0 个回复 - 1094 次查看 呼伦贝尔统计年鉴2017(Excel),内容完整数据可靠,如果需要其他年鉴可私信 部分表格预览: 呼伦贝尔市2016年三次产业从业人员及构成统计.xls 呼伦贝尔市2016年个体经济从业人员统计.xls 呼伦贝尔市2016年主要农 ...2021-10-30 22:42 - 陌上清烟 - 现金交易版
8 个回复 - 1373 次查看 点上面附件图标,上传附件后可设置现金定价 2000年至2016年投入产出数据大全。 能源转换成标准煤 资本基于张军数据并转换成2000年不变价 劳动力统计的年末就业人口数 GDP已转化成2000年不变价 二氧化碳是 ...2019-1-13 17:55 - 小小白学生 - 现金交易版
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2 个回复 - 2193 次查看 <P>PDF格式,520K,可复制。是研究美国就业妇女就业情况及就业结构的富贵资料。<BR></P>2006-12-25 00:11 - 耕耘使者 - 数据交流中心
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16 个回复 - 3824 次查看 这个帖子在论坛里是隐藏帖子,我发出来,大家用MONEY来下吧。。嘎嘎 其中包括的变量有: 中国城乡劳动力资源配置情况统计【1996-2003】 中国分地区城镇单位使用的农村劳动力年末人数统计【1996-2003】 中国分 ...2008-9-16 03:14 - 花想衣裳云想绒 - 数据交流中心
1 个回复 - 1639 次查看 <P>格式:pdf</P> <P>大小:560</P> <P>可复制</P> <P><BR></P>2007-9-9 09:39 - kelvin029 - 数据交流中心
6 个回复 - 2288 次查看 新加坡劳动力统计年鉴2005 格式:pdf 大小:875K 可复制 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-11 1:35:35编辑过]2007-6-11 01:22 - kelvin029 - 数据交流中心
美国妇女劳动力统计年鉴2005 [半价20金币]
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0 个回复 - 592 次查看 2018中国劳动力统计年鉴,求分享2019-12-25 09:43 - ZZXLOVE88 - Forum
劳动力统计. Labour force statistics
1 个回复 - 1884 次查看 TJ_06_annual_001. 劳动力统计. OECD. Labour force statistics. Paris2018-4-15 12:30 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Measuring the stock of human capital for comparative analysis...
0 个回复 - 382 次查看 TJ_06_2011_002. 劳动力统计. OECD. Measuring the stock of human capital for comparative analysis: an application of the lifetime income approach to selected countries. OECD2018-4-15 12:17 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Measuring Quality of Employment 2010
0 个回复 - 370 次查看 TJ_06_2010_002. 劳动力统计. UNECE. Measuring Quality of Employment. UNECE2018-4-15 12:14 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work 2010
0 个回复 - 478 次查看 TJ_06_2010_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. Manual on the Measurement of Volunteer Work. ILO2018-4-15 12:12 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Sampling for household-based surveys of child labour 2008
0 个回复 - 360 次查看 TJ_06_2008_004. 劳动力统计. ILO. Sampling for household-based surveys of child labour. ILO2018-4-15 12:06 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The OECD System of Unit Labour Cost and Related Indicators 2008
0 个回复 - 463 次查看 TJ_06_2008_003. 劳动力统计. OECD. The OECD System of Unit Labour Cost and Related Indicators. OECD2018-4-15 12:04 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The measurement of labor cost 2007
0 个回复 - 367 次查看 TJ_06_2007_006. 劳动力统计. Jack e. triplett. The measurement of labor cost,nber studies in income and wealth, vol.48. Chicago:university of chicago press2018-4-15 11:58 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM) 2006
0 个回复 - 628 次查看 TJ_06_2006_003. 劳动力统计. Adb(asian development bank). Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM). Asian development bank,manila2018-4-15 11:46 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Accounting for worker well-being 2006
0 个回复 - 457 次查看 TJ_06_2006_002. 劳动力统计. Solomon w.polachek. Accounting for worker well-being??research in labor economic volume 23. Emerald group publish limited2018-4-15 11:44 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use: Measuring Paid... 2004
0 个回复 - 526 次查看 TJ_06_2004_003. 劳动力统计. UN. Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work. UN2018-4-15 11:28 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Measuring Atypical Jobs: Levels and Changes 2004
0 个回复 - 431 次查看 TJ_06_2004_002. 劳动力统计. OECD. Measuring Atypical Jobs: Levels and Changes. OECD2018-4-15 11:25 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Manual for child labour data analysis and statistical reports 2004
0 个回复 - 519 次查看 TJ_06_2004_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. Manual for child labour data analysis and statistical reports. ILO2018-4-15 11:22 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills: The PISA 2000 Experience
0 个回复 - 390 次查看 TJ_06_2002_001. 劳动力统计. OECD. Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills: The PISA 2000 Experience. OECD2018-4-14 21:34 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Key indicators of the labour market 1999
0 个回复 - 442 次查看 TJ_06_1999_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. Key indicators of the labour market 1999. Geneva2018-4-14 20:59 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Resolution concerning statistics of occupational injuries 1988
0 个回复 - 350 次查看 TJ_06_1998_009. 劳动力统计. ILO. Resolution concerning statistics of occupational injuries (resulting from occupational accidents). ILO2018-4-14 20:38 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labor statistics measurement issues 1998
0 个回复 - 421 次查看 TJ_06_1998_006. 劳动力统计. John haltiwanger??marilyn e.manser,and robert topel. Labor statistics measurement issues. The university of chicago press2018-4-14 20:32 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Report of the meeting of experts on labour statistics 1997
0 个回复 - 383 次查看 TJ_06_1997_002. 劳动力统计. ILO. Report of the meeting of experts on labour statistics. International labour office,geneva2018-4-14 19:24 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Income from employment:concept and measurement. 1997
0 个回复 - 328 次查看 TJ_06_1997_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. Income from employment:concept and measurement. Report ?? prepared for the meeting of experts on labour statistics. International labour office,geneva2018-4-14 19:17 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labour accounts:framework for statistical data and labour
0 个回复 - 380 次查看 TJ_06_1996_001. 劳动力统计. Leunis wim p. and kees g.verhage. Labour accounts:framework for statistical data and labour. Voorburg/heerlen,statistics netherlands2018-4-14 18:55 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Methods of measuring women's economic activity
0 个回复 - 339 次查看 TJ_06_1995_004. 劳动力统计. UN. Methods of measuring women's economic activity. New york:undp press2018-4-14 18:47 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labour statistics for a market economy: challenges and solutions
0 个回复 - 434 次查看 TJ_06_1994_002. 劳动力统计. Chernyshev, I., ed.. Labour statistics for a market economy: challenges and solutions in the transition countries of central and eastern europe and the former soviet uni ...2018-4-14 18:32 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. A research agenda to guide and improve the current employment...
0 个回复 - 368 次查看 TJ_06_1993_002. 劳动力统计. American statistical association panel. A research agenda to guide and improve the current employment statistics survey. Alexandria,va.:american statistical association ...2018-4-14 18:23 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Resolution concerning the International Classification of Status
0 个回复 - 372 次查看 TJ_06_1993_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. Resolution concerning the International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE). ILO2018-4-14 18:15 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The general report to the 15th international conference of labour...
1 个回复 - 419 次查看 TJ_06_1992_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. The general report to the 15th international conference of labour statisticians. International labour office,geneva2018-4-14 17:31 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Report of the 15th international conference of labour statisticians
1 个回复 - 379 次查看 TJ_06_1992_002. 劳动力统计. ILO. Report of the 15th international conference of labour statisticians. International labour office,geneva2018-4-14 17:34 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Revised handbook for analyzing jobs 1991
0 个回复 - 441 次查看 TJ_06_1991_004. 劳动力统计. U.S. department of labor. Revised handbook for analyzing jobs. Employment and training administration2018-4-14 17:29 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Methods of Measuring Women's Participation and Production... 1990
0 个回复 - 424 次查看 TJ_06_1990_005. 劳动力统计. UN. Methods of Measuring Women's Participation and Production in the Informal Sector. UN2018-4-14 11:59 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The economically active population,employment,unemployment and...
0 个回复 - 482 次查看 TJ_06_1990_004. 劳动力统计. Hussmanns,r.,f.mehran& v.verma. The economically active population,employment,unemployment and underemployment: an ILO-manual on concepts and methods. International lab ...2018-4-14 11:56 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计.The revised international standard classification of occupations 1990
0 个回复 - 450 次查看 TJ_06_1990_001. 劳动力统计. ILO. The revised international standard classification of occupations(ISCO). ILO,geneva2018-4-14 11:47 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Developments in international labour statistics 1989
0 个回复 - 314 次查看 TJ_06_1989_002. 劳动力统计. Turvey,r. and e.hoffmann. Developments in international labour statistics. Printer publishers,london2018-4-14 11:45 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Advances in the theory and measurement of unemployment 1987
0 个回复 - 248 次查看 TJ_06_1987_001. 劳动力统计. Y.weiss and g.fishelson. Advances in the theory and measurement of unemployment. London:macmillan2018-4-14 11:39 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Accounting for time: labour accounts in a broader setting 1984
0 个回复 - 463 次查看 TJ_06_1984_003. 劳动力统计. Denton,f.t.. Accounting for time: labour accounts in a broader setting. Report submitted by statistics canada to the conference of european statisticians' informal meet ...2018-4-14 11:17 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labor values and prices of production... 1984
0 个回复 - 396 次查看 TJ_06_1984_002. 劳动力统计. Ochoa,e.. Labor values and prices of production: an interindustry study of the u.s. economy,1947-1972. ph.d dissertation. Department of economics,new school for social ...2018-4-14 11:15 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The first hundred years of the bureau of labor statistics 1984
0 个回复 - 429 次查看 TJ_06_1984_001. 劳动力统计. Goldberg,joseph p., and william t. moye. The first hundred years of the bureau of labor statistics. Bulletin 2235.gpo2018-4-14 11:13 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labour market accounting and labour utilization... 1983
1 个回复 - 553 次查看 TJ_06_1983_002. 劳动力统计. Neubourg,c.d.. Labour market accounting and labour utilization:theory and measurement. University of groningen.groningen2018-4-14 00:07 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The first hundred years of the bureau of labor statistics 1984
1 个回复 - 562 次查看 TJ_06_1984_001. 劳动力统计. Goldberg,joseph p., and william t. moye. The first hundred years of the bureau of labor statistics. Bulletin 2235.gpo2018-4-14 00:21 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labor values and prices of production: an interindustry study 1984
1 个回复 - 542 次查看 TJ_06_1984_002. 劳动力统计. Ochoa,e.. Labor values and prices of production: an interindustry study of the u.s. economy,1947-1972. ph.d dissertation. Department of economics,new school for social ...2018-4-14 00:23 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Accounting for time: labour accounts in a broader setting 1984
1 个回复 - 560 次查看 TJ_06_1984_003. 劳动力统计. Denton,f.t.. Accounting for time: labour accounts in a broader setting. Report submitted by statistics canada to the conference of european statisticians' informal meet ...2018-4-14 00:32 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The measurement of labor cost 1983
0 个回复 - 411 次查看 TJ_06_1983_001. 劳动力统计. Jack e.triplett. The measurement of labor cost,nber studies in income and wealth, vol.44. The university of chicago press2018-4-13 23:50 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Handbook of labor statistics 1982
0 个回复 - 660 次查看 TJ_06_1982_002. 劳动力统计. U.S. bureau of labor statistics. Handbook of labor statistics. Washington,d.c.:government printing office2018-4-13 23:47 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Subsidizing on-the-job training: an analysis of a national survey
0 个回复 - 420 次查看 TJ_06_1982_001. 劳动力统计. Bishop,john h.. Subsidizing on-the-job training: an analysis of a national survey of employers. Columbus: ohio state university,national center for research in vocation ...2018-4-13 23:40 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The national industry-occupation employment matrix 1980
0 个回复 - 695 次查看 TJ_06_1980_001. 劳动力统计. U.S. department of labor,bureau of labor statistics. The national industry-occupation employment matrix. Government printing office,washington,dc2018-4-13 23:16 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Recent theoretical and empirical studies of labor supply... 1979
0 个回复 - 516 次查看 TJ_06_1979_001. 劳动力统计. Heckman,j.;m.killingsworth;and t.mccurdy. Recent theoretical and empirical studies of labor supply:a partial survey. Mimeo,university of chicago2018-4-13 23:13 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Counting the labor force 1976
0 个回复 - 365 次查看 TJ_06_1976_001. 劳动力统计. National commission on employment and unemployment statistics. Counting the labor force. Washington,d.c.:government printing office2018-4-13 23:10 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. International recommendations on labour statistics 1975
0 个回复 - 359 次查看 TJ_06_1975_002. 劳动力统计. ILO(international labour office). International recommendations on labour statistics. Geneva2018-4-13 23:08 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The labor force in economic development... 1974
0 个回复 - 388 次查看 TJ_06_1974_001. 劳动力统计. Durand,john. The labor force in economic development: a comparison of international census data,1946-66. Princeton:princeton university press2018-4-13 23:03 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Issues in the measurement of labor input. 1973
0 个回复 - 522 次查看 TJ_06_1973_001. 劳动力统计. Chinloy,peter t.. Issues in the measurement of labor input. Ph.d. diss.. Harvard university2018-4-13 22:59 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计.Towards a system of human resource indicators for less countries 1971
0 个回复 - 404 次查看 TJ_06_1971_003. 劳动力统计. Gostkowski,z.(ed.). Towards a system of human resource indicators for less countries. Ossolineum,warsaw2018-4-13 22:53 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Internal labor markets and manpower analysis 1971
0 个回复 - 392 次查看 TJ_06_1971_002. 劳动力统计. Doeringer,p.,and m.piore. Internal labor markets and manpower analysis. Lexington,mass.:heath2018-4-13 22:50 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The measurement of labor input :u.s. manufacturing industries 1971
0 个回复 - 326 次查看 TJ_06_1971_001. 劳动力统计. Barger,william j.. The measurement of labor input:u.s. manufacturing industries,1948-1966. ph.d. diss.. Harvard university2018-4-13 22:44 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The measurement and interpretation of job vacancies 1957
0 个回复 - 316 次查看 TJ_06_1957_001. 劳动力统计. NBER. The measurement and interpretation of job vacancies. Columbia University Press2018-4-13 22:32 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. The measurement and behavior of unemployment 1955
0 个回复 - 394 次查看 TJ_06_1955_001. 劳动力统计. Special conference of the universities-national bureau committee for economic research. The measurement and behavior of unemployment. NBER2018-4-13 21:15 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计 The money value of a man (1964)1993
0 个回复 - 435 次查看 TJ_06_(1964)1993_001. 劳动力统计. Dublin louis t. and alfred j.lotka. The money value of a man. New york2018-4-13 21:09 - kige - 经济统计专版
0 个回复 - 718 次查看 第六大类,人口与劳动力统计相关文献。包括代际核算、劳动力统计、就业统计、人力资本核算、人口统计等2018-4-8 23:39 - happy_287422301 - 经济统计专版
1 个回复 - 1134 次查看 各位大虾,请问下在哪可以找到亚洲各国劳动力统计情况?谢谢2009-12-23 16:13 - guangming0424 - 爱问频道
0 个回复 - 1100 次查看 如题,希望懂的人赐教啊!!2012-7-24 18:07 - csxcsx007 - 计量经济学与统计软件
4 个回复 - 2555 次查看 关于我国劳动力的资料。在在下看来已经非常详细了。200元并不是高价 下面给出部分内容标题让大家有所了解(以1996年为例): 中国1996年城乡劳动力资源配置情况统计 中国1996年分地区城镇单位使用的农村劳动力 ...2006-3-16 01:59 - lc0216 - 数据交流中心
3 个回复 - 3095 次查看 各位前辈大家好!我是一名经济类研究生,所写论文急需中国劳动力统计年鉴数据,哪位好心人有的话可否给我一份啊,万分感激啊!!!2010-3-24 16:14 - 糖糖520 - 爱问频道
0 个回复 - 1155 次查看 各位前辈大家好!我是一名经济类研究生,所写论文急需中国劳动力统计年鉴数据,哪位好心人有的话可否给我一份啊,万分感激啊!!!2010-3-24 16:22 - 糖糖520 - 数据交流中心
0 个回复 - 2583 次查看 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-1 22:29:15编辑过]2006-8-1 15:58 - cathy_betty - 数据交流中心