The Art of Regression Modeling in Road Safety 回归分析在道路交通安全中的应用
0 个回复 - 1765 次查看 The Art of Regression Modeling in Road Safety (回归分析在道路交通安全中的应用) 英文图书。高清pdf版本。多伦多大学 道路交通安全大牛 Ezra Hauer 编纂。 该书深入浅出,形象生动,详细论述了各类数据分析方法尤 ...2017-2-2 10:55 - 胖头鱼不胖 - 现金交易版
Company valuation under IFRS: Interpreting and Forecasting Accounts
17 个回复 - 531 次查看 Company valuation under IFRS: Interpreting and Forecasting Accounts Language: EnglishISBN-10: 190564177XISBN-13: 978-1905641772 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are now m ...2014-7-5 22:23 - tigerwolf - 行业分析报告
【独家发布】Beyond GDP: Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance
5 个回复 - 884 次查看 Beyond GDP: Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance Author(s): Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Martine Durand Publisher: OECD, Year: 2018 ISBN: 9789264309166 Descr ...2019-12-16 11:03 - hhasoka - Forum
Sure, this isn't going to create 6-pack abs, but every calorie counts.
0 个回复 - 1899 次查看 -Cosplay - Cosplay 一词源自日本,是 costume 和 play 的合成词。 costume 英 [ˈkɒstjuːm] 美 [ˈkɑːstuːm] n. 服装,装束;戏服,表演服装;泳衣,泳装v. 给(某人)穿上 ...2022-5-3 15:29 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
A new look at time series of counts
1 个回复 - 633 次查看 【作者(必填)】 8 【文题(必填)】 A new look at time series of counts 【年份(必填)】 7 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://academic.oup.com/biomet/article-abstract/96/4/781/220638?redirectedFro ...2022-3-15 09:36 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Understanding National Accounts 理解国民账户
1 个回复 - 940 次查看 Understanding National Accounts 理解国民账户 中英文2020-4-14 23:40 - jgzjmeng - 宏观经济学
求Uniform system of accounts for the lodging industry 11th 或 10th
3 个回复 - 1985 次查看 求Uniform system of accounts for the lodging industry 11th 这本书电子版 PDF 的,第十版也可以。2017-6-2 15:01 - hardymo - 会计与财务管理
Calculation Methodology for the National Footprint Accounts, 2008 Edition
5 个回复 - 2440 次查看 Authors: Brad Ewing, Anders Reed, Sarah M. Rizk, Alessandro Galli, Mathis Wackernagel, Justin Kitzes ABSTRACT Human demand on ecosystem services continues to increase, and there are indicatio ...2010-7-13 10:07 - wcdl2008 - 环境经济学
Guidebook to the National Footprint Accounts 2008
3 个回复 - 2115 次查看 Authors: Justin Kitzes, Alessandro Galli, Sarah Rizk, Anders Reed, Mathis Wackernagel Table of Contents 1 Introduction................................................................................ ...2010-7-13 10:13 - wcdl2008 - 环境经济学
Detecting Fraudulent Accounts on Blockchain
1 个回复 - 374 次查看 【作者(必填)】Michał Ostapowicz Kamil Żbikowski 【文题(必填)】Detecting Fraudulent Accounts on Blockchain: A Supervised Approach 【年份(必填)】2019 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】htt ...2021-3-18 20:06 - fxq2327 - 求助成功区
[下载]Wiley Best Practices丛书之四-Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices
23 个回复 - 7087 次查看 Wiley出版的Best Practices丛书之一,Accounts Payable Best Practices,2005年版。高清晰pdf文件。2008-7-23 08:05 - zf0405 - 会计与财务管理
如何用SVY来同时获取weighted frequency & counts
0 个回复 - 681 次查看 我是cross-sectional survey, survey里面的weight是probability weight.我试了一下代码,要么只能给我反馈出加权的频数,要么只能给加权的百分比,怎么可以output两者都包括进去啊。谢谢大神指点! . svy:tab GE ...2020-6-3 04:36 - 2764346558 - Stata专版
Pricing Joint Sales and Rentals: When are Purchase-Conversion Discounts Optimal?
2 个回复 - 379 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Monire Jalili, Michael S. Pangburn 【文题(必填)】 Pricing Joint Sales and Rentals: When are Purchase-Conversion Discounts Optimal? 【年份(必填)】 2018 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填) ...2020-4-6 10:34 - timesever - 求助成功区
【好书不断】National Accounts of OECD Countries FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS
12 个回复 - 2729 次查看 热烈祝贺经济统计专版成功开版,让一名统计学的楼主深感高兴。在此也尽写绵薄之力。这本书是OECD每年定期公布的National Accounts,论坛有2011年的,我这里补充上2010的供大家使用。[hr] 书名:《National Ac ...2014-11-23 23:32 - crystal8832 - 经济统计专版
The communication of human accounts: Examining models of sensegiving
1 个回复 - 283 次查看 【作者(必填)】Bino Catasús 【文题(必填)】The communication of human accounts: Examining models of sensegiving 【年份(必填)】2009 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.researchgate.net/publ ...2020-1-12 07:55 - victorbian - 求助成功区
Reconstructing Chinese GDP according to the national accounts concepts of value
0 个回复 - 407 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Harry X. Wu. 【文题(必填)】Reconstructing Chinese GDP according to the national accounts concepts of value added : the industrial sector, 1949-1994 【年份(必填)】1997 【全文链接 ...2020-1-11 22:07 - tfkl - 文献求助专区
【学习笔记】for i in table_2.star.value_counts().index: plt.text(i-0 ...
0 个回复 - 258 次查看 for i in table_2.star.value_counts().index: plt.text(i-0.3,table_2.star.value_counts()+200,\'{}\'.format(table_2.star.value_counts())) plt.bar(table_2.star.value_counts().index,table_2.star.value ...2020-1-8 09:23 - 9248_1572342225 - Forum
【2018新书】Beyond GDP_Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance
37 个回复 - 5790 次查看 Beyond GDP: Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Martine Durand Book Description Metrics matter for policy and policy matters fo ...2018-12-1 08:22 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
【学习笔记】Python学习笔记 Counts=3,条件是counts》0,不是只循环两次?
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Concepts and Methods of the U.S. Input-Output Accounts
1 个回复 - 1157 次查看 Concepts and Methods of the U.S. Input-Output Accounts2019-8-3 18:33 - priness414 - 宏观经济学
sas by 2 groups counts
0 个回复 - 438 次查看 如何用sas做到by ID ID_2 Program_code 我需要找出每個ID下連續的第一條是X 的Program_code 並且連續同是X要找出來。如果第一條發生的是A之後是X,這些X不需要取出。每個ID2都是獨立的.ID2是顯示每一條program的前後 ...2019-9-7 11:42 - kk2976 - SAS专版
Concepts & Methods of the U.S. National Income & Product Accounts
1 个回复 - 582 次查看 文件名:Concepts & Methods of the U.S. National Income & Product Accounts 日 期:May 2019 页 数:450页 目 录: Charpter 1: Introduction Charpter 2: Fundamental Concept ...2019-8-24 21:47 - yaojy612 - 世界经济与国际贸易
The Three-Year MATHCOUNTS Marathon
3 个回复 - 1402 次查看 【作者(必填)】Karen Ge and Albert Ni 【文题(必填)】The Three-Year MATHCOUNTS Marathon 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.amazon.com/Three-Year-MATHCOUNTS-Marathon-Ka ...2019-5-23 04:44 - johnzi0128 - 文献求助专区
求National Accounts of OECD Countries
0 个回复 - 295 次查看 求OECD官网上的各国资产负债表,我搜了一下,都是以前的。论坛里有人有吗?2019-7-5 14:57 - Ryan1215 - 爱问频道
A Forensic Examination of China’s National Accounts
0 个回复 - 788 次查看 Wei Chen, Xilu Chen, Chang-Tai Hsieh, Zheng (Michael) Song, A Forensic Examination of China’s National Accounts, Brooking Paper of Economic Activity, Conference Drafts, March 7–8, 2019.2019-5-29 17:40 - worldbank001 - 国民经济管理
National Accounts and Economic value
4 个回复 - 1375 次查看 Utz-Peter Reich: National Accounts and Economic value2018-8-22 22:16 - mufenglove - 经济统计专版
Classification of Accounts
0 个回复 - 502 次查看 这是会计中所有能用到的英文的分录2019-3-1 20:39 - laurencexuexue - 金融学(理论版)
Modelling non-stationary multivariate time series of counts via common factors
1 个回复 - 419 次查看 【作者(必填)】Wang, Fangfang; Wang, Haonan 【文题(必填)】Modelling non-stationary multivariate time series of counts via common factors 【年份(必填)】2018 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2019-1-22 15:59 - 我来了 - 求助成功区
Distributional National Accounts
2 个回复 - 708 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Thomas Piketty Emmanuel Saez Gabriel Zucman 【文题(必填)】 Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States【年份(必填)】 2018 【全文链接或数据库名称(选 ...2018-4-4 22:30 - shanxianmin2011 - 求助成功区
Distributional National Accounts
2 个回复 - 626 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Thomas Piketty ,Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman 【文题(必填)】Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States【年份(必填)】 2018 【全文链接或数据库名称 ...2018-4-8 17:36 - shanxianmin2011 - 求助成功区
关于WIOD数据库的Environmental Accounts
7 个回复 - 4235 次查看 大家有谁比较了解WIOD数据库中Environmental Accounts账户下各个国家的这几个表之间的关系的吗?2014-9-26 17:02 - wxy521 - 爱问频道
WIOD里面2016版的还有统计Environmental Accounts吗?
1 个回复 - 1104 次查看 看到WIOD13年下面除了World Input-Output Tables和Socio Economic Accounts外还有Environmental Accounts,但2016版下面只有前两个,这个是不统计啦,还是转移地方啦?2018-7-20 17:23 - 心有海棠 - 计量经济学与统计软件
When Buy Means Sell: An Investor's Guide to Investing When It Counts, Shkolnik
18 个回复 - 414 次查看 When Buy Means Sell: An Investor's Guide to Investing When It Counts by Eric Shkolnik English | 2002 | ISBN: 0071387064 | PDF | pages: 241 | 3,9 mb Proven strategies for knowing which stock analy ...2014-8-17 01:36 - tigerwolf - 金融学(理论版)
conflicting accounts - the creation and crash of the saatchi and saatchi (2018)
2 个回复 - 566 次查看 conflicting accounts - the creation and crash of the saatchi and saatchi avertising empire (2018) (.epub)2018-12-4 20:27 - loneshark - 投资人(实务版)
Accounts Demystified - How To Understand Financial Accounting And Analysis 4Th E
3 个回复 - 624 次查看 Accounts Demystified - How To Understand Financial Accounting And Analysis 4Th Ed - Anthony Rice - Pearson Prentice Hall 20032018-8-27 19:58 - kawazhang - 商学院
Twenty More Problem Solving Skills For Mathcounts Competitions
0 个回复 - 584 次查看 【作者(必填)】Chen 【文题(必填)】 【年份(必填)】2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.amazon.com/Twenty-Problem-Solving-Mathcounts-Competitions/dp/1453784969/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_2?_en ...2018-9-3 14:22 - johnzi0128 - 文献求助专区
环境核算 Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts
2 个回复 - 910 次查看 TJ_10_2014_001 环境核算 Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Environmental-Economic Accounts Australian Bureau of Statistics2018-4-10 16:49 - 吴淑丽 - 经济统计专版
Good discounts earn good reviews in return? Effects of price promotion on online
1 个回复 - 647 次查看 【作者(必填)】Zhu, D H, Zhang, Z J and Chang, Y P, et al. 【文题(必填)】Good discounts earn good reviews in return? Effects of price promotion on online restaurant reviews 【年份(必填)】2018 ...2018-7-10 06:01 - husteconyy - 求助成功区
Patents and Innovation Counts as Measures of Regional Production
1 个回复 - 437 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Zoltan J. Acs 【文题(必填)】 Patents and Innovation Counts as Measures of Regional Production of New Knowledge 【年份(必填)】 2002 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 https://ww ...2018-6-24 16:16 - yaka4009 - 求助成功区
国民经济核算理论. Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the System
1 个回复 - 870 次查看 TJ_05_1977_009. 国民经济核算理论. UN. Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the System of Balances of the National Economy, Part II: Conversion of Aggregates of SNA to MPS and vice ver ...2018-5-6 11:30 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Instructions and definitions for the national accounts questio
1 个回复 - 712 次查看 TJ_05_1979_004. 国民经济核算理论. United nations and OECD. Instructions and definitions for the national accounts questionnaire. New york2018-5-6 11:46 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. The treatment in the national accounts of good and services
1 个回复 - 628 次查看 TJ_05_1982_001. 国民经济核算理论. Petre,j.. The treatment in the national accounts of good and services for individual consumption produced, distributed or paid for by government. Luxembourg2018-5-6 11:51 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Crime:what should be included in the national accounts and wha
1 个回复 - 751 次查看 TJ_05_1983_001. 国民经济核算理论. Blades,d.w.. Crime:what should be included in the national accounts and what difference would it make. OECD,paris2018-5-6 11:53 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算实践. The u.s. national income and product accounts: selected topics
1 个回复 - 865 次查看 TJ_05_1983_002. 国民经济核算实践. Foss,murray f.. The u.s. national income and product accounts: selected topics. Chicago: university of chicago press2018-5-6 11:54 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. National Accounts Statistics: Compendium of Income Distribu
1 个回复 - 738 次查看 TJ_05_1985_001. 国民经济核算理论. UN. National Accounts Statistics: Compendium of Income Distribution Statistics. UN2018-5-6 11:58 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算实践. Uk national accounts:sources and methods
1 个回复 - 947 次查看 TJ_05_1985_002. 国民经济核算实践. Cso(central statistics office ireland). Uk national accounts:sources and methods. Hmso,london2018-5-6 12:00 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Manual on national accounts at constant prices
0 个回复 - 546 次查看 TJ_05_1979_002. 国民经济核算理论. UN. Manual on national accounts at constant prices. United nations,new york2018-5-6 11:42 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the Syste
0 个回复 - 562 次查看 TJ_05_1977_008. 国民经济核算理论. UN. Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the System of Balances of the National Economy, Part I: Conceptual Relationships. UN2018-5-6 11:28 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Quantity and price indexes in national accounts
1 个回复 - 469 次查看 TJ_05_1956_001. 国民经济核算理论. Stone,r.. Quantity and price indexes in national accounts. Paris:the organization for european cooperation2018-4-20 17:41 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. The national economic accounts of the united states?...
1 个回复 - 515 次查看 TJ_05_1958_003. 国民经济核算理论. National accounts review committee of the national bureau of economic research. The national economic accounts of the united states??review,appraisal,and recommend ...2018-4-20 17:50 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. National income accounts and income analysis
1 个回复 - 438 次查看 TJ_05_1956_002. 国民经济核算理论. Ruggles,r. and n.d.ruggles. National income accounts and income analysis,2nd edn. New york:mcgrawhill2018-4-20 17:44 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. A standardised system of national accounts
1 个回复 - 459 次查看 TJ_05_1959_001. 国民经济核算理论. OECD. A standardised system of national accounts. Paris2018-4-20 17:54 - kige - 经济统计专版
地区核算. Design of regional accounts
1 个回复 - 468 次查看 TJ_05_1961_002. 地区核算. Hirsch w.z.(ed.). Design of regional accounts. The johns hopkins university press,baltimore2018-4-20 18:04 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Methods for improving world transportation accounts...
1 个回复 - 461 次查看 TJ_05_1961_004. 国民经济核算理论. Karreman,herman f.. Methods for improving world transportation accounts,applied to 1950-1953. NBER2018-4-20 18:08 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. National accounts review committee of the national bureau...
0 个回复 - 413 次查看 TJ_05_1958_001. 国民经济核算理论. Paperbound,order from nber. National accounts review committee of the national bureau of economic research (paperbound,order from nber). NBER2018-4-20 17:46 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. A system of national accounts and supporting tables
0 个回复 - 407 次查看 TJ_05_1953_001. 国民经济核算理论. UN. A system of national accounts and supporting tables. New york2018-4-20 17:34 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. Structure and sources of national accounts in germany
0 个回复 - 450 次查看 TJ_05_1952_003. 国民经济核算理论. OECD. Structure and sources of national accounts in germany. Paris:OECD2018-4-20 17:32 - kige - 经济统计专版
【下载】鸡冻~竟然挖到Wiley这本书《Actuarial Modelling of Claim Counts》
13 个回复 - 3903 次查看 不好意思,小收点钱,没有办法,别人都收钱,咱也得赚钱糊口不是~ 目录可以点底部链接到亚马逊看。 《Actuarial Modelling of Claim Counts: Risk Classification, Credibility and Bonus-malus Systems》 ...2012-1-9 13:26 - kingyaozhi - Forum
国民经济核算理论. Standardised system of national accounts
0 个回复 - 452 次查看 TJ_05_1952_001. 国民经济核算理论. National accounts research unit,oeec. Standardised system of national accounts. Paris:organisation for european economic cooperation2018-4-19 23:35 - kige - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. A simplified system of national accounts
0 个回复 - 780 次查看 TJ_05_1951_001. 国民经济核算理论. National accounts research unit,oeec. A simplified system of national accounts. Paris:organisation for european economic cooperation2018-4-19 23:33 - kige - 经济统计专版
非正规经济.Non-observed economy in national accounts-survey of country practices
0 个回复 - 435 次查看 TJ_04_2008_001. 非正规经济. UNECE. Non-observed economy in national accounts-survey of country practices. UNECE2018-4-19 22:20 - kige - 经济统计专版
非市场核算. Beyond the market: designing nonmarket accounts for...2005
0 个回复 - 392 次查看 TJ_04_2005_002. 非市场核算. Abraham, katharine g. and christopher mackie, eds. Beyond the market: designing nonmarket accounts for the united states. Washington,dc: national academies press2018-4-19 22:17 - kige - 经济统计专版
ZF部门核算. General government accounts.
1 个回复 - 519 次查看 TJ_08_2005_001. ZF部门核算. OECD. General government accounts. Paris2018-4-19 10:42 - 祝贺人大 - 经济统计专版
非正规经济. 35 years of national accounts of the informal sector in burkina..
1 个回复 - 439 次查看 TJ_04_1989_001. 非正规经济. Charmes j.. 35 years of national accounts of the informal sector in burkina faso(1954-89). lessons from an experience and perspectives for improvement. Minist??re du Pl ...2018-4-15 12:46 - kige - 经济统计专版
非正规经济.The underground economy in italian economic accounts 1993
1 个回复 - 399 次查看 TJ_04_1993_001. 非正规经济. Istat. The underground economy in italian economic accounts,annali di statistica. Rome2018-4-15 12:52 - kige - 经济统计专版
非正规经济. A glimpse of the hidden economy in the national accounts 1980
0 个回复 - 530 次查看 TJ_04_1980_001. 非正规经济. Macafee,k.. A glimpse of the hidden economy in the national accounts,economic trends. Central statistical office2018-4-15 12:39 - kige - 经济统计专版
劳动力统计. Labour accounts:framework for statistical data and labour
0 个回复 - 364 次查看 TJ_06_1996_001. 劳动力统计. Leunis wim p. and kees g.verhage. Labour accounts:framework for statistical data and labour. Voorburg/heerlen,statistics netherlands2018-4-14 18:55 - kige - 经济统计专版
旅游核算. Adoption of a tourism satellite accounts (tsa) in a municipal area
0 个回复 - 441 次查看 TJ_07_2006_005. 旅游核算. Ge,y.. Adoption of a tourism satellite accounts (tsa) in a municipal area: a case study in suzhou. China,waterloo,on:university of waterloo2018-4-14 16:28 - beyugun1 - 经济统计专版
金融统计. Financial services in national accounts:measurement issues
0 个回复 - 311 次查看 TJ_07_2001_002. 金融统计. Schreyer,p.,and p.stauffer. Financial services in national accounts:measurement issues and progress. Organization for economic cooperation and development task force on f ...2018-4-14 15:25 - beyugun1 - 经济统计专版
地区核算. Regional accounts for policy decisions
1 个回复 - 361 次查看 TJ_05_1966_001. 地区核算. Hirsch w.z.(ed.). Regional accounts for policy decisions. The johns hopkins university press,baltimore2018-4-14 13:51 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. National accounts statistics:sources and methods
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国民经济核算理论. The design of economic accounts
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国民经济核算理论. Economic accounts and their uses
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旅游核算. Modelling tourism and travel using tourism satellite accounts
0 个回复 - 414 次查看 TJ_07_2000_002. 旅游核算. Blake,a.,durbarry,r.,sinclair,m.t., and sugiyatro,g.. Modelling tourism and travel using tourism satellite accounts and tourism policy and forecasting models. Uk:tourism ...2018-4-14 15:07 - beyugun1 - 经济统计专版
卫生统计. A system of health accounts
1 个回复 - 643 次查看 TJ_07_1999_001. 卫生统计. OECD. A system of health accounts. Paris2018-4-14 14:55 - beyugun1 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算理论. National income and expenditure accounts
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旅游核算. Tourism satellite accounts 1995
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农业统计. Manual on economic accounts for agriculture and forestry(rev.1)
0 个回复 - 393 次查看 TJ_07_1997_002. 农业统计. Eurostat. Manual on economic accounts for agriculture and forestry(rev.1). Luxemburg:eurostat2018-4-14 14:43 - beyugun1 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算实践. European system of integrated economic accounts
0 个回复 - 407 次查看 TJ_05_1970_003. 国民经济核算实践. Eurostat. European system of integrated economic accounts. Office for official publications of the european communities,luxemburg2018-4-14 14:35 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版
国民经济核算实践. European system integrated economic accounts
0 个回复 - 473 次查看 TJ_05_1970_001. 国民经济核算实践. Eurostat. European system integrated economic accounts. Office for official publications of the european communities,luxemburg2018-4-14 14:27 - gangge20062006 - 经济统计专版