Hill的global business today, 中文版,英文版(5e)
18 个回复 - 6686 次查看 欧美商学院,International business, international management, 专业指定教材中文的版本老一点,应该是第三版,英文第五版. Hill 的这本书和他的另外一本strategic management 是欧美商学院本科生,研究生,MBA学生 ...2011-3-31 03:28 - 水晶雪碧 - 经管书评
【经典教材系列】Global Business Strategy
105 个回复 - 15395 次查看 2015年最新教材降价出售期已过!想要随时跟踪最新好书,请点击头像下方“加关注”。关注成功后,查看这里即可:关注的帖子。 [相关阅读] 【经典教材系列】(资料汇总帖,附链接,持续添加中)2015-4-24 07:48 - wwqqer - 创新与战略管理
Global Business 4th edition Mike W. Peng 彭维刚 全球商务 第四版 英文版 pdf
13 个回复 - 8914 次查看 彭维刚 全球商务 第四版 英文版~2017-11-10 20:10 - lalalalaaa - 国际商务
Global Business 4th edition Mike W. Peng 彭维刚 全球商务 第四版第二章 测试题与
5 个回复 - 1911 次查看 The Chapter 2 of Global Business: answer keys for the tests question only2021-5-10 12:00 - oolongapple - 国际商务
Charles W. L. Hill, "Global Business Today" 7e
26 个回复 - 6144 次查看 Overview: Charles Hill’s Global Business Today, 7e has become the most widely used text in the International Business market. Hill explains that he attempted to write a book that: (1) is comprehensiv ...2014-7-15 17:24 - 大家开心 - 世界经济与国际贸易
Global business today 9th Ed 当代全球商务 英文原版 第9版
3 个回复 - 2668 次查看 Global business today 9th Ed 当代全球商务 英文原版 第9版2019-1-22 19:04 - 聪明哒小脑袋 - 灌水吧
【学习笔记】2020/02/01-Coronavirus crisis hits global businesses in Chin ...
4 个回复 - 364 次查看 2020/02/01-Coronavirus crisis hits global businesses in China2020-2-1 11:48 - fangchouzhu - Forum
The Culture Map- Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
17 个回复 - 6608 次查看 Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to ...2014-9-12 20:50 - Jaholy2 - 金融学(理论版)
Foundations of Global Business : A Systems Approach
21 个回复 - 963 次查看 English | 2016 | ISBN: 1681232685 | 188 Pages | PDF | 3.6 MB In the past three decades a number of important changes have made international business more complex and exciting. The rapid and contin ...2017-7-20 09:19 - igs816 - 经管书评
Global Business Today 10e by Charles W. L. Hill
60 个回复 - 7271 次查看 Global Business Today by Charles W. L. Hill English | 8 Mar. 2017 | ISBN: 1259686698 | 562 Pages | PDF (True) | 376.51 MB Global Business Today is for the undergraduate or MBA level course of Inte ...2017-2-28 14:08 - igs816 - 世界经济与国际贸易
20 个回复 - 13869 次查看 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-3 4:36:23编辑过] Product DescriptionCharles Hill's "Global Business Today , 6e" (GBT) has become an established text in the International Business market for several ke ...2006-10-3 03:40 - 水晶雪碧 - 世界经济与国际贸易
global business in local culture (2018)
3 个回复 - 715 次查看 global business in local culture - the impact of embedded multinational enterprises (2018) (.epub)2018-12-19 08:32 - loneshark - 企业文化
GLO-BUS Game QUIZ 1 Question and Answer
6 个回复 - 3127 次查看 GLO-Bus Developing Winning Competitive Strategies Quiz 1 Quesition & Answer2015-9-8 01:28 - submission2012 - 组织管理与领导力
1 个回复 - 1742 次查看 Help you develop your winning strategy in both GLO-BUS GAME & BSG GAME2015-9-9 12:49 - submission2012 - MBA专版
Global Business Today 9th ed
6 个回复 - 2116 次查看 Global Business Today 9ed2016-1-29 09:33 - eupp - 世界经济与国际贸易
北美最流行Global Business 3rd edition By Mike W Peng
163 个回复 - 26307 次查看 北美最流行.全彩原版国际商务(第3版) Global Business, 3rd edition By Mike W Peng 2012 | 636 Pages | ENGLISH| PDF | 47 MB 【作者简介】 Mike W Peng(彭维刚)西雅图华盛顿大学战略管理博士,美国达拉斯德 ...2014-3-18 20:56 - saintsophia - 世界经济与国际贸易
CEO school - insights from 20 global business leaders (2018)
4 个回复 - 677 次查看 CEO school - insights from 20 global business leaders (2018) (.epub + .pdf)2018-2-27 19:45 - loneshark - 投资人(实务版)
The Cultural Dimension of Global Business, 8th Edition
11 个回复 - 753 次查看 Routledge | English | 2017 | ISBN-10: 1138632457 | 354 pages | PDF | 11.57 mb by Gary P. Ferraro (Author),‎ Elizabeth K. Briody (Author) Now in its eighth edition, The Cultural Dimensi ...2018-1-18 10:33 - igs816 - 经管书评
state-owned multinationals - governments in global business (2017)
1 个回复 - 566 次查看 state-owned multinationals - governments in global business (2017) (.epub + .pdf)2017-10-30 10:03 - loneshark - 投资人(实务版)
【2013】 Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity
32 个回复 - 3934 次查看 【2013】 Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity Book 图书名称: Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity Author 作者: Melissa Aronczyk Publisher 出 ...2015-8-31 10:00 - kychan - 商学院
2017投资加拿大全球商业高峰论坛 Think Canada Global Business Summit
0 个回复 - 1336 次查看 论坛简介: 2017年10月17日-19日(美国东部标准时间), 在加拿大多伦多即将召开为期三天的“Think Canada 2016”思加全球商业峰会, 此次峰会是2017年度关于在加拿大展开外商直接投资和经商的最高等级的全球商 ...2017-8-2 09:47 - huodongjia1 - 活动版
求McGraw- Hill的global business today中文版!!
7 个回复 - 4068 次查看 我只有10个论坛币T T。 新人一个。。 请问哪位大大可以给我McGraw- Hill的global business today中文版么!? 先谢谢各位了!!2014-2-25 07:20 - a69845362 - 悬赏大厅
Measures of Participation in Global Value Chains and Global Business Cycles
1 个回复 - 1703 次查看 【作者(必填)】Zhi Wang[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Measures of Participation in Global Value Chains and Global Business Cycles 【年份(必填)】2017 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://papers.ssrn.c ...2017-4-12 16:41 - peter001199 - 求助成功区
Hill, Charles W.L. Global Business Today. 8e, 英文版书
0 个回复 - 1038 次查看 求8e的书,英文版,若能带上答案,万分感谢!2017-1-18 02:43 - lianjuyue - 会计与财务管理
【论坛首发】Global Business Today 9th Edition by Charles W. L. Hill
6 个回复 - 3046 次查看 Product Details [*]Paperback: 576 pages [*]Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 9 edition (January 14, 2015) [*]Language: English [*]ISBN-10: 0078112915 [*]ISBN-13: 978-0078112911 ...2015-9-26 13:57 - tracepro - 会计与财务管理
【危机中的全球商务策略】 Global Business Strategies in Crisis (2016)
12 个回复 - 1935 次查看 Global Business Strategies in Crisis Strategic Thinking and Development Editors: ümit Hacioğlu, Hasan Dinçer, Nihat Alayoğlu Visits strategic management in the light of fina ...2016-12-13 06:22 - cmwei333 - 商学院
【全球贸易与恐怖主义威胁】 Global Business and the Terrorist Threat
3 个回复 - 1056 次查看 Global Business and the Terrorist Threat Edited by Harry W. Richardson, Honorary Doctorate, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Peter Gordon, Professor, School of Policy, Planning and Develo ...2016-11-16 19:17 - cmwei333 - 商学院
GLO-BUS Quiz 2 Q&A
5 个回复 - 2580 次查看 GLO-BUS Developing Winning Competitive Strategies Game Quiz 2 Question & Answer http://www.glo-bus.com/tour/students.html has detail introduction2015-9-8 01:35 - submission2012 - 组织管理与领导力
Global Business Today
1 个回复 - 737 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Charles_W._L._Hill 【文题(必填)】Global Business Today 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Pearson Press2016-9-22 11:04 - jbxiaoyu1 - 求助成功区
2 个回复 - 3874 次查看 关于GLO-BUS的商战模拟不知道有没有人听说过 很多外国高校基本都会开这个课程,好像价格不便宜 我想问一下有没有用过的人 说一下相关策略 这是个自由化得商战模拟 还是有一定的标准答案2016-2-15 06:48 - muloc - 爱问频道
谁有玩过Glo-bus 这个business strategy游戏?
5 个回复 - 7537 次查看 请问谁有QUIZ#2的问题截图和答案? 还有可以给我一些玩Glo-bus的一些技巧吗?怎么可以让自己的排名靠前? 我愿意出论坛币买。 谁能帮助,我将感激不尽。2014-10-17 01:10 - ⒈般潶 - 悬赏大厅
GLO BUS Case and suggested Answer
8 个回复 - 2831 次查看 2015-9-8 05:27 - submission2012 - 组织管理与领导力
Global Business Today (7th Edition)
7 个回复 - 2535 次查看 权威教材 Global Business Today (7th Edition)2014-4-19 19:08 - shueducn - 世界经济与国际贸易
Hill的global business today, 中文版,英文版
18 个回复 - 8444 次查看 Hill的global business today, 中文版 最新加入英文第五版2010-10-19 09:30 - 水晶雪碧 - 世界经济与国际贸易
US money supply and global business cycles: 1979–2009
1 个回复 - 1051 次查看 【作者(必填)】Jinghua Leia & Kai Liub* 【文题(必填)】US money supply and global business cycles: 1979–2009 【年份(必填)】2015 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/1 ...2016-1-4 08:14 - zx8387 - 求助成功区
global business environment电子版
0 个回复 - 673 次查看 哪位大神能帮忙找到global business environment: meeting a challenges第三版,作者是Janet Morrison,这本书的电子版。。图书馆一直接不到。。 十分感谢2015-10-22 15:21 - newclass - 文献求助专区
200币求 "Global Business Today" 8e Test bank题库-Charles W. L. Hill
5 个回复 - 2422 次查看 求 "Global Business Today" 8e Test bank题库-Charles W. L. Hill版本的,如果没有8E, 7E也可以,万分感激!2015-5-27 23:01 - daring_duck - 悬赏大厅
Information Systems in Global Business Today test bank(Kenneth C Laudon Jane P)
6 个回复 - 2126 次查看 以下为题库截图2014-10-4 23:45 - ykc1994 - 管理信息系统
The Global Business Handbook by David Newlands
5 个回复 - 193 次查看 The Global Business Handbook by David Newlands English | 2009 | ISBN: 0566087472 | PDF | 612 pages | 3,9 MB A nation's economic success depends on the capacity of its companies and trading organiz ...2014-8-26 11:24 - tigerwolf - 商学院
求课本human capital and global business strategy
1 个回复 - 1276 次查看 请问谁有这本书 human capital and global business strategy?2014-8-14 08:06 - sosohaihai - 市场营销
Global Business --- Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
2 个回复 - 1119 次查看 Global Business --- Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications by USA Information Resources Management Association 2011 高清pdf 2700页http://www.amazon.com/Global-Business-Concepts-Metho ...2014-4-23 13:15 - zongguiqin - 世界经济与国际贸易
求Global Business Today
1 个回复 - 846 次查看 Global Business Today Charles W. L. Hill (Author)2014-2-11 13:05 - 鲛人泣月 - 求助成功区
Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting in a Global Business Environment
3 个回复 - 2475 次查看 内容如书名,英文教材,对成本管理挺有帮助!2011-5-17 12:17 - sdczxyxq - 运营管理(物流与供应链管理)
PhD position in Business Administration/Global Business Economics
1 个回复 - 2027 次查看 PhD position in Business Administration/Global Business Economics The Department of Border Region Studies (IFG) at the University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Business & Social Sciences, invites ...2013-11-25 18:08 - yiyan06 - 经管类求职与招聘
求:Cultural and Technological Influences on Global Business
0 个回复 - 782 次查看 求:Cultural and Technological Influences on Global Business Product Details Hardcover: 635 pages Publisher: Business Science Reference (April 3 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1466639660 ISB ...2013-6-9 11:53 - sflbo - 悬赏大厅
[求助]谁有global business today的中文版阿?
2 个回复 - 2330 次查看 我是新人。哪位有global business today的中文版阿?发给我啊可以吗?qq:158319343  谢谢了!2007-10-21 12:39 - bibby49 - 世界经济与国际贸易
5 个回复 - 3311 次查看 请问谁有GLOBAL BUSINESS TODAY(中文版)? 急需~~~2007-1-23 23:35 - vickyhua - 世界经济与国际贸易
Hill的global business today, 中文版
4 个回复 - 2634 次查看 急需此书的中文版, 谢谢。2011-3-25 08:04 - sunfollowme555 - 世界经济与国际贸易
The Global Business, Marketing, Finance & Economics Research
1 个回复 - 948 次查看 The Global Business, Marketing, Finance & Economics Research Conference, Los Angeles Conference 13th to 16th June 2013 Los Angeles, California, United States of America Website: http: ...2012-12-10 16:04 - mobham121 - 学术资源/课程/会议/讲座
The Global Business, Management Information System, Economics and Finance Resear
0 个回复 - 1131 次查看 25th to 28th July 2013 Tokyo, Japan Website: http://www.jaabc.com/Tokyo.html Contact person: Dr. Turan Senguder The Global Business, MIS, Economics and Finance Research Conference, Toky ...2012-12-9 15:09 - mobham121 - 学术资源/课程/会议/讲座
The Finance, MIS, Economics & Global Business Research Conference, Istanbul
0 个回复 - 820 次查看 Conference 1st to 4th August 2013 Istanbul, Turkey Website: http://www.jaabc.com/istanbul.html Contact person: Dr. Turan Senguder The Istanbul conference will bring together academi ...2012-12-9 14:35 - mobham121 - 学术资源/课程/会议/讲座
[下载]The Future of Global Business Intelligence
0 个回复 - 1633 次查看 涉及各个行业的简要分析报告,如果不做全球性的行业研究,不要下载[subject_英特尔]......2007-5-17 06:37 - MEI眼泪 - 商学院
The Global Business Revolution
3 个回复 - 1902 次查看 只是一个简单的BUSINESS INSIGHTS  不过我想适合没有太多时间的人看看,至少可以看看都是什么角度的分析 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-21 9:40:13编辑过]2007-4-20 08:38 - evadueee - 商学院
Lauder Global Business Insight Report 2010
0 个回复 - 911 次查看 Introduction First-hand Perspectives on the Global Economy In this special report, students from the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management & International Studies provide analysis of some of the ...2011-10-1 11:01 - ibanker - 金融学(理论版)
Hamilton's Rule: No families = No family businesses = No global businesses
0 个回复 - 1339 次查看 Hamilton's Rule: No families = No family businesses = No global businesses Intended consequences of the One-Child Policy This point seems to have escaped the pro-business CCP: ...2011-4-13 15:32 - liuhanqing1977 - 微观经济学
求 《global business today 》 中文版
2 个回复 - 2224 次查看 求 《global business today 》 中文版,谁有阿,急需阿!2008-9-24 19:59 - mybabymd - 文献求助专区
免费下载安永Stragtegic Business Risk 2008-The top 10 Risks for Global Business
3 个回复 - 1514 次查看 易盘下载: http://www.163pan.com/files/j0b000m0b.html 文件名称: Strategic Business Risk 2008:The To ... 文件介绍: Ernst & Young,32Pages,PDF ==============================2010-6-14 00:45 - soundleon - 金融学(理论版)