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急求Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting 2016 3rd edition solution manual
2 个回复 - 1800 次查看 急求Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting 2016 3rd edition solution manual!!by Peter J. Brockwell (Author), Richard A. Davis (Author) 20个论坛币重谢! 一定要是2016年第3版的!全部习题的so ...2017-2-13 08:52 - 珍宝三角 - 金融学(理论版)
2 versions solutions, introduction to time series analysis and forecasting
12 个回复 - 5509 次查看 I collect 2 different versions of "introduction to time series analysis and forecasting" solution manuals. Both are patial solutions, but they will be very helpful if you want to understand this boo ...2010-9-28 09:44 - kingkevin - 金融学(理论版)
Solution Manual, Introduction to Time Series & Forecasting
50 个回复 - 19007 次查看 PS. Selection, 31 pages in total, not for all questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!注意: 部分答案,共31页,打印版本,不是全部!!!!!!!不好意思,这份材料多要了些,因为真的很不容易才找到的。如有急需又无币的,请告知电邮 ...2010-4-8 23:46 - fantasysky - 金融学(理论版)
solution for introduction to time series and forecasting,Peter J. Brockwell
39 个回复 - 11333 次查看 solution~~~ important. 一、概念 二、判断 三、推论 四、论证 五、思维的基本规律 六、对《学会想问题》一书的分析2009-9-2 06:01 - jcjc0602 - 计量经济学与统计软件