5 个回复 - 3438 次查看 请问哪位有2000-2020年的分析师研报?我愿意奉上1000大洋,另加我自己爬下来的2021-2022分析师研报PDF(57000份)作为回馈2022-7-19 18:05 - BrainXX - 现金交易版
Markups and Firm-Level Export Status(DLW,2012)代码以及说明并附演练数据
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求助AEJ Macro 文献一篇 House Prices and Consumption: A New Instrumental Variable
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求助AEJ Marco文献 Collective Moral Hazard and the Interbank Market
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【AEJ-Applied Economics】The Power of Social Pensions
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【AEJ-Economic Policy】Housing Lock
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【AEJ:Economic Policy】Out of the Woodwork
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【AEJ】Rational Habit Formation: Experimental Evidence from Handwashing in India
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【AEJ:Ap E】Reexamining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline
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【AEJ:applied economics】Do Doctors Improve the Health Care of Their Parents?
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【AEJ】The Roots of Health Inequality and the Value of Intrafamily Expertis
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求AEJ发表文献一篇When Is Foreign Exchange Intervention Effective? Evidence from
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1 个回复 - 541 次查看 【作者(必填)】Vtor Slahev 【文题(必填)】Dos the Techlogical Cotent of Govement Deand Matter 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/mac.201 ...2018-7-19 08:47 - 明秀南 - 求助成功区
1 个回复 - 532 次查看 【作者(必填)】Munch 【文题(必填)】AEJ文献 【年份(必填)】2018 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/pol.201504102018-5-22 15:36 - 明秀南 - 求助成功区
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AEJ:Mirco 2018(Feb)
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AEJ文献求助:The Long-Run Effects of Attending an Elite School
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AEJ2013年的论文The 'Out of Africa' Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and
2 个回复 - 787 次查看 我自己只能下载到working paper,我想要AEJ的最终版本,可是AEJ提醒我登录下载不了。拜托各位! 【作者(必填)】 Quamrul Ashraf Oded Galor 【文题(必填)】 The 'Out of Africa' Hypothesis, Human Genetic Div ...2017-6-20 11:52 - maturing - 求助成功区
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求AEJ发表文献一篇Growth and capital flows with risky entrepreneurship
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AEJ: Macro最新论文Measured Aggregate Gains from International Trade
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3 个回复 - 1562 次查看 由Andrew J. Hill撰写的American Economic Journal: Applied Economics最新论文“The Girl Next Door: The Effect of Opposite Gender Friends on High School Achievement”实证考察了异性朋友对学业成绩的影响。同 ...2015-7-31 12:54 - accumulation - 休闲灌水
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3 个回复 - 1758 次查看 求下面这篇论文的下载。特别提示,是要AEJ发表的版本,而不是网上挂出来的working paper版本。谢谢! https://www.aeaweb.org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/mac.3.4.53 Exchange Rates and Wages in an Integrate ...2014-4-21 19:49 - 拔刀斋 - 求助成功区
求AEJ正式发表文献一篇Safety Traps
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AEJ: policy
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求AEJ文献International Contagion through Leveraged Financial Institutions
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求助AEJ原文Development Effects of Electrificatio
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AEJ文献一篇 Capital Controls with International Reserve Accumulation: Can This B
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感谢AEJ Macroeconomics正式发表文献一篇
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