16 个回复 - 9842 次查看 论文信息: Fally, T.,2012," Production Staging: Measurement and Facts". Mimeo, June.(生产阶段:测算与事实) *该文是研究全球价值链位置最为经典的早期文献之一,*把该文读透读精,有助于读懂很多同类的相关文 ...2018-2-12 10:35 - nhf - 世界经济与国际贸易
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概率与计算Probability and Computing.Mitzenmacher.Upfal.2005
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HBS 2021 Fall How to Engage and Retain Your Team in A Post-Pandemic
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Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting
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R语言报错missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
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The Age of Fallibility 作者: George Soros 英文原版给谬误时代的建言
6 个回复 - 2965 次查看 自己花钱在某宝买哒~2018-3-11 17:36 - 触热向武威7 - 金融学(理论版)
Estimation of the marginal expected shortfall:
2 个回复 - 1800 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Juan-Juan Cai1,*, [*]John H. J. Einmahl2, [*]Laurens de Haan3,4 and [*]Chen Zhou5 【文题(必填)】 Estimation of the marginal expected shortfall: the mean when a related variab ...2015-9-22 10:58 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
【高清电子文字版】2020 Spring ACTEX IFM Manual, Fall 2019, 2nd Printing 教材
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金融学中的数学方法Mathematical methods in finance (2019fall):在北大光华的学习资
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Lights out: Pride Delusion and Fall of General Electric PDF
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【独家发布】【朝花夕拾-好书共享】-Falling Behind
16 个回复 - 1119 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 **** 回复全免费-订阅有惊喜! 声明: 本文库提供的资源仅供学术研修的导引、预览和推介之用,发布者不负任何法律责任,敬请购买正版并在下载24小时内删除。2016-9-17 16:36 - fumingxu - 经管书评
SAP Project Management Pitfall
3 个回复 - 815 次查看 SAP Project Management Pitfall Book Description Master the SAP product ecosystem, the client environment, and the feasibility of implementing critical business process with the required tech ...2016-2-7 03:50 - neuroexplorer - 经管书评
托马斯·索维尔 - Economic Facts and Fallacies (被掩盖的经济真相)
8 个回复 - 865 次查看 托马斯索维尔的经典著作,《被掩盖的经济真相》的英文版,Economic Facts and Fallacies。PDF的是第一版,有章节目录,高清可复制。EPUB的是第二版,同样有章节目录。据说这本书的中文版翻译效果不很理想,因此把英文 ...2018-2-8 12:08 - whw114cake - 经管书评
9 个回复 - 5188 次查看 刚刚才测试了下普通Copula-DCC-GARCH模型,完全没有问题,不过就不晓得为啥更换了数据后,再依样画葫芦就出现row number的问题了。 问题原文:rmgarch : Multivariate Copula-DCC-GARCH (VAR=FALSE) Model[/b ...2018-9-20 02:39 - ryoeng - R语言论坛
【弗格森系列】巨人 Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire
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大摩首席全球策略师 The Rise and Fall of Nations: Forces of Change in the Post
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You fall for it every time!
0 个回复 - 1375 次查看 今日打卡句子: You fall for it every time!你每次都会上当 重点表达Fall for: (a lie or trick) 信以为真,上当受骗例句I know it’s not true. I won't fall for it.剧本台词Joey: Hey Rach listen, did you ...2022-5-14 14:04 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
Nonlinear Econometric Analysis MIT Fall 2014
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lights out - pride, delusion, and the fall of general electric (2020)
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Modified marginal expected shortfall under asymptotic dependence
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General ways to improve false coverage rate-adjusted selective confidence interv
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Peter+Pitfalls in Bootstrapping Spurious Regression
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【唯一资料】【高清电子文字版】ACTEX Study Manual for SOA Exam PA, Fall 2019 教
4 个回复 - 3610 次查看 有需要可以加 We.Chat:ddbmjs,可以免费更新到2020年的最新版。资料的具体质量请看帖子的最后。 请将此贴加入你的收藏夹,了解最新的版本更新。 只有有实力的才有最全最新的资料,请联系可靠的,而不是被一些 ...2019-12-2 22:10 - sflbo - Forum
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homemade leverage, The Journal of Portfolio Management Fall 2004
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LPM 2021fall 新增内容Statutary Valuation of Individual Life and Annuity Contract
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The promises and pitfalls of factor timing
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A general interactive framework for false discovery rate control under structura
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(黑石的兴起)King of Capital-The Remarkable Rise, Fall, awarzman and Blackstone
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【畅销书系列】奥斯曼帝国 The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle
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billion dollar loser - the epic rise and spectacular fall of neumann and WeWork
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A general interactive framework for false discovery rate control under structura
1 个回复 - 572 次查看 【作者(必填)】 23 【文题(必填)】 A general interactive framework for false discovery rate control under structural constraints【年份(必填)】2 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://academic.oup.c ...2021-9-13 09:42 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
You fall for it every time!
0 个回复 - 282 次查看 今日打卡句子:You fall for it every time!你每次都会上当 重点表达Fall for: (a lie or trick) 信以为真,上当受骗例句I know it’s not true. I won't fall for it.剧本台词Joey: Hey Rach listen, did you know ...2021-9-5 08:47 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
This rumor is apparently false.
0 个回复 - 839 次查看 今日词汇 domestic violence[dəˈmestɪk ˈvaɪələns] 家庭暴力,即:家暴 拆分: domestic英 [dəˈmestɪk] 美 [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的;家 ...2021-8-30 13:22 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
Quantifying market risk with Value-at-Risk or Expected Shortfall? – Consequence
2 个回复 - 732 次查看 【作者(必填)】 2323 【文题(必填)】 Quantifying market risk with Value-at-Risk or Expected Shortfall? – Consequences for capital requirements and model risk【年份(必填)】 2323 【全文链接或数据库名 ...2021-8-22 11:20 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Dynamic large financial networks via conditional expected shortfalls
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Conditional VAR and Expected Shortfall: A New Functional Approach
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Backtesting Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall in the Presence of Estimation E
1 个回复 - 717 次查看 【作者(必填)】 2323 【文题(必填)】 Backtesting Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall in the Presence of Estimation Error【年份(必填)】 2323 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://academic.oup.com/j ...2021-6-19 21:20 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Conditional VAR and Expected Shortfall: A New Functional Approach
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Systemic risk allocation using the asymptotic marginal expected shortfall
1 个回复 - 637 次查看 【作者(必填)】 23 【文题(必填)】 Systemic risk allocation using the asymptotic marginal expected shortfall【年份(必填)】 2323 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ...2021-6-15 13:30 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Time-varying dynamics of expected shortfall in commodity futures markets
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This rumor is apparently false.
1 个回复 - 1339 次查看 今日词汇rumor [ˈruːmə]gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouthn. 谣言;传闻 e.g. This rumor is apparently false.很显然,这个传闻并不属实。2021-6-13 08:24 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
When Globalization Fails: The Rise and Fall of Pax Americana
11 个回复 - 1070 次查看 When Globalization Fails: The Rise and Fall of Pax Americana by James Macdonald (Author) About the Author James Macdonald is a former investment banker and the author of A Free Nation Deep in Deb ...2019-8-3 11:57 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
歌曲|Let's Fall in Love for the Night - FINNEAS
1 个回复 - 1606 次查看 Let's fall in love for the night[/backcolor]就让我们今夜坠入爱河[/backcolor]And forget in the morning[/backcolor]明日便将一切忘却[/backcolor]Play me a song that you like[/backcolor]为我演奏一首你心仪的 ...2021-5-24 06:45 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
The Myth of America's Decline: Politics, Economics, and a Half Century of False
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2 个回复 - 1512 次查看 各位大神们好,我是一个R语言的新手,今天在做一个生信程序的时候,按部就班地根据教程输代码,但是出现了一个error:Errorin if (type_res[cell_name] == TRUE) next_nodes2021-4-14 14:17 - NMPV7 - R语言论坛
the savvy investor's guide to avoiding pitfalls, frauds, and scams (2020)
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歌曲|Let's Fall in Love for the Night - FINNEAS
1 个回复 - 1326 次查看 Let's fall in love for the night [/backcolor]就让我们今夜坠入爱河[/backcolor]And forget in the morning[/backcolor]明日便将一切忘却[/backcolor]Play me a song that you like[/backcolor]为我演奏一首你心仪 ...2021-3-25 13:10 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
【畅销书系列】The Rise and Fall of American Growth
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歌曲|Let's Fall in Love for the Night
2 个回复 - 1373 次查看 Let's fall in love for the night[/backcolor]就让我们今夜坠入爱河[/backcolor]And forget in the morning[/backcolor]明日便将一切忘却[/backcolor]Play me a song that you like[/backcolor]为我演奏一首你心 ...2021-3-7 21:41 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
求助falsification exercise是什么意思啊
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求TIA ERM / LAM 教材 (2020 Fall / 2021 Spring) [已找到人合資買]
0 个回复 - 712 次查看 有意合資的可微信我或電郵我: wechat ID: coeyzz email: coeyzz@hotmail.com 謝謝!2021-2-15 18:13 - coeyz - CAA、SOA精算师等考证版
don't fall for it - a short history of financial scams (2020)
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《门口的野蛮人》Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco
5 个回复 - 1706 次查看 、 书籍信息: 标题: Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco 语言: English 格式: pdf 大小: 2.7M 页数: 571 年份: 2003 作者: Bryan Burrough, John Helyar 出版社: Harper Paperbacks ...2017-11-23 11:39 - 瘦瘦三国 - 商学院
概率与计算(中文版) Michael Mitzenmacher;Eli Upfal
3 个回复 - 3207 次查看 该资源是概率与计算中文版,Michael Mitzenmacher、Eli Upfal著,史道济等译。该书详细介绍了概率技术以及在概率算法一分析发展中使用过的范例,适合作为高等院校计算机科学和应用数学专业高年级本科生与低年级研究生 ...2015-9-15 11:22 - 曹柏杨 - 计量经济学与统计软件
【学习笔记】ibm the rise and fall 官僚主义除了过于强调流程和制度,更核心 ...
1 个回复 - 547 次查看 ibm the rise and fall 官僚主义除了过于强调流程和制度,更核心的在于决策权完全掌握在上层。1990s不仅面临技术的快速迭代,客户的需求也更加个性化,IBM这个庞然大物已是心有余而力不足。2020-2-24 22:11 - picaroon - Forum
0 个回复 - 273 次查看 世界发展银行-Lebanon-Economic-Monitor,-Fall-2020---The-Deliberate-Depression_90页_1mb2020-12-9 13:15 - wangjx_ - 行业分析报告
JPMorgan's fall and revival (2020)
2 个回复 - 849 次查看 JPMorgan's fall and revival - how the wave of consolidation changed america's premier bank (2020)2020-10-15 09:29 - loneshark - 投资人(实务版)
The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning
1 个回复 - 3201 次查看 【作者(必填)】Nathaniel Bluedorn (Author), Hans Bluedorn (Author), & 1 more 【文题(必填)】The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning 【年份(必填)】 2015 【全 ...2018-11-12 16:06 - johnzi0128 - 文献求助专区
求电子书(非论文)The Rise and Fall of Strategic Plan (Henry Mintzberg)
3 个回复 - 647 次查看 求The Rise and Fall of Strategic Plan (Henry Mintzberg)的电子书,注意不是论文。 悬赏100个论坛币,多谢好心人!2020-10-19 10:38 - wangsishen11 - 爱问频道
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
1 个回复 - 924 次查看 The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning2013-10-22 11:34 - chioutony - 创新与战略管理
【高清电子文字版】2018 Fall SOA ASM IFM Manual, 1st Edition, 2nd Printing 教材
10 个回复 - 3675 次查看 怎样才算是高清文字版? 请看图片,PDF设置比例为300%及更大(600%)的时候,截图的时候,文字没有任何毛刺、不清楚等的感觉,这才算是高清文字版。扫描版版的PDF放大的时候,文字有毛刺、模糊等的感觉,阅读会有非 ...2018-6-19 00:38 - sflbo - Forum
【学习笔记】This mountain is full of mysteries, like why is my head fall ...
1 个回复 - 513 次查看 This mountain is full of mysteries, like why is my head falling on your shoulder. 这座山满是未解之谜,就像我的头为什么靠上你的肩。2020-8-9 11:05 - ccwwccww - Forum
Bad News: Why We Fall for Fake News
3 个回复 - 538 次查看 2020-9-12 07:45 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
【学习笔记】It cools down in the fall. 秋天天气渐渐转凉。 Dialogue A: ...
0 个回复 - 731 次查看 It cools down in the fall. 秋天天气渐渐转凉。 Dialogue A: Beautiful day, isn\'t it? 天气真好! B: Yes. Enjoy it while it lasts. It\'s supposed to get cold tomorrow. 好极了。好好享受吧,明天可能会降 ...2020-9-14 00:54 - chang06 - Forum
CFAL3 中文精要
13 个回复 - 1945 次查看 RT2011-10-5 09:44 - xx22 - 悬赏大厅
【学习笔记】打卡10题: 1.判断条件返回的是0、1不是true、false 2.巧用sum() ...
1 个回复 - 295 次查看 打卡10题: 1.判断条件返回的是0、1不是true、false 2.巧用sum()筛选条件,比如筛选购买了A产品的,sum(product=\'A\')>0 3.记得子查询表重命名和重复数据(distinct) 4.left(str,n) 提取左边前n个字符 两个列相同的表 ...2020-8-31 23:46 - chuncha.lz - Forum
Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy
21 个回复 - 3507 次查看 Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy by George Gilder (Author) About the Author George Gilder is the author of eighteen books, including Knowledge and P ...2018-7-17 20:15 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
Analysis of questionnaire data with R by Bruno Falissard
1 个回复 - 1191 次查看 R语音处理调查问卷教材 Analysis of questionnaire data with R by Bruno Falissard 希望对大家有帮助。2020-8-26 17:55 - davis_lee0109 - R语言论坛
An analysis of clattering impacts of a falling rod
5 个回复 - 415 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】An analysis of clattering impacts of a falling rod 【年份(必填)】2006 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264963253_An_analysis_o ...2020-7-19 17:34 - victorbian - 文献求助专区