结果:找到“the theory practice of”相关内容107个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级”
The Theory and Practice of Econometrics
2 个回复 - 1769 次查看
This broadly based graduate-level textbook covers
the major models and statistical tools currently used in
the practice of econometrics. It examines
the classical,
the decision
theory, and
the Bayesia ...
2017-11-16 22:32 - 张智博 - 跳蚤市场
The theory practice of change management pdf下载
0 个回复 - 1191 次查看
practice of change management pdf下载
Why are some organizations, such as Google, Toyota and Xerox, so successful, while o
thers seem destined to fail? The answer lies in how
they manage ...
2016-10-6 15:35 - 浪子彦青 - 休闲灌水
首发资源!Theory and Practice of Risk Assessment
17 个回复 - 2165 次查看
Theory and Practice
of Risk Assessment
This book covers
the latest results in
the field
of risk analysis. Presented topics include probabilistic models in cancer research, models and methods in lon ...
2015-12-4 00:18 - exuan1991 - 经济金融数学专区
The Theory and Practice of Item Response Theory
1 个回复 - 2209 次查看
Item response
theory (IRT) is a latent variable modeling approach used to minimize bias and optimize
the measurement power
of educational and psychological tests and o
ther psychometric applications. D ...
2015-10-15 17:59 - sbzx - 计量经济学与统计软件
1000币求 Outline of a Theory of Practice
1 个回复 - 914 次查看
【作者(必填)】 by Pierre Bourdieu (Author), Richard Nice (Translator)
of a Theory
of Practice (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Ant ...
2015-9-16 03:12 - rickycy - 求助成功区
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory
1 个回复 - 2291 次查看
【作者(必填)】Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and Zhongxia (Shelly) Ye
【文题(必填)】Corporate Governance Research in Accounting and Auditing: Insights, Practice Implications, and Future Res ...
2014-5-25 10:15 - wkab12ab - 求助成功区