1 个回复 - 2482 次查看 书名:《管理思想百年脉络——影响世界管理进程的百名大师(第三版)》 作者名:方振邦 徐东华 下载地址:https://e.pinggu.org/ebook/136内容简介管理学诞生近百年来,涌现出了众多大师级人物,其远见卓识、深刻 ...2020-10-14 11:40 - 指尖疏影 - 现金交易版
Bob Woodward新书《恐惧:白宫中的川普》
0 个回复 - 1124 次查看 了解中美贸易战必看,详细介绍301调查、关税战推出的整个过程,谁主导、谁反对;包括对朝决策出台的过程。原版,高清! ​​​​ [/backcolor]2018-12-6 10:21 - cathust - 投资人(实务版)
Fear-Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward
2 个回复 - 2532 次查看 Fear-Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward 本书讲述了美对华展开301调查、关税战推出的政策制定过程。对了解中美如今的局势有非常好的参考作用。2018-9-12 01:12 - kukenghuqian - 微观经济学
《恐惧:特朗普在白宫》电子版Fear_ Trump in the White House (Bob Woodward, 2018)
4 个回复 - 5532 次查看 《恐惧:特朗普在白宫》电子版;Fear_ Trump in the White House (Bob Woodward, 2018)2018-9-12 23:59 - yaowangxin - 宏观经济学
Applied time series analysis with R- Second Edition - Wayne Woodward
4 个回复 - 1738 次查看 Applied Time Series Analysis with R 2nd Edition [*]ISBN-10: 1498734227 [*]ISBN-13: 978-1498734226 Virtually any random process developing chronologically can be viewed as a time series. I ...2018-9-27 23:16 - chicu - R语言论坛
最新--Fear: Trump in the White House - Bob Woodward
5 个回复 - 1613 次查看 mobi 版本2018-9-11 10:59 - ekscheng - 经管书评
Fear-Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward
1 个回复 - 34 次查看 Fear-Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward 本书讲述了美对华展开301调查、关税战推出的政策制定过程。对了解中美如今的局势有非常好的参考作用。2018-9-12 00:58 - kukenghuqian - Forum
Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis (Third) Woodward
4 个回复 - 1426 次查看 It is downloaded from the university library. But due to the limitation of rights, I can only download 127 pages of the book. I will ask my classmates to download other parts of the book later. ...2017-9-5 05:13 - stylebear - 商业数据分析
论坛首发:<The Price of Politics> by Bob Woodward
2 个回复 - 1387 次查看 谢丹阳: 推荐The Price of Politics, by Bob Woodward. 理由: “ 1. 了解美国ZF的财政政策决策过程从而更能体会目前关于“财政悬崖”的谈判之艰辛; 2. 明白美国ZF博弈各方的利益以及各方讨价还价的方式; ...2012-12-31 16:03 - alfa07 - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
基于混合Fourier-Woodward-Lawson-神经网络的辐射方向图合成 可靠MIMO天线系统的网络
0 个回复 - 251 次查看 摘要翻译: 本文采用混合Woodward-Lawson-神经网络和加权Fourier方法来合成天线阵。利用神经网络对MIMO天线阵进行相位估计,简化了天线阵的建模。目前的主要问题是寻找最佳的线阵单元权值,使天线的辐射方向图具有最 ...2022-3-6 17:32 - 大多数88 - Forum
The devil’s workshop: Bob Woodward on Trump’s chaotic White House
0 个回复 - 534 次查看 The devil’s workshop: Bob Woodward on Trump’s chaotic White House更新于2018年9月17日 06:13 By Edward Luce If the US public were shocked by tales of Donald Trump’s dishonesty, self-love and genera ...2018-9-25 07:56 - xujingjun - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
【kindle】Obama's Wars - Bob Woodward
11 个回复 - 764 次查看 Bob Woodward provides the first inside account of President Obama wrestling with the fate of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the constant threat of terrorism. Drawing on hundreds of interviews ...2017-3-12 11:39 - 守候烟雨 - 经管书评
求 woodward 的 applied time series analysis pdf
0 个回复 - 1396 次查看 求 woodward 的 applied time series analysis pdf2014-11-29 00:12 - luie1168e - 悬赏大厅