市场化指数数据整理面板数据--樊纲指数(1997-2019)推算至2021年 制度环境测度
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11 个回复 - 17859 次查看 前言: 目前,许多坛友都会在论坛上求助一些资源,需求坛友的帮助,为了更好地推动用户直接的资源互助,如今论坛开通论坛资金悬赏功能,鼓励用户之间能更好的进行需求解决。 为了鼓励帮助者能够获得一定的收 ...2022-3-7 17:30 - 煮酒问剑 - 现金交易版
TI透明国际世界各国全球清廉指数CPI 1995-2020:廉洁腐败程度受贿状况行贿指数
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The Conservative Formula: Quantitative Investing Made Easy
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微积分教程Multivariable Calculus James Stewart
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博弈论Game Theory朱·弗登博格 Drew Fudenberg让·梯若尔Jean Tirole 课后习题答案
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SEEM计算金融学,计算机金融computational finance+投资科学:香港中文大学学习资料
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空间经济学原理: 第1-7章 讲义 Principles of Spatial Economics 安虎森
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xtivreg2 做双向固定效应的命令
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商务智能概论:课件+数据,Applied Analytics Using SAS EM
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中国政治精英数据库(Chinese Political Elite Database(CPED))
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Asian Journal of Technology Innovation审稿速度
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Repeated Games and Reputation+Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict+Game Theory
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The Theory of the Firm and International Trade An Introduction: 北大光华 马捷
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金融数学 金融工程引论:讲义+习题答案 Mathematics for Finance An Introduction
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基于Irving M. Copi,逻辑导论 第15版:分章习题答案 Introduction to Logic, [15th
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Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis 3rd Edition by B. P. Carlin and T. A. Louis
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关于did_imputation命令 加入控制变量后不显著
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分享电子书 Option Trading, 作者Euan Sinclair
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John C. Hull - Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives 第11版:第1-16章 课后习
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Manning.Time Series Forecasting in Python.2022
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Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective
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Foundations of Stochastic Inventory Theory
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International Finance Management国际财务管理经典习题答案
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