0 个回复 - 649 次查看 数据集名称:Bankscope中国金融机构数据 时间范围:2011-2018年 数据来源:BankScope 相关说明:BankScope 是欧洲金融信息服务商 Bureau van Dijk (BvD) 与银行业权威评级机构FitchRatings(惠誉)共同开发 ...2022-7-31 20:42 - cennavi_lc - 现金交易版
5 个回复 - 3438 次查看 请问哪位有2000-2020年的分析师研报?我愿意奉上1000大洋,另加我自己爬下来的2021-2022分析师研报PDF(57000份)作为回馈2022-7-19 18:05 - BrainXX - 现金交易版
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一本机器学习在量化领域偏实操的书 Advances in Financial Machine Learning
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Partial Differential Equations Lawrence C Evans 高清英文版
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高级股权衍生品工具:Advanced Equity Derivatives,Local Volatility,Stochastic Corr
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Advanced Management Accounting 3rd Edition - Robert S. Kaplan
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Advanced Macroeconomics 5th by David Romer
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Romer 罗默 Advanced Macroeconomics 高级宏观经济学 Solution Manual 答案
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Lex Van Dam系列视频教程合集
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求书:Advanced Accounting 14th Edition By Joe Ben Hoyle and Thomas Schaefer and
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高级会计学 第13版 习题答案Advanced Accounting 13E - Hoyle - SM
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Advanced Financial Accounting IFRS 4E
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Lecture Notes on ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS 2th Stephen Martin
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Advanced 机器学习与量化交易、定价 in Python: 学习课件+代码,风险测度因子
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高级宏观经济学Advanced Macroeconomics Ⅱa:清华经管学院学习资料
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高级微观经济学理论+课后练习题答案(中文+英文):Advanced Microeconomic Theory
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Advanced Excel Power Pivot数据建模分析】PPT课件+Excel建模案例分析-20191204
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Advanced Microeconomic Theory: An Intuitive Approach with Examples
19 个回复 - 8131 次查看 An introduction to advanced topics in microeconomics that emphasizes the intuition behind assumptions and results, providing examples that show how to apply theory to practice. This textbook offers a ...2018-5-22 15:35 - yongcx2000 - 博弈论
高级宏观经济学:厦大学习资料,Advanced Macroeconomics II
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项目管理前沿(项目管理、互联网、风险、战略):Advanced Project Management Training
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基于Pearl Tan dvanced Financial Accounting:学习资料整理,高级财务会计
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Business Analytics by James R. Evans分享给各位需要的朋友
11 个回复 - 4305 次查看 本书适用于本科或研究生的商科学生。平衡和全面的业务分析方法: 商业分析教授现代商业分析的基本概念,并提供重要的工具来了解数据分析在当今组织中的运作方式。作者 James Evans 采用一种公平而全面的方法,从描述 ...2021-6-7 17:21 - 学徒小段 - 金融学(理论版)
MIT教材Advanced Microeconomic Theory An Intuitive Approach With Examples及答案
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Advanced Portfolio Management
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高宏,高级宏观经济学:北大学习资料整理,Advanced Macroeconomics I,HP filte code
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北大 光华高级财务会计 Advanced Financial Accounting:课件+课后习题答案+作业及答
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基于SAS EM模块预测建模课程笔记Advanced Predictive Modeling Using SAS
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Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting
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Advanced Accounting, by Debra C. Jeter, Paul K. Chane.pdf
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基于Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 2 ed, by Geoff A Jehle上财高微课堂笔记整理
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Advanced Microeconomic Theory (3e)_Jehle Reny(2011) 原版
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3 个回复 - 846 次查看 Contents Foreword xi Preface xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Light, Human Vision, and Color Spaces . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 HDR Pipeline 13 2.1 Acquisition of HDR Content . . . . . . . . . . . ...2018-6-16 15:42 - xdfhz - 经管书评
Advanced Macroeconomics: A Dynamic Approach
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2019 Top 58 SAS Advanced Interview Questions and Answers
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Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling
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高宏+高微Advanced Macroeconomics ll+Advanced Microeconomics ll:厦大的学习资料
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Advanced Accounting 7th by DEBRA C. JETER
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Advanced Problem Solving with Maple: A First Course
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高级心理统计学用R语言:基于Advanced Statistics syllabus
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高微,高级微观经济学:厦大考博复习学习资料,Advanced Microeconomic Theory (1)
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求助:Economic research - Ekonomska istraživanja投稿经验
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又一本顶级好书 赶快学习! Advancing into Analytics: From Excel to Python and R
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高阶面板数据分析方法:Advanced Panel Data Methods, 学习课件+数据+程序代码
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Advances in Financial Machine Learning (True PDF)
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2022 北美精算新加网课 Advanced Topics in Predictive Analytics 预测建模高级话题
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AdvancedFinance,Bond research,Corporate Finance,Empirical Asset Pricing,微观市
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Business Analytics Methods, Models, and Decisions by James R. Evans
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【学习笔记】管理经济学 方博亮Ivan Png
6 个回复 - 2410 次查看 管理经济学 方博亮Ivan Png2019-9-20 00:24 - eccolee - Forum
7 个回复 - 3077 次查看 用了一个月时间备考sas advanced,且通过考试。感谢论坛提供经验的小伙伴! 附件是自己备考用到的资料和机经,希望对想要考试的同学有所帮助。2020-7-16 14:25 - 1996tt - SAS专版
SAS advanced certificate 资料分享
8 个回复 - 1597 次查看 不知是因为考点机器非常旧,还是本来这个考试软件就是如此,我在考点考的时候,电脑反应非常慢,需要做好心理准备。官网上讲解考试的视频一定要看,非常重要。另附考试复习资料。2021-6-25 08:38 - 橘生淮南则为橙 - SAS专版
高级财务会计 Advanced Financial Accounting 第10版:学习资料整理汇总,英文版
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R for data scientist advanced+R学习笔记,R语言数据分析学习课件+学习笔记
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求书:Advancements in Complex Analysis
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R for data scientist regression +data scientist advanced:讲义+笔记+数据和代码
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Advanced Trading Rules, Second Edition
4 个回复 - 3429 次查看 我从外网扒下来的。 《高级交易规则》是目前最优秀的金融交易员、分析师和基金经理所使用的最先进技术的基本指南。编辑汇集了世界领先的专业和学术专家来解释如何理解、发展和应用切割边缘交易规则和系统。如果 ...2022-4-13 22:23 - Kirito43 - 金融学(理论版)
probability and statistics_the science of uncertainty_Evans_2nd
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Fixed Point Theory in Metric Spaces: Recent Advances and Applications
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Advanced Functional Analysis
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Advanced Optimization and Operations Research
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Analysis Geometry and Modeling in Finance-Advanced Methods in Option Pricing
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Advanced Fixed Point Theory for Economics
7 个回复 - 1450 次查看 This book develops the central aspect of fixed point theory – the topological fixed point index – to maximal generality, emphasizing correspondences and other aspects of the theory that are of speci ...2018-7-3 23:19 - nivastuli - 博弈论
ELEN90064 Advanced Control Systems控制专题学习课件PPT等资料
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求书: advanced financial accounting,作者:PEAEL TAN et al.
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求书!求高级财务会计 Advanced Financial Accounting 作者:Pearl Tan
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