeling in Excel for Analysts and MBAs >> 这本书的CDROM光盘里面的内容,注意不是书,而是CDROM光盘里面的内容。 如能提供,感激不尽!!2013-6-26 22:16 - sareta - 悬赏大厅
Manufacturing Growth and Financial Development: Evidence from OECD Countries
1 个回复 - 573 次查看 【作者(必填)】Neusser,Klaus;Kugler,Maurice 【文题(必填)】Manufacturing Growth and Financial Development: Evidence from OECD Countries 【年份(必填)】 1998年 80卷 4期 【全文链接或数据库名称 ...2013-7-25 15:49 - lemonadelove - 求助成功区
求Carol Alexander的Market Risk Analysis Volume 4 Value-at-Risk 的 CD-ROM
2 个回复 - 1299 次查看 书已经有了,求该书的CD-ROM。谢谢大家了~2013-5-20 09:15 - lunarbrother - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
[Request] Elementary Survey Sampling (with CD-ROM) (Duxbury Advanced Seies)
7 个回复 - 4168 次查看 Elementary Survey Sampling (with CD-ROM) (Duxbury Advanced Seies) Editorial ReviewsProduct Description Emphasizing the practical aspects of survey problems, ELEMENTARY SURVEY SAMPLING (WITH CD ...2009-6-26 07:47 - hanszhu - 计量经济学与统计软件
Validity of information on comorbidity derived rom ICD-9-CCM administrative data
2 个回复 - 995 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Quan H, Parsons GA, Ghali WA. 【文题(必填)】 Validity of information on comorbidity derived rom ICD-9-CCM administrative data.【年份(必填)】 2002 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http ...2013-4-30 14:32 - nalan22 - 求助成功区
高价求Games, Strategies, and Decision Making Instructor's Resource CD-ROM
0 个回复 - 1432 次查看 求哈林顿所著《博弈、战略与决策》的光盘,Games, Strategies, and Decision Making Instructor's Resource CD-ROM 。有谁能搞到啊,200论坛币。2012-11-22 23:25 - 匿名 - 博弈论
求Carol Alexander 的Market Risk Analysis Volume4 Vaue at Risk CD-ROM
0 个回复 - 1133 次查看 最近在读这本书,苦于没有例子。哪位大侠可以共享一下此书的CD,非常感谢。2012-10-21 23:23 - benjaminchang - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
求 《Modeling Derivatives in C++ (Wiley Finance)》 随书CD-ROM
3 个回复 - 2353 次查看 该书详情: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0471654647/ref=pd_sxp_f/103-4254934-6900621?v=glance&s=books2005-5-31 23:59 - hywa - 求助成功区
求Carol Alexander的Market Risk Analysis Volume 4 Value-at-Risk 的 CD-ROM
7 个回复 - 1688 次查看 求该书的CD-ROM。谢谢大家了~2012-8-4 04:22 - umacljx - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
CD from Market Models, author : Carol Alexander
1 个回复 - 1143 次查看 searching for the CD from this book, the CD has many excel spreadsheets - Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis By Carol Alexander 谢谢2011-9-5 10:56 - Grace23 - 金融学(理论版)
求论文:The determinants of bank CDS spreads: evidence from the financial crisis
0 个回复 - 1229 次查看 rt 求论文:The determinants of bank CDS spreads: evidence from the financial crisis. Laura Chiaramonte & Barbara Casu The European Journal of Finance2012-4-12 23:02 - leiyu711 - 经济金融数学专区
IMF CD-ROM关于中国的数据 1978-2005
18 个回复 - 3816 次查看 IMF的international financial statistics 中国的统计数据。 1978-2005,年度。包括,中美汇率,real effective exchange rate, nominal effective exchange rate, M2,international reserve, government cons ...2006-8-13 08:19 - lovebeatles - 数据交流中心
blanchard 的 Macroeconomics Active Graph CD-ROM
7 个回复 - 2705 次查看 <P>这个是我们课本后面的光盘,不知道怎么弄,所以直接镜像然后压缩的,和大家分享</P> <P><BR></P>2006-11-17 22:10 - boyayang - 宏观经济学
Top Global 500 Companies in China 2011 (TG500 CD-ROM )
0 个回复 - 663 次查看 RT2011-10-11 15:35 - 碧琪 - 悬赏大厅
Blanchard, Macroeconomics 3e, Active Graph CD-ROM
2 个回复 - 1613 次查看 随书CD-Rom2010-10-19 02:40 - pertain - 宏观经济学
求World Data 1995 CD-ROM disk数据
3 个回复 - 886 次查看 这个数据在google学术收索 还有本论坛都搜索过了,都没有。 我在世界银行的官方网站找了半天也没找到,肯请高人指点下咯。现在急需。谢谢了。2011-5-18 08:40 - SYMPL - 数据求助
求Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel CD-ROM
5 个回复 - 3481 次查看 求Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel A Step-by-Step Guide CD-ROM2010-8-8 01:08 - liquidshile - 金融学(理论版)
[求助]100论坛币求CD-ROM文件:Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel-
1 个回复 - 1851 次查看 100论坛币求Wiley Finance Book“Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel-A Step-by-Step Guide”的CD盘内容文件,多谢。2009-2-17 18:48 - thinkby - 文献求助专区
Making Reform Happen - Lessons from OECD Countries
1 个回复 - 1958 次查看 Making Reform Happen. Lessons from OECD Countries OECD | 26 May 2010 | ISBN: 9264086296 | 300 pages | File type: PDF | 5 mb This volume should prove a valuable resource for policy makers engaged ...2010-6-1 18:08 - mumu7656 - 国民经济管理
跪求CD-ROM for “Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel”
0 个回复 - 1198 次查看 谁有"Reverse Engineering Deals on Wall Street with Microsoft Excel"这本书配套的CD-Rom呀?2010-6-30 13:04 - chkv - 金融学(理论版)
OECD:CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion - Highlights 2009
2 个回复 - 2421 次查看 2009-10-19 11:00 - tyn - 国民经济管理
Handbook CDROM
0 个回复 - 1023 次查看 北美正版书后的CDROM,解压后运行START文件2010-1-14 11:45 - qmwm006 - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛
OECD:Highlights from Education at a Glance 2008
1 个回复 - 1538 次查看 Contents 1. Education Levels and Student Numbers 2. The Economic Benefits of Education 3. Paying for Education 4. The School Environment2009-7-7 03:37 - tyn - 产业经济学