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Credit Derivatives: A Primer on Credit Risk, Modeling, and Instruments下载
10 个回复 - 4627 次查看 Chacko, Sjöman, Motohashi, Dessain,Credit Derivatives: A Primer on CreditRisk, Modeling, and Instruments,Wharton School Publishing, 2007经典浅显的credit derivative教材 之前在论坛仔细搜过 没找到这 ...2011-2-12 13:23 - nancysxm - 金融学(理论版)
[下载]Credit Risk : Models, Derivatives and Management
2 个回复 - 2381 次查看 Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Management (Chapman & Hall/Crc Financial Mathematics Series) (Hardcover)by Niklas Wagner (Editor) Editorial ReviewsReviewCredit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Man ...2009-6-6 11:19 - martinnyj - 金融学(理论版)
Credit Risk Models, Derivatives, and Management (by Niklas Wagner)
4 个回复 - 1832 次查看 Credit Risk Models, Derivatives, and Management (by Niklas Wagner) 20082011-1-24 07:33 - ftdkse - 金融学(理论版)
Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Management
1 个回复 - 1446 次查看 Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Management (Chapman & Hall/Crc Financial Mathematics Series) (Hardcover) Editorial ReviewsReview Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Management is the ...2009-7-20 15:04 - woodren - 金融学(理论版)
Credit Derivatives: A Primer on Credit Risk, Modeling, and Instruments (第二版)
123 个回复 - 13204 次查看 经典教材2016年第二版,降价出售期已过,如果喜欢,就请“加关注”我吧(点击头像下方,http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=452766)。关注成功后,查看这里即可:三步走,把千本好书“一网打尽” ...2016-1-5 06:20 - wwqqer - 金融学(理论版)
[全网独家分享] Credit Risk Management for Derivatives
54 个回复 - 10420 次查看 原版高清By 世界银行副行长兼首席风险官This book will be useful to variety of audiences. Technical experts will find a comprehensive review and summary, and for them the book will serve as a useful re ...2018-7-7 18:50 - 凯旋の王者 - 金融学(理论版)
Credit Risk Management for Derivatives: Post-Crisis Metrics for End-Users
22 个回复 - 1896 次查看 Palgrave Macmillan | 2017 | ISBN 978-3-319-57974-0 | 174 pages | PDF | 7 M **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2017-7-21 10:14 - igs816 - 经管书评
Zelenko- Credit Risk Management for Derivatives[2017]
6 个回复 - 1069 次查看 Credit Risk Management for DerivativesPost-Crisis Metrics for End-UsersAuthors: Zelenko, Ivan2017-9-6 22:05 - scirro - 金融学(理论版)
【信用衍生品】 Credit Derivatives : Trading, Investing,and Risk Management (2e)
29 个回复 - 2458 次查看 Credit Derivatives: Trading, Investing,and Risk Management, 2nd Edition Geoff Chaplin The credit derivatives industry has come under close scrutiny over the past few years, with the recent f ...2017-1-8 22:42 - cmwei333 - 金融学(理论版)
30金求Credit Derivatives: A Primer on Credit Risk, Modeling, and Instruments
5 个回复 - 1774 次查看 Chacko, Sjöman, Motohashi, Dessain,Credit Derivatives: A Primer on CreditRisk, Modeling, and Instruments,Wharton School Publishing, 2007 拜托有这本书的帮帮忙 多谢多谢2011-1-22 17:02 - nancysxm - 悬赏大厅
求;《Credit Derivatives: Understanding Credit Risk and Credit Instruments》
0 个回复 - 684 次查看 ~ George K. Chacko (作者), Hideto Motohashi (作者), Vincent Dessain (作者), Anders Sjoman (作者) [*]出版社: Prentice Hall (2006年6月2日) [*]精装: 272页 [*]语种: 英语 [*]ISBN: 0131467441 [* ...2014-3-13 10:48 - 唐宋元清 - 悬赏大厅
Interest Rate and Credit Risk Derivatives
9 个回复 - 1503 次查看 Interest Rate and Credit Risk Derivatives教科书 忘了密码:OptioN2014-1-27 06:37 - keanzhao - 金融学(理论版)
which measure is most relevant for credit derivative pricing, risk-neutral or ph
3 个回复 - 1321 次查看 which measure is most relevant for credit derivative pricing, risk-neutral or physical? and why? I think the physical measure is more relevant, since hedging is difficult or not perfect even th ...2013-8-8 09:17 - shelf317 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
免費 Credit Derivatives -Trading & Management of Credit & Default Risk
7 个回复 - 1583 次查看 Credit Derivatives: Trading & Management of Credit & Default Risk (Wiley Frontiers in Finance)Satyajit Das Publication Date: March 24, 1998 | ISBN-10: 0471248568 | Edition: 1 Credit Derivat ...2012-11-3 00:08 - martinnyj - 金融学(理论版)
Derivative Pricing with Credit Risk
10 个回复 - 2197 次查看 我现在论文是关于一种citibank发行的衍生品的定价,根据公式我已经算出来它的theoretical price,但是与导师谈过后,他建议我再算出derivative price with credit risk,并给我相对应公式: W(0)=EXP(-xT)*V(0) W(0 ...2013-4-27 03:46 - sushuiasushui - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
A Markov Chain Model for Valuing Credit Risk Derivatives
2 个回复 - 983 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Kijima, Masaaki[/backcolor] Komoribayashi, Katsuya[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】A Markov Chain Model for Valuing Credit Risk Derivatives[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】1998 【全文链接或 ...2013-3-27 16:33 - summerye - 求助成功区
求助 可以有偿求助 Markov chain for valuing Credit risk derivatives
1 个回复 - 798 次查看 老师让我看一篇论文 Markov chain for valuing Credit risk derivatives 我后来的验证实在看不懂 求教 真心感谢 论文原文 能否求老师告诉我 后面的例子 怎么由exhibit1.2求出3.4的 或者求老师告诉我JLT模型 ...2012-6-19 16:51 - gui_wu1 - 爱问频道
Derivatives - Credit Risk - Modeling, Valuation & Hedging
5 个回复 - 1833 次查看 Derivatives - Credit Risk - Modeling, Valuation & Hedging2009-11-23 13:56 - qyfx770707 - 计量经济学与统计软件
[IMF}Credit Derivatives:Systemic Risks and Policy Options
1 个回复 - 1316 次查看 Credit derivative markets are largely unregulated, but calls are increasingly being made for changes to this “hands off” stance, amidst concerns that they helped to fuel the current financial cr ...2009-12-16 13:05 - zhangining - 金融学(理论版)