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Trend Trading for a Living 2nd Edition
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È«ÍøÖ»´ËÒ»·Ý¡¶trading with depth of market¡·ÀûÓÃÊг¡Éî¶È½»Ò×
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Swing Trading For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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£¨½»Ò×ϵͳÊé¼®£©Systematic Trading: A unique new method for designing trading an
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µÍ¼ÛתÈÃTrading EconomicsÕ˺Å
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141 West Jackson A Journey Through Trading Discoveries J. Peter Steidlmayer 1996
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¶À¼ÒÊ×·¢ £¡ Alexander Elder µÄ Trading Divergences£¬ÔõÄÜ´í¹ý£¡
9 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2105 ´Î²é¿´ Alexander Elder дµÄ½»Ò×Êֲᡶ Trading Divergences¡·£¡ ¶À¼ÒÊ×·¢ + ¼ò½àʵÓõĽ»ÒײßÂÔ + ¸ßÇåpdf ½»Ò×Õߵĸ£ÒôÊ飬һÖÖ¸ßЧµÄ½»ÒײßÂÔ£¡ Alexander Elder -- Õâ¸öÃû×ÖÄãÔÙÊìϤ²»¹ýÁË£¡ Trading ...2018-6-22 11:31 - GKINGLIU - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©
¸ß¼¶Ëã·¨½»Ò× - Advanced Algorithmic Trading.PDF
14 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 7133 ´Î²é¿´ ¸ß¼¶Ëã·¨½»Ò× Advanced Algorithmic Trading.¹ØÓÚ±´Ò¶Ë¹Í³¼Æ£¬Ê±¼äÐòÁзÖÎö£¬½»ÒײßÂԵĻúÆ÷ѧϰ£¡2018-4-28 01:09 - kayvid - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
ÂåÊÏ»ô¿Ë£¨Joe Ross£©½Ì²ÄÖ®Èý Trading by The Book
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2393 ´Î²é¿´ ÂåÊÏ»ô¿Ë£¨Joe Ross£©½Ì²ÄÖ®Èý Trading by The Book ¾­µäÂãK½Ì²Ä2016-12-15 00:17 - ylhufo - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
ÂåÊÏ»ô¿Ë£¨Joe Ross£©½Ì²ÄÖ®Ò» Trading is a Business
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2653 ´Î²é¿´ ÂåÊÏ»ô¿Ë£¨Joe Ross£©½Ì²ÄÖ®Ò» Trading is a Business ÂãK¾­µä½Ì²Ä2016-12-14 23:24 - ylhufo - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
ÇóThe Secrets of the Masters Trading Game 3.0.19 Full Version
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Çó The Secrets of the Masters Trading Game 3.0.19 Full Version £¿
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Hands-On Financial Trading with Python: A practical guide to using Zipline
16 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 6418 ´Î²é¿´ 2021Äêгö°æµÄÐÂÊ飬¿ÉÒÔËæ±ã¿´¿´Hands-On Financial Trading with Python: A practical guide to using Zipline and other Python libraries for backtesting trading strategies Discover how to build and ba ...2021-12-9 01:01 - kayvid - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
´ó×ÚÉÌƷͶ×Ê Commodity Market Trading and Investment
7 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2633 ´Î²é¿´ Commodity Market Trading and Investment: A Practitioners Guide to the Markets This book offers practical knowledge, analysis, trading techniques and methodologies required for the management of ...2017-2-25 05:25 - jarlow - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
Trading System and Methods 6th edition£¨ mobi°æ£©
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The Tao of Trading: How to Build Abundant Wealth in Any Market Condition
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3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2326 ´Î²é¿´ TAPE READING AND ACTIVE TRADING2021-2-15 09:50 - alexander33 - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©
¡¾Åä¶Ô½»Òס¿Pairs Trading-A Cointegration Approach
19 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 6166 ´Î²é¿´ Pairs Trading-A Cointegration Approach һƪ¹ØÓÚÓ¦ÓÃЭÕûµÄÅä¶Ô½»Ò×µÄpaper¡£ Abstract This study uses the Johansen test for cointegration to sele ...2016-2-3 19:59 - yujun1214 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
¡¾·ÖÏí¡¿Ernie Chan - Algorithmic Trading
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¡¾»ª¶û½ÖϵÁС¿Trading Psychology 2 ¸ßÇå
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Trading Systems and Methods.5th.Edition.2013.Kaufman.pdf
15 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 5927 ´Î²é¿´ ¸Õ²Å¿´µ½ÂÛ̳Ãâ·ÑÄǸöµØַʧЧÁË£¬¾ÍÈ¥ÕÒÁËÏ£¬Ëæ±ã·ÖÏí³öÀ´£¬±¾ÈËÂÛ̳±Ò²»¶à£¬¾ÍСÊÕÒ»µãÁË1000¶àÒ³µÄPDFÎĵµ£¬¾­µä Perry J. Kaufman ISBN: 978-1-118-04356-1 1232 pages ÍêÕûĿ¼£º Table of Con ...2018-10-24 14:04 - kayvid - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
python for algorithmic trading - from idea to cloud deployment (2020)
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Alpha Trader: The Mindset, Methodology and Mathematics of Professional Trading
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Handbook of High-Frequency Trading and Modeling in Finance [EPUB]
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Quantitative Trading (True PDF)
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Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, 2nd Edition by Stefan Jansen
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Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, 2nd Edition by Stefan Jansen
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3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2485 ´Î²é¿´ ÕâÊéµÄÌâÄ¿È¡µÄºÜºÃ£¬Ò»¸öÊÇ¡°All¡±£¬ÁíÒ»¸öÊÇ¡°about¡±¡£´óµÖ¿ÉÒÔ×öÒ»±¾¿ÆÆյĶÁÎïÀ´¶ÁµÄ£¬²»¹ýºÃµÄÒ»µãÊÇÊé²»ºñ£¬µ«ÄÚÈÝÊÇÈç´Ë֮ȫ£¬ÒÔÖÁÓÚ£¬Èç¹ûÄã×㹻ţ£¬ÄãÍêÈ«¿ÉÒÔÔÚ¶ÁÍêºó¿ª·¢³öÒ»ÕûÌ׸ßƵ½»Ò×µÄϵͳ³öÀ´¡£ ...2018-10-31 09:21 - scale0116 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
´ó¼Ò¶¼ÔÚÕÒµÄÒ»±¾Ê飺In The Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples
14 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4446 ´Î²é¿´ In The Trading Cockpit with the O'Neil Disciples: Strategies that Made Us 18,000% in the Stock Market ¨C December 26, 2012 by Gil Morales (Author), Chris Kacher (Author) Written by two ...2017-7-6 17:20 - 13311011656 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿Finding Alphas: A Quantitative Approach to Building Trading Strategies 2nd
6 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1845 ´Î²é¿´ Finding Alphas: A Quantitative Approach to Building Trading Strategies Author(s): Igor Tulchinsky et al. Publisher: Wiley, Year: 2020 ISBN: 1119571219,9781119571216 Description: Discove ...2019-12-29 10:42 - hhasoka - Forum
2020ÐÂÊé - Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies
20 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 11181 ´Î²é¿´ ÂÛ̳ԭÓеÄÓеã¹ó£¬ÎÒ¿´ÒѾ­ÄǸöÒѾ­´«ÁËÓжÎʱ¼äÁË£¬±ãÒËË͸ø±ÒÉÙµÄÅóÓÑ2021-8-13 00:24 - kayvid - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
ÂåÊÏ»ô¿Ë£¨Joe Ross£©½Ì²ÄÖ®¶þ Trading the ross hook
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 5028 ´Î²é¿´ ÂåÊÏ»ô¿Ë£¨Joe Ross£©½Ì²ÄÖ®¶þ Trading the ross hook ¾­µäÂãK½Ì²Ä2016-12-14 23:52 - ylhufo - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
quantitative trading - algorithms, analytics, data, models, optimization (2017)
9 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3342 ´Î²é¿´ quantitative trading - algorithms, analytics, data, models, optimization (2017) (.pdf)2018-4-5 08:20 - loneshark - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©
151 Trading Strategies
12 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4351 ´Î²é¿´ ÊéÃû: 151 Trading Strategies ×÷Õß: Zura Kakushadze & Juan Andr¨¦s Serur ³ö°æ: Springer International Publishing ³ö°æÈÕÆÚ: 2018 Ò³Êý: 480 ÓïÑÔ: Ó¢Óï The book provides detailed descriptions, ...2019-4-5 22:03 - zhangke0987 - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©