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16 个回复 - 4505 次查看 从外文网站上搬运了《项目管理ISO 21500系列标准》,希望对大家有帮助!中文版正在翻译中……2021-5-14 17:30 - chenkaidf - 管理科学
国际比较项目(ICP) International comparison project
2 个回复 - 2433 次查看 TJ_02_1978_002.国际比较项目(ICP).Kravis,i.b. et al..International comparison project.Johns hopkins university,baltimore2018-5-11 15:59 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) International consumption comparisons
1 个回复 - 949 次查看 TJ_02_1981_001.国际比较项目(ICP).Theil,h. and e.e.shum.International consumption comparisons: a system-wide approach.North-holland publishing company,amsterdam2018-5-11 16:05 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) Short-cut comparisons of usa and ussr GDP
1 个回复 - 784 次查看 TJ_02_1982_004.国际比较项目(ICP).Blades,d.w..Short-cut comparisons of usa and ussr GDP.International association for reserch in income and wealth,luxembourg2018-5-11 16:15 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) International comparisons of economic welfare
1 个回复 - 749 次查看 TJ_02_1980_001.国际比较项目(ICP).Marris,robin and theil,henri.International comparisons of economic welfare.Denver: assoc.comparative econ.2018-5-11 16:03 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) Multilateral methods for international comparisons
1 个回复 - 592 次查看 TJ_02_1982_001.国际比较项目(ICP).Sergeev,s.Multilateral methods for international comparisons.Central statistical committee of the soviet union,moscow2018-5-11 16:09 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) An international comparison of levels of real output
1 个回复 - 633 次查看 TJ_02_1984_002.国际比较项目(ICP).H. van ooststroom and a.maddison.An international comparison of levels of real output and productivity in agriculture in 1975.Institute of economic research,groninge ...2018-5-11 16:21 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) International comparisons of productivity
1 个回复 - 626 次查看 TJ_02_1984_001.国际比较项目(ICP).Kendrick,john w..International comparisons of productivity and causes of the slowdown.Cambridge,ma:ballinger2018-5-11 16:23 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) Inter-country comparison of agricultural production
1 个回复 - 709 次查看 TJ_02_1986_002.国际比较项目(ICP).D.s.prasada rao.Inter-country comparison of agricultural production aggregates.Fao,rome2018-5-11 16:28 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) Price measurement for inter area comparisons
1 个回复 - 674 次查看 TJ_02_1986_003.国际比较项目(ICP).Blanciforti,l..Price measurement for inter area comparisons. unpublished manuscript.Bureau of labor statistics2018-5-11 16:34 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) Comparison in real values of the aggregates
1 个回复 - 762 次查看 TJ_02_1983_001.国际比较项目(ICP).Eurostat.Comparison in real values of the aggregates of the european system of integrated economic accounts.Luxembourg:eurostat2018-5-11 16:36 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) International productivity comparisons
1 个回复 - 612 次查看 TJ_02_1986_004.国际比较项目(ICP).O'brien,patrick,ed..International productivity comparisons and problems of measurement,1750-1939.Berne:ninth international economic history congress2018-5-11 16:42 - ofse - 经济统计专版
国际比较项目(ICP) An international comparison of national products
1 个回复 - 641 次查看 [/td][/tr] [/table]2018-4-13 10:40 - ofse - 经济统计专版
0 个回复 - 74 次查看   领先的太阳能技术生产商和太阳能服务提供商SunEdison,Inc.(NYSE:SUNE)今天宣布,该公司与Aboitiz Power Corporation(简称"AboitizPower")旗下全资子公司Aboitiz Renewables,Inc.签署了一项联合框架协议。该协 ...2014-11-16 14:15 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
1 个回复 - 1831 次查看 2007-11-6 10:06 - 12楼 - 商学院
2 个回复 - 1196 次查看 <br/>2007-11-6 09:38 - 12楼 - 商学院